Gods of all people: Evolution starts from Zerg

Chapter 222 An old tycoon from one hundred thousand planes!

Li Tianyi planned to wait for Li Yingying to grow into a high-level god and let him accept various matters of the Li Family Chamber of Commerce.

He retreated into the background,

Being able to talk to Lin Hua about these secret things actually means that Li Tianyi is not regarded as an outsider by Lin Hua.

After all, without Lin Hua, Li Tianyi would not be where he is today.

This is understandable,

In addition to the issue of taking over the Li Family Chamber of Commerce,

The other thing is about Lin Hua and Li Yingying.

As we all know, gods have no lifespan;

In the Eastern Alliance, you only need to be eighteen years old to get married.

If they couldn't get married, tens of thousands of gods would die on the battlefield every year.

At that time, the gods and clan may send it directly.

Regarding this matter,

Lin Hua neither agreed nor refused.

If you want to get married, Li Yingying is indeed a good choice.

Almost flawless.

Strong background, gentle character, good etiquette.

However, before the threat from the Western Alliance is truly eliminated.

Lin Hua still dared not promise anything easily.

Not to mention anything else, the Pope in the Western Alliance and the top red archbishops,

Lin Hua is not sure of victory yet.

For those top figures, it is almost a certainty that there will be a demigod species in God's Domain.

As soon as Li Tian understood what Lin Hua meant, he didn't mention it any more.

The threat from the Western Alliance is indeed close at hand.

The battle in the Ascension Tower will also be extremely cruel.

Before leaving, Li Tianyi gave Lin Hua many top-notch divine resources and divine species.

As for resources, Lin Hua didn't ask for them. Lin Hua, who was sitting on one hundred thousand planes, didn't lack any divine domain resources at all.

As for the divine species, Lin Hua took a quick look and found that there was no genetic sequence needed by the Zerg.

After bidding farewell to Li Tianyi,

A few more days have passed, and the day for the opening of the Tower of Ascension is getting closer and closer.

The atmosphere between the top leaders of the Eastern Alliance and the Western Alliance also became tense.

The Tower of Ascension does not have a great impact on the gods at the bottom.

After all, trials that only high-level gods are eligible to participate in have nothing to do with ordinary gods.

The day before approaching the Tower of Ascension,

The list was finally released.

Most of the ten people are senior officials from both alliances, and a few are big bosses from other industries in both alliances.

Their ranks are between the primary-level high-level gods and the intermediate-level high-level gods.

As for high-level gods, there is none.

There is no need to exchange a precious quota for that one thousandth chance.

However, there was one person on the list that attracted the attention of the entire Eastern League's top brass.

Lin Hua... a high-level mid-level god.

Yes, Lin Hua is also among the ten places.

This caused an uproar among the top leaders of both alliances.

Because this quota was decided by Mr. Zhao and a group of high-level gods from the Eastern Alliance.

No one will participate until the list is released.

Unexpectedly, Lin Hua was also on the list.

It was originally agreed that Lin Hua would accompany him on the visit.

Why did he suddenly become a contestant?

Moreover, over the years, those who participated in the promotion war were not all high-ranking gods.

How dare a mere mid-level god do that?

This is too much of a waste of quota.

Let’s not talk about whether the middle god can withstand the pressure of the Tower of Ascension.

Even if you can bear it.

Can a single mid-level god bring any benefits to the Tower of Ascension in the Western Alliance's battle for gods?

Even if he got the benefits, he was successfully promoted from a middle god to a high god.

With this value, can a junior high-level god be promoted to an intermediate-level high-level god, or a mid-level high-level god be promoted to a high-level high-level god?

The last and most important reason.

Lin Hua's appearance took away an important spot.

In this way, the high-level gods who had hoped to participate were dissatisfied.

They approached the Ministry of Military Affairs one after another, hoping that Mr. Zhao would give an explanation.

But Mr. Zhao simply replied with one word.


As for Lin Hua getting a spot in the Tower of Upgrade,

There are many dissatisfied people in the Eastern Alliance.

After all, there is only one quota, and each one is precious.

Lin Hua's appearance occupied some of the places that might have been possible to participate.

These people were unhappy and went to Mr. Zhao to ask for an explanation.

However, Mr. Zhao's attitude was basically get lost.

Although the original words are not like this,

But the introduction summarizes it like this.

Although everyone has opinions on this, no one dares to continue mentioning it.

Moreover, Lin Hua's achievements and strength are also displayed there.

The previous killing of a group of surrendering high-level officials from the Eastern Alliance and the Bai Family Chamber of Commerce.

Although the Eastern Alliance did not say it explicitly,

But all the senior executives knew it.

If you dare to go against Lin Hua, the consequences will be death.

So, after just a little fuss.

Seeing that nothing worked, these guys were completely at ease.

Time passed like this day by day,

Soon it was time to open the Tower of Ascension.

On this day, Lin Hua came to the Military and Administrative Department building of the Eastern Alliance.

Only high-level officials can participate in the trials of the Tower of Ascension.

Therefore, this trial has no impact on ordinary gods.

Not much attention except from the top.

But in fact, this trial is the most difficult battlefield to determine the fate of the Eastern Alliance.

In the previous joint examination of the ten schools, the plane hunting battle was a battle between one's own people.

The Tower of Ascension is a real national war.

Who can grab more resources?

It can quickly improve the high-end combat effectiveness of the Eastern Alliance.

On the other hand, it is getting weaker and weaker.

This is a battle related to the destiny of the country.

When Lin Hua arrived at the military and political building, all the big guys from the Eastern Alliance were already there.

As soon as he entered the hall, Lin Hua felt several powerful auras pressing on him.

Those present at the scene were all the core executives of the Eastern League.

They are all superior gods,

And there are quite a few people who have bad intentions towards Lin Hua because Lin Hua grabbed the spot.

For Lin Hua, a newcomer,

They decided to let Lin Hua make a fool of himself.

Not everyone can withstand the pressure of divine power exerted by dozens of high-ranking gods.

Even high-level gods may not be able to resist it.

At least it will be difficult to move forward, but at worst it will be directly repelled.

However, Lin Hua remained unmoved.

After feeling the hostility and oppression from the surroundings.

Of course, Lin Hua couldn't coddle them.

The next moment, the majestic divine power in the body spurted out,

This divine power was so powerful that it pushed back the pressure of divine power from those present.

Lin Hua has nothing to do.

On the contrary, those who exerted divine pressure on Lin Hua were knocked back a few steps.


There was a sound of gasping air.

How can this be!

Lin Hua, you...have you become a high-ranking god?

Only then did someone realize that something was wrong.

The aura exuding from Lin Hua's body, while still being a mid-level god, was clearly a high-level god.

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