Gods of all people: Evolution starts from Zerg

Chapter 210 The humble, dog-licking rich second generation!

The other party was quite polite to Lin Hua.

Lin Hua asked Lin Hua for some Zerg samples and did not refuse.

This time, the last bit of goodwill was gone.

If it's just like this, forget it!

Li Yingying sighed softly.

It doesn't matter whether the business is big or small. My father has no intention of competing for the title of the No. 1 Chamber of Commerce in the country.

However, after the Bai Chamber of Commerce used their power to gain benefits, they started to push further.

It turned out that the Bai Family Chamber of Commerce was using its network of high-level relationships in the Eastern Alliance to suppress the Li Family Chamber of Commerce, but it only became more aggressive.

Going so far as to want to directly acquire the Li Family Shang would lead to their demise.

Naturally, it was impossible for Li Tianyi to agree to this request.

Selling the Chamber of Commerce is equivalent to destroying all your foundations in the capital city!

But the Bai Family Chamber of Commerce doesn't care about so much.

While letting the Eastern Alliance deal with the Li Family Chamber of Commerce,

On the other side, Bai Xiao was sent to the ancient city to ask Li Tianyi for all of them to be his in-laws.

This is so fucking shameless.

In the Bai Family Chamber of Commerce's concept, Li Tianyi only has Li Yingying as his daughter. As long as he grabs Li Yingying, the Li Family Chamber of Commerce will naturally be in the possession of the Bai Family Chamber of Commerce.

This made Li Yingying feel aggrieved.

This time she returned to the ancient city just to deal with this matter.

It is impossible to agree,

But if he refuses, the Bai Family Chamber of Commerce doesn't know what new tricks they can come up with to deal with Li Tianyi.

It’s so frustrating to be inferior to others in terms of strength!

Lin Hua was silent for a moment, and then touched Li Yingying's little head.

You have been tired these past few days, so go to bed early and leave the rest to me.

Looking at Li Yingying's watery eyes, Lin Hua comforted her.

But this will cause problems...

Li Yingying was still afraid of causing trouble to Lin Hua.

They won't be involved. In fact, their level doesn't seem to be high enough...

Lin Hua smiled.

I am actually very strong now.


Li Yingying wiped the tears from her eyes,

The nerves that had been tense for so long finally relaxed.

With Lin Hua's comfort,

Li Yingying returned to his villa.

As for Lin Hua, although on the surface it seems there is no fluctuation.

But I was already getting angry inside.

It would be fine if the Bai Chamber of Commerce used its network in the Eastern Alliance to compete unfairly.

If you dare to set your sights on Li Yingying, you will be full of tricks!

No, it’s just a trick.

Back home, Lin Hua sat on the sofa.

Among the many insect queens, Lin Hua found the one that was originally given to the Bai Family Chamber of Commerce.

I feel your call, God of the Zerg!

A weak voice appeared in Lin Hua's mind.

Before you left, you told me to hide the Zerg and slowly develop it.

You did very well.

Lin Hua praised him without hesitation.

Now, it's time for you to lead the Zerg race to devour everything.

What enemies are there in your world?

Lin Hua continued to ask.

The insect queen told Lin Hua all the information it knew.

Is the highest level seven?

And it's a single species with an extremely powerful aura.

Judging from the description of this insect queen, this insect is now in Bai Xiao's divine domain.

That stupid guy still wants to tame me. He really overestimates his capabilities.

The insect queen continued to speak.

Our will is that of the Zerg God.

Sure enough, the Zerg that the Bai Family Chamber of Commerce asked Lin Hua for was not for collection at all.

Instead, they want to tame the Zerg for their use.

Unfortunately, their calculations were wrong.

Anyone who tries to tame the Zerg will be counterattacked.

Queen of the Insects, lead your army of Insects to destroy that divine domain!

Lin Hua said in an indifferent tone.

A simple sentence decided the life of this second-generation richest man in the Eastern League.

As for the alliance executive behind the Bai Family Chamber of Commerce?

Don't think about it, this brother is probably deceived.

You must know that Lin Hua is now the hero of the Eastern League.

Mr. Zhao wished he could kill all the enemies who wanted to harm Lin Hua.

Not to mention our own people,

I am worried that there is no place to catch typical examples.

National interests are above all else!

Lin Hua now is the creator of the future.

As for the rest,

Destroying you has nothing to do with you.

Kill Bai Xiao first, then the Bai Family Chamber of Commerce.

Lin Hua was silent for a while, and then used his spiritual thoughts to contact Mr. Zhao in the Military and Political Department.

Capital Divine University is not very far from the Ministry of Military Affairs.

So it's pretty easy to do that.

Huh? Lin Hua.

Mr. Zhao's voice echoed in Lin Hua's ears through his spiritual thoughts.

I was just about to look for you and you came. What's the matter?

Mr. Zhao, there are some things I want to tell you in advance, regarding the top management of the Eastern Alliance.

Oh? Tell me about it?

While Lin Hua was in contact with Mr. Zhao,

Bai Xiao is also enjoying himself on his floating island.

On the floating island of the Bai Family Chamber of Commerce, there is a magnificent palace.

Bai Xiao was lying comfortably on the sofa, surrounded by a dozen pretty maids serving him.

Damn it, people like the Li Family Chamber of Commerce still refuse to give in.

Bai Xiao said cursingly.

He got angry thinking about what happened today.

In order to annex the Li Family Chamber of Commerce,

Bai Xiao also made a special trip to the ancient city to force Li Tianyi to marry his daughter to him.

As a result, the other party not only refused to give in,

Bai Xiao was immediately rejected.

This made Li Yingying scolded when she came to inquire later.


How infuriating!

Thinking of this, Bai Xiao's face couldn't help but twitch.

However, my father is here,

Through the network in the Eastern Alliance, he continued to put pressure on the Bai Chamber of Commerce.

It won't be long before the Li Family Chamber of Commerce will go bankrupt.

At that time, it will not be up to you to decide how the Li family will handle it.

Thinking of this, Bai Haoran's anger eased.

When I think of Li Yingying’s beautiful face,

The maids around them instantly became a group of vulgar beauties.

You guys go away, I'm going to develop the divine domain!

Bai Xiao stood up from the sofa and shouted away all the maids around him.

Then, she submerged her spiritual thoughts into his divine realm,

Then it was explained to the Zerg.

You bugs, are you still not going to succumb to me?

I saw a place in the divine realm with good air.

On the plains that are particularly suitable for species to survive,

The densely packed Zerg race was running slowly and harmlessly.

On this plain, Bai Xiao put a lot of food and resources.

Bugs always want to eat meat, so he also put in a lot of fresh meat.

There's even dragon meat.

Using dragon meat as feed can be said to be very luxurious.

However, the Zerg ignored Bai Xiao's behavior at all.

Lin Hua is the real god.

Who are you?

It can be said that you are always in commotion because you can’t get it!

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