Gods of all people: Evolution starts from Zerg

Chapter 219 Killing Bai Ze, specializing in talents

The power of luck can avoid random number attacks.

But for this hand-to-hand combat,

There is no resistance at all.

Bai Ze wanted to run away, but he couldn't keep up with the Queen of Blades.


The Queen of Blades' bone needle still penetrated Bai Ze's body, piercing a huge wound.

Immediately afterwards, a large amount of dirty water was secreted from the bone spurs, which began to corrode and pollute Bai Ze's body.

Bai Ze felt the pain,

With a single struggle, he broke free from the bone spurs,

Quickly flew to a safe distance.

Immediately afterwards, some strange light began to spread from Bai Ze's body.

The dirty water remaining in its body was actually removed.

Can even the negative effects of dirty water be eliminated?

Above the sky, Lin Hua, who had been observing the battle below, couldn't help but speak.

Bai Ze's skill is immune to the power of rules.

It's really awesome.

The corrosive effect of dirty water is actually the power of rules.

This is not surprising.

At this moment, Abathur, who was watching from a distance, also spoke.

Observe actual combat and find out what you can make up for!

The Queen of Blades' external bone spurs are perfectly sharp. Invisible bone spurs should be added to prevent enemies from escaping.

Hidden barbs?

Lin Huashen nodded in agreement,

Indeed, although the Queen of Blades' bone spurs are sharp, they are also too smooth.

After piercing the enemy's body, it is easily extracted by the enemy.

If there is another row of barbs on the bone spurs,

There is no way for the enemy to break free of the bone spurs easily.

If you try to break free, it will only cause a second chamber of commerce.

Abathur, let's mutate when we get back.

Lin Hua said with satisfaction.

The fighting on the battlefield continues.

Although Bai Ze is a ninth-level holy beast species.

But after all, it’s just an auxiliary type of unit.

It is not on the same level as the combative Qiongqi in terms of combat effectiveness.

under constant consumption.

The energy in Bai Ze's body will eventually be exhausted.

The Queen of Blades has her back against the Zerg and is tireless.

In fact, the outcome has already been decided.

Finally, the Queen of Blades pierced all eight bone spurs behind her into Bai Ze's body.

Bai Ze's body turned into countless fragments like a balloon that exploded.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Hua ordered the springtails to pounce on the flesh and metal and devour them.

Ding: Congratulations to the host for killing the ninth-order holy beast-level creature Bai Ze.

Ding: Congratulations to the master for getting the gene - turning bad luck into good luck, an auspicious thing that will never be forgotten.

Ding: Congratulations to the master for obtaining the Baize Totem.

The system's beep sounded quickly.

Three powerful gene sequences were placed in the system backpack.

Ding: The Zerg successfully mastered genes - turning danger into good fortune.

Ding: The Zerg successfully mastered the music gene - an auspicious thing.

Ding: The Zerg successfully became my gene - photographic memory

These three genes can affect all units of the Zerg.

Among them, turning bad luck into good luck can allow the Zerg to gain immunity from attacks by the power of rules.

Auspicious things can give the Zerg a powerful power of luck.

To put it simply, the luck value increases, making it difficult for random attacks to attack the Zerg.

Photographic memory seems very useless, but Lin Hua attaches great importance to it.

With the gene of photographic memory, Lin Hua can let Leviathan draw the map in the void.

In this way, Lin Hua no longer needs to use the void locator to explore the void.

The map coordinate points drawn by oneself are much better than the coordinate points drawn by the alliance.

The last one is of course the Baize Totem.

However, this totem somewhat disappointed Lin Hua.

It can't be compared with Qiongqi Totem at all. It can be said to be two diagonals.

It seems that more holy beast-level creatures need to be found to unlock the secret of this totem.

Ding: The Zerg swallowed up Bai Ze's genes, and the cockroach advanced to an eighth-level unit.

Ding: The Zerg swallowed up Bai Ze's genes, and the mutant dragon advanced to an eighth-level unit.

The system beep sounded again.

The ranks of cockroaches and mutalisks have also been raised to eighth level.

The overall strength once again achieved a qualitative leap.


Lin Hua took a long breath.

The more you improve your strength, the more confident you will be when facing the upcoming upgrade tower.

System, open the properties panel.

After dealing with Bai Ze, Lin Hua spoke.

[Host]: Lin Hua

[Priesthood]: Undecided (can evolve into the God of Elements and the God of Zerg.)

[God level]: High-level mid-level god.

[Theocratic Function]: Power of Elements

[Divine Domain Area]: 100 million square kilometers (Lilia Divine Domain)

[God Realm]: Lilia God Realm, Zagara God Realm, God Realm No. 1, God Realm No. 2, God Realm No. 3 (a total of ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine.)

[Species]: Two Leviathans, one Queen of Blades, one Cerebrate, 7.7 million Zerg Queens, and the remaining Zerg combat units are approximately 18.8 billion (the number is the sum of all divine domains)

[Divine Power Points]: 1470

[Time ratio]: One to one hundred can be adjusted arbitrarily,

[System Backpack]: Artifact Descendant Longbow, 13,300 basic elemental godheads,

Evolution points 86.7 billion.

Looking at his attribute panel, Lin Hua fell into deep thought.

First, there is the issue of priesthood.

Currently available are the priesthoods of the Elemental God and the Zerg God.

If these two priesthoods were placed in front of ordinary gods, they would be very powerful, and they were hard to come by.

But Lin Hua always felt that it was almost interesting.

With the number of divine realms and the number of divine power points instilled in the original godhead, more and more divine power points are instilled.

Lin Hua can now clearly feel that a priesthood is being unlocked.

This priesthood will be a powerful priesthood that no god has ever tried.

As for the divine realm, Lin Hua now mainly controls his original divine realm - Lilia's divine realm.

Leviathan, the Queen of Blades, and Cerebrates all live in this divine realm.

The other divine realm is Zagara’s divine realm.

This divine realm is the upper plane that Lin Hua first invaded, except for these two divine realms.

Leviathan spreads insect queens everywhere in the outer void, spreading seeds of destruction.

Now there are planes where the Zerg and fungus carpets are located, and the number has reached more than 99,000.

According to the speed of carpet infection and the speed of Zerg growth.

There will also be a number behind these planes, which represents the progress of the Zerg devouring.

Once this number reaches 100%, it means that there are no other creatures except the Zerg in the entire plane.

It is equivalent to being completely transformed into Lin Hua's divine domain.

The huge number of divine realms represents the huge number of Zerg.

The number of Zerg in all planes is added up.

It has reached a terrifying figure of close to 20 billion.

This is a very scary thing.

Because these nearly 20 billion Zerg are not just a bunch of fluff with no fighting ability!

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