Gods of all people: Evolution starts from Zerg

Chapter 202 Another red archbishop

As we all know, the void outside the house is neutral territory;

Whoever grabs it first, the Eastern Alliance or the Western Alliance, will get it.

But this time, the gods of the Western Alliance actually wanted to break this rule and take action.

Lin Hua frowned slightly.

Unexpectedly, after beating the gods of the Western Alliance last time, they would not be honest.

I heard from the classmates behind me that these Western gods are probably students of Notre Dame College.

Notre Dame College should be regarded as the best divine university in the Western League.

position at Notre Dame College of the West,

It's the same position as the Capital God University in the Eastern League.

The strength is even several times stronger than the Capital Divine University.

Faced with the shameless behavior of the Western Alliance, ordinary people would probably swallow their anger.

But today is different!

Because there are heroes from the Eastern Alliance present.

The hero who killed the red archbishop of the Western Alliance.

Why, aren't you going to get out yet?

This area already belongs to our Western Alliance!

During the confrontation, an unparalleled terrifying aura came from behind the Western God.

Lin Hua's pupils were lewd.

That was the aura of a high-level wounded god.

At least he is a red archbishop.

Facing high-level gods, to be honest, Lin Hua is not sure of victory yet.

Is it tough?

Or are you looking for a safe escape?

Lin Hua fell into a brief thought.

At this moment, the system prompt sounded.

Ding: Level 12 psychic waveform detected! The Queen of Blades is about to be born!

Just when Lin Hua was hesitating whether to be tough or run away.

The system prompt sound suddenly came to mind,

After being guided by the brainworm Abathur to evolve,

The Queen of Blades is coming.

Ding: The Queen of Blades is a ninth-level unit with ninth-level spiritual power. After Abathur's transformation, the spiritual power has been upgraded to level 1~2.

The system beeps continue to sound.

This is the role of Abathur, to guide evolution more efficiently and develop powerful mutation plans.

At this moment, the Queen of Blades is wrapped in an eggshell-like cocoon.

Dense cracks are all over it,

Rich life generally rises and falls with the breath.

Between the cracks, powerful spiritual light burst out,

Showing the powerful and terrifying power of the Queen of Blades.

Just as Lin Hua was observing the Queen of Blades Cocoon,

In the void, a divine realm with an extremely terrifying aura has arrived.

This place is already the territory of our Western Alliance, you can leave.

The high-level wounded god from the Western Alliance said in an arrogant tone.

The terrifying sense of oppression made all the students from the Capital Divine University present take a heavy breath.

What a joke!

The development and clearing of this area were completed by us.

Why? Give it to you?

Western Alliance! Don't bully others too much.

Although they were scared, none of the students at the Capital Divine University showed any fear.

It is the duty of every citizen of the Eastern Alliance to defend the national territory.

Haha, do you have any evidence that this place belongs to your Eastern Alliance?

The endless extraterrestrial void is originally a neutral territory. Whoever grabs it belongs to whoever takes it!

However, I still want to thank you for working so hard and helping us clean up the void here.

On the opposite side, the laughter and curses of students from Notre Dame College of the West could be heard.

Such a blunt insult can make people's blood pressure soar.

If a cardinal had not been present,

The two sides are 100% going to fight directly.

This area is relatively close to the void territory of the Eastern Alliance.

There are divine soldiers and high-level gods from the Eastern Alliance nearby.

Even the red archbishop of the Western Alliance,

I don’t dare to make too many mistakes here.

Moreover, the opponent's high-level gods are here.

The problem is no longer something that they, the students, can solve.

The high-level gods of the Eastern Alliance must have discovered the anomaly here.

It won't take long to arrive.

Let the senior leaders of the Eastern Alliance handle this matter.

In fact, this kind of thing happens every day.

In order to compete for territorial rights in the void outside the city,

The Eastern Alliance cannot do anything as shameless as the Western Alliance.

This is not the first time that a red archbishop has taken the lead in finding trouble like today.

Their purpose and clarity,

He didn’t come here just to kill people.

I just disgust you,

Forcibly demanding the void territory from you.

As a result, senior officials from the Eastern Alliance arrived,

Let's discuss it together.

Generally speaking, in order to avoid unnecessary trouble, part of the benefits will be given to the gods of the Western Alliance.

Although it is very annoying, there is nothing that can be done about it.

If there is a gap in the strength of a country, it will be beaten!

You little brats, get out of here! Let your higher gods talk to me.

The red archbishop continued.

The tone was full of arrogance.

Indeed, this situation is beyond what students can handle.

Lin Hua, come back quickly, Secretary-General Zhou will be here soon.

This kind of thing is not something we can get involved in.

From behind, the three junior students shouted to Lin Hua.

Lin Hua's position is just at the junction of the two forces.

Very close to the Cardinal,

very dangerous.

Once the red archbishop wants to take action, Lin Hua has no chance to escape.

The speed at which high-level gods control the movement of the divine realm is beyond what a void locator can match.

It would be better not to mention this.

As soon as these words came out,

The gods of the Western Alliance instantly focused all their attention on Lin Hua's divine domain.

Lin Hua!

The Lin Hua who wore ten at the last exchange meeting.

What's wrong with one of our Cardinal Archbishops not long ago?

All the students from Notre Dame College of the West exclaimed in surprise

They were very familiar with the name Lin Hua.

A hero in the eyes of the gods of the Eastern Alliance.

The devil in the eyes of the gods of the Western Alliance, the executioner!

The next moment,

An extremely powerful aura instantly locked onto Lin Hua's body.

Are you Lin Hua?

The arrogant voice of the red archbishop echoed in Lin Hua's ears.

Interesting! I didn't expect to meet you here!

The next moment, the red archbishop's divine domain moved quickly,

In an instant, he approached Lin Hua's divine realm.

The speed was too fast and there was no time to escape.

Of course, Lin Hua had no intention of running away.

The students from the Capital Divine University who saw this scene behind were all dumbfounded.

The red archbishop actually attacked Lin Hua!

A senior figure in the Western Alliance actually attacked a student!

This is simply... so shameless!


The three junior students who had just told Lin Hua to run away were all stunned at this moment.

You said...did we get into trouble?

They would never have thought that the red archbishop of the Western Alliance would attack a student regardless of his identity.

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