Gods of all people: Evolution starts from Zerg

Chapter 208 A holy beast-level creature that can change the African chieftain!

I heard Li Yingying say before that there are a lot of rare species resources in the school's exchange hall.

I didn’t expect that there would be a holy beast-level species.

In the shocked eyes of the surrounding classmates,

Lin Hua left the mission hall and quickly came to the school's exchange hall.

Compared with the mission hall, the school's exchange hall seems much cooler.

Only a few students here are here to choose exchange items.

There are no staff here. Everything here is controlled by a large intelligent computer.

All the objects available for exchange were lying quietly behind the counter.

In front of the counter, the price of each item is clearly marked.

If you want to exchange something, you only need to swipe your ID card.

Intelligent troubleshooting will automatically deduct credits.

It can be said to be very convenient.

Lin Hua came to the counter and planned to take a look at what good things there were.

Sacred weapon Xuanwu Shield: five thousand credits.

1,000 sixth-level fire elemental creatures: two thousand credits.

Basic godhead of fire attribute: 10,000 credits

Wood attribute basic godhead: 10,000 credits

Seventh level divine beast level creature: Pixiu: Fifteen thousand credits

There is everything from species to artifacts.

There are many items available for exchange in the exchange hall in the school.

And the quality is also very high.

But think about it, this is the most outstanding divine university in the entire Eastern Alliance.

It is impossible to find anything spicy in the money exchange hall.

As Lin Hua walked deeper and deeper inside, the quality of the items he saw became higher. Of course, adding more items would be even more outrageous.

Finally, Lin Hua walked to the largest counter.

The splendid counter highlights the extraordinary items inside.

Lin Hua took a closer look.

Ninth-level holy beast-level creature Bai Ze: One million credits,

Lin Hua: ...

Is this price serious?

An ordinary godly university student can earn more than 10,000 credits a year.

It can be exchanged for a godhead or beast-level creature with any attribute.

If a god turns into a task maniac and does tasks crazily,

Earning 10,000 credits a year is not impossible.

But these one million credits... this is too outrageous.

A student only has three years at most to earn credits.

Brother, don't look at it. No one has ever successfully redeemed this thing since the establishment of the Capital Divine University.

Next to him, a male classmate who looked like a senior said.

You see, I'm already a junior in college, and I've only earned a total of 13,000 credits.

It would be great to be able to exchange it for a similar mythical beast-level creature after graduation.

“I recommend doing this, it’s the best value for money.”

His tone didn't sound like a joke, after all, honestly speaking, no one can save up to one million credits in a year.

Thanks for your reminder.

Lin Hua said politely,

One million credits…

It may be an impossible task for ordinary students.

But for Lin Hua, it's different.

Today alone, Lin Hua earned nearly 4,000 points.

At this rate, it would only take Lin Hua more than a month to save up to 100,000 credits during his business trip.

Of course, that's not how the accounts were calculated.

Lin Hua was lucky today and received two tasks with the highest reward points.

It's impossible to have such good luck every day.

Secondly, it is impossible for Lin Hua to do tasks non-stop for a month.

Always come out for some air and do other things.

Many factors come together,

Before opening the Tower of Upgrade, you must accumulate enough 10,000 points.

System, check whether the genetic sequence of the holy beast-level creature Bai Ze can be used by the Zerg.

To be on the safe side, Lin Hua asked the system to detect whether there were any genetic sequences in Bai Ze's body that could be exploited by the Zerg. ‘

Ding: Data is being checked.

Two genes that can be eaten by the Zerg were detected from the body of the holy beast-level creature Bai Ze - turning evil into good luck, an auspicious thing, a photographic memory, and Bai Ze's totem.

Sure enough, there is a powerful genetic sequence suitable for the Zerg.

Lin Hua was overjoyed,

It is indeed a holy beast-level creature! Not to mention that the body contains powerful genes needed by the Zerg.

There are actually three kinds.

Lin Hua couldn't wait to click on the detailed introduction of the three gene sequences.

[Turn misfortune into good fortune]: Bai Ze is a powerful mythical beast that can control the power of destiny. It has the powerful power to turn misfortune into good fortune. It is not controlled by the laws of heaven and earth. This gene can be fused to the Zerg, making the Zerg unit all-round. Under attack from the power of rules and theocratic functions.

Immune to attacks by the power of rules and theocratic functions?

Looking at this gene sequence, Lin Hua was completely confused.

The power of rules is the most powerful force in the ordinary plane.

Able to ignore physical and magical defenses and directly cause real damage to species.

No matter how thick the Zerg's bone plates are and how high their magic resistance is, they can't withstand the blow of the power of the rules of heaven and earth.

It's different with this gene sequence.

The power of thunder and lightning and the power of fire will all be ineffective against the Zerg.

This is simply terrible, it is a qualitative leap directly.

Not only that, this resistance is also valid for theocratic functions.

Because the essence of theocratic function is that the gods use their own divine power to manipulate the power of rules between heaven and earth to strike.

Currently, only the Queen of Blades has such an ability in the entire Zerg clan.

If the gene of Bai Ze is swallowed up, then ordinary units of the Zerg can also gain this ability.

[Auspicious thing]: The holy beast-level creature Bai Ze is a symbol of auspiciousness. It is an auspicious beast that can turn bad luck into good luck. Bai Ze can speak human language, understands the emotions of all things, knows the appearance of all things in the world, and is favored by God.

There is extremely powerful luck in the body. Devouring this gene can greatly strengthen the Zerg's luck and increase their luck significantly.

The power of luck?

Lin Hua frowned and thought.

Luck may sound a bit metaphysical, but to put it simply, it means luck.

Those with bad luck are called non-chiefs, and those with good luck are called European emperors.

African Emirates might be able to fill their teeth even if they drink water.

Ouhuang, even if you pick up something casually on the roadside, it is still a treasure.

There are constant adventures and good luck.

Luck also belongs to the power of rules, but it is indeed a power of rules that cannot be touched or seen.

You can't control it or feel it,

But secretly, it is changing your destiny all the time.

nice one!

Lin Hua couldn't help but speak.

This is a huge passive BUFF at the rules level!

To give a simple example,

Two springtails stood in the open space at the same time, and a hundred cockroaches in the distance immediately sprayed lava and dirty water into the air.

The springtail that had the worse luck soon died.

As for the springtail blessed by luck, none of these springtails that landed in the dirty lava water might be able to touch this springtail.

It doesn't seem to have any blessing on actual combat effectiveness, but this may be the most powerful genetic sequence Lin Hua has ever encountered.

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