Gods of all people: Evolution starts from Zerg

Chapter 211 The Bai boy! sudden!

Damn it, still ignore me.

When Bai Xiao saw these bugs, they didn't care about him at all, and he immediately started to curse.

This is not the first time this has happened.

It's really hard to tame him. I don't know how that bastard Lin Hua managed to tame him.

Bai Xiao spoke with a jealous tone.

Thinking of Lin Hua's amazing record, he was so strong only because of the Zerg.

If I had one, wouldn't I be his rival?

Bai Xiao thought like this, wishing he could trample Lin Hua severely under his feet in the next second.

At this moment, the insect queen crawled out from under the ground.

It raised its head and looked at the sky.


Bai Xiao looked happy,

He knew that this insect queen was equivalent to a leader-like existence in the Zerg tribe.

On weekdays, Bai Xiao was too lazy to move the Insect Queen no matter how hard he tried to do it. Why did he suddenly take action today?

Could it be that you have been inspired by me and are planning to surrender with me?

Thinking of this, Bai Xiao's face became even more excited.

Do you want to surrender to me?

He couldn't help but said excitedly.

He has even begun to fantasize about the feeling of being so domineering and domineering after getting the Zerg.


The insect queen let out a weird laugh.

I am ordered to kill you!

What the hell?

This time, Bai Xiao became autistic.

The divine species actually said that they wanted to destroy the gods.

Is this fucking reasonable?


Are you looking for death?

The next moment, Bai Xiao's tone suddenly became stern.

Being provoked by a divine species will let you reptiles know what it means to be powerful.

Come on, Bai Xiao ordered all species in his divine domain to attack,

At the same time, there are several attacking gods of his own.

After all, he is still the second generation of the ultimate rich. The high-end combat power in his divine domain is almost all mythical beast-level species, most of which are seventh-level, and there is one eighth-level being.

However, in front of today's Zerg, it is simply a joke.

The genetic evolution of the Zerg proceeds simultaneously.

When the Zerg in a world acquire new genes and complete evolution or advancement,

Zerg in other planes can also enjoy this effect.

Today's Zerg even the ninth-level species have hardened fronts.

What's more, it's trash like Bai Xiao.

The Zerg tribe, listen to my orders and devour and destroy this world for the God of Zerg.

The insect queen issued orders to the surrounding zerg.

Originally seemingly harmless to humans and animals, the slowly leisurely Zerg suddenly seemed to go into a violent rage.

The breath rises rapidly.

A seventh-level white tiger rushed to a springtail, trying to tear it into pieces with its sharp claws.

As a result, this springtail was more powerful than the seventh-level white tiger in terms of speed and physical strength.

With his backhand, he tore the seventh-level white tiger into pieces of meat.

What the hell?

What the hell?

A seventh-level mythical beast-level species was actually killed by a springtail.

Is this a fucking normal creature?

Bai Xiao, who was so frightened that he lost his mind, realized the seriousness of the matter and quickly raised his artifact and attacked the Zerg.

However, there are simply too many Zerg.

A single attacking artifact can only contain a very small number of bugs.

The range attack artifact cannot cause any fatal damage to the Zerg.

It happened so suddenly that no one would come to save him.

Just for a moment,

The species of believers in Baixiao Divine Domain were completely wiped out.

Resources have also been completely destroyed.


There was a crisp sound that only Bai Xiao could hear.

His original godhead was shattered.

Damn you bastard!

The divine realm was destroyed, Bai Xiao's original godhead lost its power support and shattered into pieces;

Of course only he felt it.

For the upper gods, the original godhead has been completely integrated with the soul of the god.

The original godhead is broken, and the gods will be counterattacked and die.

Fortunately, Bai Xiao is only a high-level intermediate god, and his original godhead is only a prototype.

So he was lucky to survive.


In the palace, Bai Xiao couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of blood.

The divine power in the body is gradually dissipating.

Lin Hua! You bastard!

Bai Xiao was furious and cursed loudly.

He could use his butt to think of who had done it to him.

I'm going to fucking kill you!

Anyone whose strength has been crippled will have their mentality explode at this moment.

But this is only his own fault.

Just when Bai Xiao was instantly killed by Lin Hua,

In the building of the Eastern Alliance Military and Administrative Department.

A group of senior figures were sitting in a huge conference room for a meeting.

The number one leader is Mr. Zhao.

In addition to Mr. Zhao, there are seven other high-level officials with the power of high-level gods.

Without exception, these people are all high-level gods.

In addition to these people, there are hundreds of other industry leaders in the Eastern Alliance.

For example, the leaders of various large-scale gods and cities and the commanders of military regions.

The patriarch of some ancient god's family,

Or he may be the president of a large company or chamber of commerce.

They exist in all walks of life, but without exception they are all superior gods.

The president of the Bai Family Chamber of Commerce is also among them.

This is the core and most powerful group of gods in the Eastern Alliance, controlling the life and death of tens of thousands of gods.

They are gathering together now,

Okay, I've almost finished what I need to say. Only the last two things are more important. I hope you can listen to your opinions.

Mr. Zhao sat in the center of the summit, scanned the people present, and said.

Everyone knows that the Tower of Ascension opens every few years. In the Tower of Ascension, there is an opportunity to be promoted to a true god.

Mr. Zhao said slowly.

When the word true god was mentioned, everyone in the venue couldn't help but breathe heavily.

After condensing the original godhead and reaching the upper level god.

The strength has reached a bottleneck,

It would be difficult to achieve improvement simply by developing the Divine Realm.

As for becoming a true god, that is something that is even more unthinkable.

Some gods have been trapped in this superior god for tens of thousands of years.

He has not touched the threshold of true God at all.

The Tower of Ascension is a place that can quickly help high-ranking gods ascend to the divine level.

The Tower of Ascension has a very ancient history.

Even before gods existed.

No one knows how it came from, but after tens of thousands of years of exploration,

Everyone discovered that as long as huge divine power is poured into the Tower of Ascension,

You can create a crack in the Tower of Ascension.

Higher gods can enter it and experience it.

If you are lucky, you will realize something or get some benefits in the Tower of Ascension.

It is not impossible to directly raise a small level of god.


The amount of divine power required to keep the Tower of Ascension open is very large.

It is difficult to achieve by relying solely on individual strength.

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