Gods of all people: Evolution starts from Zerg

Chapter 209 The Bai Family Chamber of Commerce is testing on the verge of death!

Immediately afterwards, there are the remaining two genes that Bai Ze can provide,

[Photographic Memory]: Bai Ze likes to record everything in the world, so he has the ability to have photographic memory. This gene sequence can be integrated into the Zerg, giving the Zerg the ability to accurately record with photographic memory.

At first glance, this gene seems to have little purpose.

It neither provides frontal combat capability nor super powerful BUFF like the power of luck.

It seems very tasteless,

At most, it can only record the enemy's appearance attributes and terrain conditions.

However, Lin Hua and Que didn't think so at all.

This thing can be used to record coordinate points in the void and draw a map of the void!

For a long time, gods who want to explore outside the territory must use the void locator to determine the coordinate points of their own divine domain.

Later, the gods came up with a solution. Using the god's planet as the reference coordinate center, they drew a void star map with a coordinate range of [X100000, Y: 100000, Z: 100000].

Of course, after years of continuous development,

The actual drawing range is much larger than this.

The incredible skill of photographic memory would be such a waste if it were only used to observe and record enemies.

What a waste.

This thing can be used to record void coordinate points.

Similarly, with the god planet as the center store, a divine domain is divided to set up a fixed comparison point.

Through Bai Ze's photographic memory ability, he can draw a complete space star map, and he can determine his position in the void at all times without using the void locator.

Anyway, Lin Hua has many divine realms, so there is no pressure to set up a comparison point with the divine planet.

Of course, there is also a puzzle at the end, the Baize Totem. I wonder what I can piece together with the Qiongqi Totem.

too strong!

After reading these genes, Lin Hua couldn't help but ask.

Lin Hua must get this Baize.

The fallen angel Lucifer did not have the genes needed by the Zerg in his body.

After finally finding a holy beast-level creature that was powerful and suitable for the Zerg to devour, Lin Hua naturally knew that he would not let it go.

Brother, are you still watching this?

The junior student next to him saw Lin Hua smirking at Bai Ze's seal card and couldn't help but speak.

Did I remind you not long ago? Be realistic and don't look at this thing.

One million credits is simply not something we can achieve.


Lin Hua was pulled out of his fantasy by the junior student's words.

Thank you, senior, for reminding me.

Although he said this, Lin Hua's eyes still did not leave the Bai Ze seal card behind the counter.


Well, it seems I said it in vain.

The junior student shook his head helplessly and left the exchange hall.

Then, Lin Hua continued to look around the exchange hall.

It's a pity that except for the mythical beast Bai Ze, there is nothing else that can interest Lin Hua.

It's a pity that items are not recycled in the exchange hall, otherwise Lin Hua could use his godhead to redeem credits in reverse.

With the jealous insect gods from outside the territory, Lin Hua now has a lot of godheads in his hands.

It seems that I can only accumulate credits little by little by doing tasks.

Before the Tower of Ascension opens, it's best to get Bai Ze.

Soon after, it was already dark when Lin Hua walked out of the exchange room in the school.

It's been a tiring day today,

It's time to go back and take a rest.

After two or three teleports, Lin Hua quickly returned to the door of his villa.

I was about to open the door and go in.

Suddenly a floating car flew from the sky.

Parked on the parking lot of the villa next door.


Lin Hua had some questions.

Next to it is Li Yingying's villa. Has she returned from the ancient city?

Lin Hua stopped thinking about going back to sleep.

I plan to go and take a look at this girl first.

Just walked to the door of Li Yingying's villa.

Li Yingying also just walked out of the villa,

She also wanted to find Lin Hua.

The two people happened to bump into each other, and Lin Hua saw that Li Yingying's eyes seemed to be a little red.

What happened at home?

Lin Hua asked with some concern.

Um...it's okay,

Li Yingying shook her head and said.

Business in the chamber is having some difficulties.

Lin Hua: ...

Such poor acting skills, where is the lie?

The Li Family Chamber of Commerce now has Lin Hua's support.

Not to mention the rapid expansion, it has become the largest chamber of commerce in the Eastern Alliance.

It’s unlikely that you’ll encounter difficulties in business.

This little fool is definitely not telling the truth.

Under constant questioning,

Lin Hua finally understood what was going on.

Ever since Lin Hua showed his terrifying talents,

All tasks related to Lin Hua have benefited greatly from this.

The first is Lin Hua's high school, which is now the most powerful high school in the entire ancient city.

The second is the municipal planning of the ancient city. Since Lin Hua achieved terrifying results in the plane hunting battle,

The ancient city became a municipality of the Eastern League.

Both area and economy have experienced tremendous development.

As the city grows, all walks of life in the city will follow suit.

The Li Family Chamber of Commerce is the biggest beneficiary.

With Lin Hua's name, the Li Family Chamber of Commerce has rapidly expanded and its economic benefits are getting better and better.

As the size of the Chamber of Commerce continued to increase, it even penetrated into some nearby gods and cities.

Acquired several local chambers of commerce,

As its strength grows, there are more and more resources in the God's Domain store.

The Li Family Chamber of Commerce has the potential to become the number one chamber of commerce in the Eastern Alliance.

The president, Li Tianyi, was successfully promoted to a high-level intermediate god not long ago.

But such rapid expansion soon attracted the attention of today's giants,

That's right, it's the Bai Family Chamber of Commerce in Capital City.

It's the chamber of commerce established by Bai Xiao's father.

Originally, normal competition was nothing.

However, Lin Hua's reputation is really terrifying.

The first person in the plane hunting station, the first person to pass the college entrance examination in history,

The hero who killed the Red Archbishop of the Western Alliance.

Under Lin Hua's terrifying influence,

The influence of the Bai Family Chamber of Commerce is no longer enough to compete with the Li Family Chamber of Commerce.

If you can't beat them on the bright side, then play some dirty tricks.

The Bai Family Chamber of Commerce uses its network of high-level relationships in the Eastern Alliance to target the development of the Bai Family Chamber of Commerce.

How could this small chamber of commerce, which had just developed bed sheets, be a rival to an established chamber of commerce like the Bai family that had been passed down for generations.

As expected, the Li Family Chamber of Commerce was miserably plotted and closed several branches outside the ancient capital city.

The economy was once in a sluggish state, almost to the point of bankruptcy.

Hiss... these disgusting things.

Lin Hua also felt a little angry after hearing about the Li Family Chamber of Commerce.

Let’s not talk about his relationship with the Li Family Chamber of Commerce.

Everyone is supposed to compete fairly based on their abilities. What does it mean to play dirty if you can't beat them?

Lin Hua had an encounter with Chairman Bai Jia at the Divine Domain Store in Capital City before.

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