Gods of all people: Evolution starts from Zerg

Chapter 218 Transform the Queen of Blades and crush her!

In addition to elves, the same is true for other species.

For example, the God of Dragons and the God of Giants.

In Lin Hua’s priestly list,

There is this God of the Zerg who has achieved the priesthood among the Zerg.

However, this priesthood is the same as the God of Elements.

Lin Hua was not very satisfied.

Only using elements or a single species to achieve the priesthood,

That would be so boring.

Lin Hua imagined more than that.

If other people knew Lin Hua's thoughts, they would be so angry that they would vomit blood.

Damn it, I don’t even want the one-in-a-million elemental priesthood.

How many gods want to achieve this priesthood but have not yet had the opportunity.

The first thing that pops up is old Versailles.

As for the Zerg being named the God of the Zerg.

That would be even scarier.

Species Achievement Priesthood has a characteristic.

The more powerful the species, the more powerful the accomplished priesthood.

The strength of the Zerg is obvious to all.

Just this... I'm still not satisfied.

Then keep working hard.

Lin Hua nodded and said.

After Li Yingying becomes a high-level god, she will be considered a high-level combatant in the Eastern Alliance.

By then, he will be able to take over Li Tianyi's Chamber of Commerce.

After that, Lin Hua planned to go back to deal with matters in the God's Domain.

Are you that busy?

When Li Yingying saw Lin Hua turning around to leave, she immediately stopped in front of him and said angrily.


Lin Hua was speechless for a moment.

It’s time to head to the Tower of Upgrade for the upgrade trial.

At that time, Lin Hua will face the most powerful group of high-ranking gods in the Western Alliance.

You must quickly improve your strength.

So much so that I spent several months running between the Mission Hall and the Void Positioning Hall.

Lin Hua honestly felt a little guilty about this.

It seemed that he saw Lin Hua's dilemma.

Li Yingying was naturally very sensible and did not persist.

She smiled and said.

Then after the Tower of Ascension is over, you have to stay with me!

I will!

Lin Hua nodded solemnly.

A girl like Li Yingying is indeed irresistible.

It's so comfortable to get along with such a female supporter.

After Lin Hua returned to the villa, he sat on the sofa.

Then, he submerged his spiritual thoughts into Lilia's divine realm.

In the divine realm, an active springtail is jumping around on the ground.

Abathur, tell me about your achievements.

Lin Hua was actually not in a hurry to use Bai Ze's seal card.

Instead, he first focused on the brainworm Abathur.

In the past few months, Abathur has made several improvements to the Queen of Blades.

Combined with the previous weaknesses,

Abathur made changes,

Now it can only become more powerful and deadly.

As you command, God of the Zerg!

Abathur climbed out of the insect hole and raised his head full of nerve tissue.

Combined with previous cases, the Queen of Blades' genes were rearranged.

Having transformed his psychic structure, the Queen of Blades' psychic explosions have a longer range of influence and can cause area damage.

His bone structure has been modified to make the Queen of Blades' defense more powerful, and the genetic sequence of the dirty water sac has been fused to make the bone wings secrete dirty water.

After transforming its internal structure and integrating Leviathan's jumping organ, the Queen of Blades can jump short distances.

Abathur spoke out his research results one by one in a magnetic bass.

Simplified into vernacular.

The Queen of Blades' psychic explosion skill has a wider range.

And unlike before, it can only carry out single-point blasting.

And can affect a large area.

But if you choose range damage, the power will be greatly weakened.

The Queen of Blades is physically stronger than before;

And even more deceitful.

The most powerful thing is that the bone wings behind it can secrete dirty water, which can continuously corrode the enemy after piercing it.

It is equivalent to a quenching effect.

The last change was to transplant part of Leviathan's warp organ into the Queen of Blades.

The Queen of Blades can jump over short distances.

But the distance of this instant jump is very close.

Only a few kilometers.

Can't take into account distance and speed at the same time?

, Lin Hua said.

Genes compete with each other and the fittest survive. If one type evolves, the other will be discarded.

Abathur responded.

The evolution of living things is never perfect.

Yes Abathur, biological evolution will never be perfect, but what we should pursue is perfection.

Lin Hua replied.


Abathur has proven its worth very well.

This made Lin Hua very satisfied.

With Abathur here, the evolution of the Zerg will never stop.

Lin Hua summoned the Queen of Blades,

Then he took out Bai Ze's seal card from his backpack.

After all, it is a ninth-order holy beast-level creature, so let the Queen of Blades prepare in advance.

Wouldn't it be embarrassing if I couldn't beat him?

The seal card was taken out and placed on the God's Domain.

Lin Hua used divine power points to lift the seal above.

A huge golden light instantly illuminated the entire divine realm.

Wow! Golden Legend!

It is indeed a holy beast-level creature, and it is a holy beast-level creature that represents auspiciousness.

This appearance is unusual.

The next moment, Bai Ze appeared on the ground of God's Domain.

It has a body shape like a unicorn, with two horns and a goatee.

The whole body exudes a vague power of rules and a powerful aura.

Queen of Blades, kill them.

Lin Hua didn't have many BBs, so he directly ordered the Queen of Blades to kill Bai Ze and seize the genetic sequence.

Psychic explosion!

The Queen of Blades clenched her right hand, and terrifying spiritual energy gathered between heaven and earth.


With an earth-shattering bang.

A huge psychic explosion sounded,

This energy was so huge that the surrounding space shattered like a mirror.

The huge energy wave dispersed,

Bai Ze stood on the spot unharmed.

A few hundred meters ahead were the traces left by the psychic explosion.

Lin Hua: ...

Queen of Blades: ...

what's up?

It's obviously right!

The Queen of Blades glanced at her palm in confusion.

There should be no deviation!

This is Bai Ze's power of luck!

Lin Hua understood the problem.

With the power of luck on his side, it would be difficult for random attacks to hit Bai Ze.

Even if it is aimed, it is useless.

Because your luck will affect the results of your aim.

Direct hand-to-hand combat!

Lin Hua ordered the Queen of Blades to change her attack method.

If you punch hard enough, the power of your luck will no longer have an effect!

In the meantime, the Queen of Blades teleported and arrived in front of Bai Ze in the blink of an eye.

Saw the Queen of Blades suddenly appearing from the void.

A trace of doubt flashed in Bai Ze's eyes.

Immediately afterwards, the bone spurs on the bone wings behind the Queen of Blades quickly pierced out like sharp swords.

The speed was so fast that a gray chain was drawn in the air.

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