Gods of all people: Evolution starts from Zerg

Chapter 200 The positioning of brain worms and genetic recombination! 1.

Taking advantage of this time, Lin Hua cut off the connection between the divine realm and the upper plane.

And began to control the God's Domain to start moving in the void.

Both main tasks are solved,

Next, let’s complete some common tasks!

Ding: The brainworm has mutated!

Just when Lin Hua moved the Divine Realm to the place where the Void Territory was opened up,

The system beep sounded suddenly.

Huh? So fast?

Lin Hua's thoughts moved and his spiritual thoughts penetrated into the divine realm.

On the ground, a giant slug lay on the ground.

It has gray-black skin,

Mucus is constantly overflowing from the huge mouth,

Countless fine tentacles swayed with the mucus.

Anyway, it doesn’t look very good.

After observing the appearance, Lin Hua opened the attribute panel of the brain worm.

[Brain Worm]: Level 9

[Skills]: Super wisdom, transformation and evolution

[Evolution]: Special unit, no evolution.

[Note]: This unit has the highest intelligence among the Zerg, second only to the leadership ability of the Zerg God.

But has no attack or defense power.

High intelligence, no combat effectiveness, isn't this just another auxiliary unit?

Lin Hua frowned and said.

Brainworm, tell me about your role.

The pressure of the Zerg God dropped, and the Cerebral Worm found the source of this pressure.

Hello, Zerg God!

The brainworm curled up its body and raised its huge brain filled with nervous tissue.

I am responsible for modifying the Zerg units to make them more powerful and dangerous.

I have observed the Zerg test questions, explored potential, studied bloodlines, adjusted sequences, distorted essence, dismantled limbs...


What the hell?

Didn't understand.

Lin Hua was a little confused after these words.

“I eat flesh, chew bones, touch within me the essence of what I eat, restructure it, transform it.”

The Zerg are supreme, you will lead...

Lin Hua: ...

The chattering of the brainworm reminded Lin Hua of a character in a game he played in his previous life.

Idiom master Abathur...

Of course Abathur is also a brainworm.

Disassembly sequence?

Lin Hua probably understood the position of the brainworm among the Zerg.

And judging from its status, the mental level of the Cerebrate among the Zerg may be higher than that of the Zerg Queen.

Since the birth of this brainworm, Lin Hua can clearly feel that a powerful will has emerged in the Zerg's spiritual network.

Even the spiritual level of the leader of the insect queens like Lilia and Zagara is higher.

Of course it's still rubbish compared to Lin Hua.

Lin Hua is the God of the Zerg and the spiritual leader of the Zerg.

Very well, I hope you can play your part.

Lin Hua nodded with satisfaction.

The Zerg now have no shortage of fighting power.

What is missing is this powerful auxiliary unit.

You are my first brainworm, so I will give you the name Abathur!

Lin Hua thought for a while and decided to name it after the game in his previous life.

That person's name is much better than the one I came up with from a family that has difficulty naming.

Names are of no use, numbers are more accurate.

Abathur said in a deep male voice.


“But whatever God has given you, do not ask for a reason, and you will keep it.”

Abathur continued to speak.

It has no intention of disobeying Lin Hua, and there is no betrayal by the Zerg.

Brainworms are probably this kind of neurotic.

You'll get used to it from now on.

Thinking of this, Lin Hua shook his head helplessly.

Abathur, show me your skills.

Lin Hua continued to speak.

The cocoon behind you is the ultimate unit of the mutated Zerg race. How can you help with this?

Since Abathur's ability is to dismantle sequences and help evolve.

Then it should provide some help with the evolution of the Queen of Blades.

As you command, God of the Zerg!

Abathur received Lin Hua's order, turned around and crawled into the insect den.

Go through the winding insect passage to the incubation room where the Queen of Blades is located.

It touches the moist tentacles on its huge mouthparts to the cocoon,

It seems that she is feeling the Queen of Blades who has not yet completed her transformation in the cocoon.

Human... has a rough system, problematic interactions, similar characteristics, primitive body structure, low adaptability, and is destined to perish.

Abathur used his tentacles and the limbs in front of him to separate the genetic sequence of human hairy crystals in the cocoon.

It says it truthfully.

This person is different. He is a rare human individual with extremely strong psychic potential. He can be used as a template to fuse Zerg genes.

Natural evolution is too slow. If I guide it deliberately, it can greatly speed up the mutation speed.

As he spoke, Abathur wrapped the cocoon tightly with his limbs and integrated it into his body.

The original body was weak and weak, but the fused genes will make it even more powerful!

Above the sky, Lin Hua was very satisfied watching this scene.

With the addition of Cerebrates, the strength of the Zerg will be raised to a higher level again.

Its work greatly accelerated the Queen of Blades' mutation time.

Originally, Lin Hua estimated that it would take several months to mutate the Queen of Blades.

But with Abathur, this process was shortened to one day.

And after Abathur redesigned and arranged the genetic sequence,

The Queen of Blades created must be stronger than the previous one.

After about a few hours, Abathur spit out the cocoon from its moist mouthparts.

Through the transparent film, Lin Hua could feel an extremely powerful force.

The Queen of Blades is about to emerge from her cocoon.

Abathur...you did a good job.

Lin Hua issued the oracle in a majestic voice.

Next, the Zerg will still need you a lot.

From today on, you will live in the bug cave and start evolving the bugs, making them more threatening.

Let's start with the Insect Queen.

Thank you, God of the Zerg, for obeying this order.

Abathur squirmed and replied.

Lilia glanced at Abathur with disgust.

Abathur also noticed Lilia's gaze.

The existing insect queens already have the ability to solve complex problems, observe and learn, and command operations on multiple fronts.

It can further increase muscle density and improve brain tissue structure. The queen can make a variety of predictions. Cognitive flexibility is improved.

But improving brain tissue structure would increase the queen's independence, which would be against the rules of your rule.

Abathur continued to talk to himself.

Just follow your plan.

Lin Hua stopped the talkative Abathur.

You don't have to worry about unnecessary things.

For the Zerg, betrayal is impossible.

Lilia, please try your best to cooperate with Abathur's work.

Lin Hua ordered Lilia.

As you command, God of the Zerg!

Lilia responded respectfully.

Next, all we have to do is wait for the Queen of Blades to be born.

Combining the strongest spiritual power of humans with the strongest physical body of the Zerg, a terrifying unit will be born soon.

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