Gods of all people: Evolution starts from Zerg

Chapter 201 Encountering Western gods by chance, they were shouting!

As for Abathur and Lilia,

These two bugs,

Although it doesn’t look like much to deal with,

But the common interests and goals are all for the Zerg.

It shouldn't be difficult.

Let’s wait a while and take a look at Abathur’s evolution.

Thinking of this, Lin Hua withdrew his spiritual thoughts from the divine realm.

It's time to do some ordinary tasks issued by the school.

After you have accumulated enough credits, you can go to the school's exchange center to exchange for some useful resources.

Just when Lin Hua was thinking,

Several voices suddenly came from the void.

Isn't this Lin Hua?

My savior! You also come to do regular tasks!

Immediately afterwards, the Divine Domain Positioning Cabin prompted that three more gods from the Eastern Alliance Empire were rapidly approaching.

The three people who came were none other than the junior seniors that Lin Hua had defeated at the hands of the demon from outside the territory.

After these three people saw the power of the demon from outside the territory,

I no longer dare to take on some difficult tasks easily.

Only dare to do routine tasks that are not dangerous.

As soon as they discovered Lin Hua's aura and divine realm, they immediately surrounded him.

Have you come back from a higher plane?

Although you are strong, you are no match for a higher plane!

If you had listened to us and done regular tasks, you would have earned a lot of credits by now!

These three junior students obviously did not expect that Dao Linhua had successfully completed the two most rare tasks assigned by the school in the mission hall.

After all, using the strength of a mid-level god to single-handedly destroy an upper plane sounds too appalling.

Even high-ranking gods would not dare to give this guarantee.

Lin Hua just smiled and did not explain anything.

Would you like to join us and do regular tasks together? This way you can earn credits steadily,

The female senior among the three said.

Lin Hua also had this intention, so he chose to agree.

Well, one more person will make it a lot faster.

Another male student spoke.

He placed an electronic list in front of Lin Hua.

But our target content is to clear out an area with a total of one hundred coordinate points.

Lin Hua lowered his head and glanced at the data on the list.

One hundred cubic coordinate points are ten credits.

Within these one hundred cubic coordinate points,

There are a total of 170,000 lower planes and more than 10,000 intermediate planes.

That's right, don't look at it. There are only a hundred coordinate points.

In fact, it is a very, very large area.

The planes contained in it can be said to be countless.

Lin Hua's mission is to clear out all these participating planes.

It's not a difficult task, it's just a time-consuming task.

If the cleanup is completed, you can continue to open up along the Y axis. The void positioning cabin will record your actions and calculate them into credits when you return.

The junior mentioned this casually.

I really just mentioned it casually, because just clearing the plane of these one hundred coordinate points would take at least several days of effort.

It is simply impossible to have the energy to continue to open up new areas.

Okay, then I'll start.

Lin Hua nodded and understood the rules for opening up the void territory.

Okay. Then let's get started!

The junior female senior said.

Immediately afterwards, the three of them connected the divine realm to a nearby medium plane.

Eh? Where's Lin Hua!

Isn't he planning to act together?

Concentrate your efforts to clear out the middle plane first, this will be much more efficient!

The three people's spiritual thoughts were exploring and exploring in the void.

But no trace of Lin Hua was found nearby.

However, the next moment, they were stunned.

In the meantime, Lin Hua controlled Zagara's divine domain and Lilia's divine domain to merge together.

Rushing in one direction of the Y-axis.

Other students are very cautious when carrying out their clearance work. When attacking a medium plane, they will choose multiple people to attack, and it usually takes several hours to destroy a place.

What about Lin Hua?

A living bulldozer!

Rampant all the way, what kind of lower plane or middle plane is ahead?

Without saying a word, just go straight to the practice.

The Zerg army roared past, and the Nydus Worms burrowed beneath the ground.

A student at the Divine University who is performing a routine task,

I saw Lin Hua's divine domain destroying several medium planes in just a few dozen seconds.

It doesn't stop at all.

At such a terrifying speed, the area of ​​​​the void territory opened up by Lin Hua continues to increase.

One hundred cubes... one thousand cubes... ten thousand cubes.

Manipulating the divine domain back and forth to plow the nearby void,

Leave nothing behind.

The surrounding students who were also performing routine tasks were stunned.

Is this the difference between geniuses and ordinary people?

These students looked at their results and found out that it might take them several days to open up a coordinate point.

I have the urge to curse my mother in my heart.


Does this... really exist?

The three junior students were stunned when they saw Lin Hua's terrifying advancement speed.

At the very least, this opens up a range of tens of thousands of coordinate points.

That’s thousands of credits!

Many students at divine universities can earn so many credits in one year.

It only took Lin Hua less than a day.

Is this reasonable?

No matter what others think, Lin Hua has leveled all the planes within a large area of ​​void.

This also means that the Eastern Alliance can safely expand the territory of the void.

Go back or continue?

Lin Hua stopped advancing and began to think.

Including the previous credits, I should have three to four thousand credit points now.

This number is already quite a lot.

Moreover, it is indeed a bit tiring after fighting continuously for such a long time.

It's better to go home and come back tomorrow.

Thinking of this, Lin Hua planned to control the evacuation of his divine domain.

However, at this moment, the accident happened again.

Dozens of sharp auras instantly locked Lin Hua's divine domain.

You stupid pigs from the Eastern Alliance, this place is already occupied by our Western Alliance. If you know better, get out of here.

An arrogant voice came from the void ahead,

His voice was deliberately loud.

Not only Lin Hua heard it, but also the students from the Capital Divinity University in the rear.

Is it a Western god? It must be from Notre Dame Academy!

Damn it! How can there be Western gods? This void territory has not always been developed by the Eastern Alliance.

From behind, a group of shocked voices continued to sound.

As we all know, the extraterritorial void is a neutral territory.

Whoever grabs it first, the Eastern Alliance or the Western Alliance, will get it.

But this time, the gods of the Western Alliance actually wanted to break this rule and take action.

Lin Hua frowned slightly.

Unexpectedly, after beating the gods of the Western Alliance last time, they were still not very honest.

I heard from the classmates behind me that these Western gods are most likely students of Notre Dame College.

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