It doesn't matter if I die, but you are the hope of the empire, so nothing can happen to you!

Yes, Lin Hua, you are the hope of the empire. The empire cannot survive without you! Come on, I will stop him and buy you time!

Not only the commander Chen Chenchen, but also the surrounding Eastern Alliance soldiers said the same.

Lin Hua stood there, as if he didn't hear what they said.

Sir Chen, I'm actually quite touched, but I'm not as vulnerable as you think!

As we all know, the rank of a god does not represent absolute combat power.

Every god actually has an attribute called the true strength of the god's domain.

It is equivalent to the hidden points in previous moba games.

Even if you are a silver player, if you have a high hidden score, you can naturally be ranked at the king level.

Obviously, Lin Hua belongs to such a person.

Therefore, no matter how big the family is, raising offspring will keep them stable.

Step by step towards the top.

Of course, there will always be such a few families who are heartless, and here we have to give our lovely Cui family a beating.

The Cui family just forcibly raised their own people's strength to a certain level.

Completely forgetting to increase the intensity of his divine power.

And Lin Hua belongs to the kind of person who is extremely powerful in the divine realm.

How much divine power did the Zerg army provide Lin Hua?

In fact, even Lin Hua didn't know.

However, at the stage of being a mid-level god, Lin Hua's true strength is naturally at its peak.

It can be said that no mid-level god can compete with Lin Hua now.

What genius from the past?

It’s just one move in seconds!

Lin Hua raised his hand, and powerful divine power gathered in his palm.


What a terrifying intensity of divine power!

How can this be!

All around, all the soldiers and staff of the military region were stunned.

Lin Hua is obviously only an intermediate god, so why does the divine power he exudes be stronger than that of Liu Yangyi, who is a high-level intermediate god.

And there is a faint pressure from a higher god.

court death!

Liu Yangyi, who was demonized by the alien demon, roared angrily and waved the sword in his hand.

A terrifying wave of swords roared over.

If an ordinary mid-level god dared to use his divine power to resist this attack, the least likely outcome would be serious injury.

Lin Hua released all his strength, and the surging divine power surrounded him.

This terrifying intensity of divine power is even comparable to that of a higher god.

The sword waves collided with divine power.


Two violent beams of energy exploded instantly in mid-air.

Even the alloy steel plate next to it was distorted and deformed by the impact.

how can that be possible?

The corrupted Liu Yangyi looked surprised at this time.

You are obviously just an intermediate god! Why? I have devoured at least dozens of guys like you!

It couldn't figure out why Lin Hua, who was clearly an intermediate mid-level god, had such powerful power.

You said you messed with someone, but you messed with me?

Lin Hua doesn't know how to be a holy lady and just throws out a series of skills.

All the divine power in his body spurted out, even suppressing all the gods present.

This extraterritorial demon was retreating steadily in front of Lin Hua's huge divine power.

There is simply no way to resist.

Lin Hua watched the demon outside the territory retreat step by step and chose to pursue the victory.

The majestic divine power turned into a ray, instantly piercing the opponent's Tianling Cap. impossible!

In a cry of unwillingness.

This powerful extraterrestrial demon completely turned into a pool of black blood.

In a dilapidated underground military base.

Everyone's expressions were pleased and shocked.

There is a feeling of surviving a disaster.

Lin Hua, are you okay?

Chen Chenchen immediately checked Lin Hua's injury after coming over from the screening.

I don't have anything wrong!

Lin Hua shook his head and indicated that he was okay.

With the death of Liu Yangyi, his divine realm began to gradually collapse.

Fortunately, Lin Hua evacuated the Zerg army in advance.

Once a god dies, his domain will begin to collapse.

This is inevitable.

Correspondingly, if the divine realm suffers heavy losses, then the gods will also suffer heavy losses.

In more serious cases, it is even possible to fall to the divine level or even die directly.

After the extraterrestrial demon was killed by Lin Hua.

The underground base of the military region began to be busy, repairing the damaged facilities and sending the injured gods for treatment.

Lin Hua, how did you find out that Liu Yangyi was a god disguised as an extraterrestrial demon?

After Chen Chenchen finished directing the post-disaster reconstruction tasks, he came to Lin Hua and asked some puzzled questions.

He disguised himself so well that he didn't notice anything out of the ordinary for so long.

The last time you took me to experience the void positioning cabin, you still remember the incident when a higher plane invaded the empire's defense line.

Lin Hua said.

Um...ahem, it was an accident that time!

Chen Chenchen blushed, thinking of his invincible poisonous milk.

In that incident, my divine domain was attacked by another god. At that time, I sensed the breath of the demon outside the domain.

Lin Hua said half-truthfully.

It can't be said that it was detected by the system.

I see!

Chen Chenchen deeply believed it, without the slightest doubt.

It turns out that the extraterrestrial demon wanted to take action against you at that time.

It seems that next, we need to strengthen the defense of the void defense line. It would be bad if there are similar extraterritorial demons disguised as gods.

Lin Hua walked to the body of the extraterrestrial demon and picked up its weapon.

This is a gift specially given by the Eastern Alliance to reward Liu Yangyi, who comes from a poor family! Hey... I really don't know...

Chen Chenchen said helplessly.

Unexpectedly, the enemy would use it against one of his own people.


Lin Hua looked carefully at the long sword that exuded divine light in his hand, and looked at the artifact curiously and said.

Li Tianyi had heard about the artifact before.

But this is the first time I've seen it with my own eyes.

The so-called artifacts are weapons or props made of high-end materials, which are infused with powerful divine power to gain the power of gods.

Chen Chenchen explained to Lin Hua.

Under his explanation, Lin Hua understood the function of the artifact.

Because only high-end materials can withstand the huge infusion of strength.

After the divine power is imbued into a completed instrument by the Spiritual Team, the object is called an artifact.

Artifacts generally have two functions: they are used as weapons;

Or it’s a tool to harvest God’s faith.

The first type is easier to understand. It is a weapon used in battle, but it is relatively high-end.

The second is to use artifacts as harvesting tools for faith.

Assume that there is a very large population in the divine domain of a god, but the degree of belief in the god is indeed not enough.

In general, it greatly improves the belief level of the species.

Upgrading from 0 faith to 100 faith requires the existence of artifacts.

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