Gods of all people: Evolution starts from Zerg

Chapter 217 Exchange for the holy beast-level creature Bai Ze!

The Li Family Chamber of Commerce also took over the properties of the Bai Family Chamber of Commerce and expanded rapidly.

It became the largest chamber of commerce in the Eastern Alliance.

At this moment, Lin Huayong finally saved one million credits.

Now, he is about to become the first student in the history of the Eastern Alliance to redeem a holy beast-level creature.


After repeatedly confirming that the credits on the identity card reached one million points.

Lin Hua walked into the school's exchange room.

Today is the weekend, and there are quite a few students in the exchange hall.

After doing tasks in the mission hall for a week, it was time to go to the exchange hall to do some shopping.

Lin Hua walked into the hall with a clear goal.

Went directly to the deepest part of the hall,

In front of that gorgeous counter.

[Holy Beast Level Creature Bai Ze (Level 9)]: One million credits.

Then, Lin Hua took out his identity card.

Regarding Lin Hua's behavior, the other students present didn't think anything of it.

After all, there are so many students every year.

I feel that I am qualified to touch this holy beast-level creature.

When they see the price of Baize, they will all leave disappointed.

Therefore, no one thinks that Lin Hua can redeem this holy beast-level creature.

But the next moment,

Lin Hua swiped his ID card in front of his smart computer.

Ding: One million credits will be deducted for successful purchase.

The sound of the smart computer prompting successful purchase quickly sounded.


what's the situation?

One million credits? Is this really serious?

Good guy, special code directly, good guy.

The students around him immediately looked over.

Fuck, it's you!

A junior male student screamed,

It was the senior who persuaded Lin Hua not to do so much a few months ago.

He was stunned at the moment and his mind was in confusion.

At that time, he felt that Lin Hua was overestimating his abilities.


The clown turned out to be myself.

One million credits deducted?

The protective shield in front of the counter disappeared instantly.

Lin Hua took the seal card and turned around to leave.

What was left was a group of shocked students around them.

After getting Baize.

Lin Hua quickly returned home to the villa.

I happened to meet Li Yingying coming back from outside on the way.

When she saw Lin Hua, she trotted up to Lin Hua.

Lin Hua, I heard that you have been taking tasks in the school's mission hall recently!

In the past few months, Lin Hua went to the mission hall to pick up missions whenever he had free time.

The title of Task Maniac has been spread.

Li Yingying is not surprised to know.

Ahem... The exchange room in the school has what I need, so I have a little more work to do.

Lin Hua coughed twice and said.

A little...a little more?

Li Yingying burst out laughing.

It's not just a lot.

Several times, Li Yingying wanted to practice with Lin Hua.

Lin Hua can't be found at all.

It can be said that I spent almost all day and night traveling back and forth between the school's mission hall and the void positioning hall.

You're too tired. Tell me what resources you need.

Li Yingying cares about Lin Hua very much,

Especially after the Li Family Chamber of Commerce replaced the Bai Family Chamber of Commerce and became the largest chamber of commerce in the Eastern Alliance.

Several Li family chambers of commerce have even appeared in the capital city.

Li Yingying felt that she should be Lin Hua’s support.

Instead of always being the object of Lin Hua's aid,

So recently I have collected a lot of things that may help Lin Hua practice.

You little fool, I have already accumulated enough credits. I don't need so many anymore.

Lin Hua said with a smile.

If we really talk about various divine domain resources,

To be honest, Lin Hua's level of completeness is even greater than that of the Li Family Chamber of Commerce.

Nowadays, Lin Hua has tens of thousands of divine realms under his command, most of which are from higher planes.

After the Zerg devours a plane, it will only destroy the species and ordinary landforms in the plane.

Regarding special landforms and resource landforms, Lin Hua did not let the Zerg destroy them.

Therefore, Lin Hua does not lack all kinds of so-called divine resources.

All right!

Li Yingying pouted and said.

She was not in a good mood after not picking up Lin Hua for a long time.

By the way, how is your original divine personality condensing?

Lin Hua suddenly remembered something and looked at Li Yingying and asked.

It is expected that it will be condensed and completed in about a year.

Li Yingying thought for a moment and said.

The resources that help condense the original godhead are too precious, and the entire chamber of commerce cannot provide much.

There are some in the money exchange room in the school, but the quantity is very small and the price is very expensive.


Lin Hua was stunned for a moment.

Are there any resources that can help condense the original godhead?

How come I don't know?

Lin Hua thought about it carefully.

When he became a high-level mid-level god, his godhead seemed to be condensed instantly.

He is not troubled by the time limit of condensing the original godhead.

Well...that's okay.

The genius turned out to be myself.

I am going to use my species to become a god and my priesthood to be the God of Elves.

Li Yingying continued.

The God of Elves...

Lin Hua once learned about the priesthood in school.

On the planet of gods, the most common priesthood is the elemental priesthood.

Such as the god of earth, the body of fire, or the god of mixed elements.

These are the most basic and easiest priesthoods to succeed.

Above these priesthoods, there is the God of Elements.

The God of Elements can control the power of all basic elements and is very powerful.

Only one among ten thousand gods can become the God of the Elements.

It can be said to be truly one in a million.

One of the priesthoods unlocked by Lin Hua is the God of Elements.

Although it is very precious, Lin Hua has no interest in the priesthood of the God of Elements.

In addition to using elements to achieve priesthood.

Another one is to use species to become gods.

For example, the Elf God chosen by Li Yingying,

It is through the elves that one can achieve the priesthood.

One advantage of doing this is that after achieving the priesthood of a species, the affinity for that species will be greatly enhanced.

For example, Li Yingying got a neutral elves.

If you want to convert them into his followers, it will take a lot of time and energy.

And if Li Yingying achieves the priesthood of the God of Elves, her affinity for the elves will be greatly strengthened.

A neutral elven clan can easily worship the elven god.

Convert to believer.

If you can achieve a higher level of true god of elves.

Then he truly becomes the only true god of the elves in the universe.

As long as they are an elven clan, they will worship the true god of elves.

Of course, the true God is too far away now.

And the true God of this universe is the only one.

As long as a true god of elves has appeared before you, then the same god cannot appear again.

Unless the last true god is killed.

But that goes too far.

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