Gods of all people: Evolution starts from Zerg

Chapter 212 Fight? and? The ugly face of the capitulationists

This requires the joint efforts of the Eastern Alliance and the Western Alliance.

Only in this way can such a crack be opened,

Not only that, even if the cracks are opened,

The number of gods that the Tower of Ascension can accommodate at one time is also limited.

There are only twenty people at most.

Generally, the Eastern Alliance and the Western Alliance each contribute half of their efforts to open the Tower of Ascension for these twenty people.

Each side has ten spots.

The allocation of these ten places,

It becomes a problem.

This is not simply a divine species or divine resource.

It doesn't matter if you give it up casually, this is an opportunity to become a true god.

Even a superior god would not give up this opportunity easily.

There are too many monks and too little rice, which becomes a problem.

The seven high-ranking [higher gods] of the Eastern Alliance will not participate,

Because the chance of a higher god being promoted to a true god is too slim.

The chance of being promoted to an intermediate high-level god is one in tens of thousands.

Anyone with a discerning eye knows which one to choose.

Some people may say that although the probability is low,

But as long as you succeed once, you will not immediately become a true god above the planet of gods.

But when will this success occur.

One hundred years from now?

Or a thousand years from now?

After you've wasted so much time gambling on those one-in-a-thousand odds.

Your hostile country or hostile force,

Hundreds of high-level gods have been trained,

It directly flattens your country.

By then the Tower of Ascension will also belong to other countries.

I think our family of gods should have a share of this quota.

Bullshit, what have you idiots done for the Eastern Alliance?

In my opinion, we should...

In order to compete for this limited quota,

All the big guys present were quarreling together.

Attack each other, even expose each other's shortcomings.

She looked like a scolding shrew.

It is unimaginable that these normally aloof bosses would now be quarreling over their own interests.


Mr. Zhao rubbed his forehead with a headache.

The huge sense of oppression caused everyone present to become silent instantly.

It's still early for the quota. We can discuss it slowly. It's not just one chance.

After the scene became quiet, Mr. Zhao then spoke.

There are still several months to go. The Eastern League will allocate the quota. If we don't get a chance this time, we will just go next time.

In one sentence, the decision-making power was returned to the hands of the Eastern Alliance.

Although everyone present was a little dissatisfied,

But he didn’t dare to go against Mr. Zhao and the entire Eastern Alliance.

They all snorted coldly and stopped talking.

Okay, let's talk about this later. Now let's talk about Lin Hua.\

,"Mr. Zhao continued to speak.

When Lin Hua was mentioned, everyone present felt relieved.

This genius god's incredible achievements are obvious to all.

No one will question Lin Hua's strength.

Minister Wu, please tell me.

Old General Zhao looked at Minister Wu of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Ahem, I believe everyone already knows that Lin Hua killed the red archbishop.

Minister Wu coughed twice and spoke.

Our Eastern Alliance has always been at odds with the Western Alliance, and there have been constant frictions.

But for a long time, our Eastern Alliance has been at an extreme disadvantage. The appearance of Lin Hua has severely dealt a blow to the arrogance of the Western Alliance.

Well, Minister Wu, when did Lin Hua kill the red archbishop? Do you still want to talk about it now?

A mid-level superior god spoke.

Other high-ranking gods also raised similar questions.

It's been a while since this happened.

The Western Alliance has stopped pursuing the case.

Why did Minister Wu suddenly mention it again?

How long?

Minister Wu smiled.

Didn't it just happen yesterday?



Are you saying that Lin Hua killed another red archbishop of the Western Alliance?

At this moment, all the big guys from the Eastern League in the field noticed something was wrong.

Yes, just yesterday, the arrogant Cardinal Archbishop of the Western Alliance led their students from Notre Dame Academy to seize the void territory we just opened up.

If it weren't for Lin Hua's presence, we would have lost some void territory again.

Minister Wu informed every high-level boss of the Eastern Alliance present about the situation.


Killed another Western Alliance Archbishop?

And he is also the arrogant red archbishop!

This Archbishop is an all-too-familiar deity of the Eastern Alliance.

With the strength of a high-level god, this arrogant red archbishop caused many disputes and frictions between countries.

He actually died in Lin Hua's hands.

This was something that none of the big guys present had thought of.

If you can't fight, then you can't run.

Looking at the shocked faces of everyone,

Minister Wu explained what happened next.

The Western Alliance will never let go of the death of the Cardinal.

Because the Tower of Ascension is about to open recently, the Western Alliance can still endure it for a while.

But once the trial of the Tower of Ascension passes, the Western Alliance will never expose the matter of the Red Archbishop easily.

It is very likely that we will have a big war with the Western Alliance.

So I'm asking for your opinion.

Minister Wu said word for word.

Lin Hua's strong strength has made the Western Alliance unable to sit still.

Let me ask,

A genius with a terrible future appears in a hostile country.

As for you, can you still sleep peacefully?

But the Tower of Upgrade will open soon.

In the meantime, the Western Alliance can endure.

Once the trial of the Tower of Ascension is over,

Who knows how the situation in the world will change.

Even starting a war immediately is not impossible.

Now, we need to ask about the attitude among the senior leaders of the Eastern League.

War or peace.

This question silenced all the Eastern League bosses present.

On one side are the heroes of the Eastern Alliance, and on the other side are the huge threats from the Western Alliance.

Should we fight or compromise?

Since everyone has nothing to say, I will express my opinion.

Secretary-General Zhou, who had been silent all this time, spoke.

Our grievances with the Western Alliance have not lasted for more than a year or two. What have we gained through humiliating ourselves during all this time? Are we getting weaker every time?

The emergence of Lin Hua is an opportunity for our Eastern Alliance, and it is also the only opportunity that can save us from destruction. We must seize this opportunity and turn around in one fell swoop.

Secretary Zhou's words resonated with many big shots present.

How many years have passed since my grandson's family betrayed the Eastern Alliance and became the lackeys of the Western Alliance.

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