Gods of all people: Evolution starts from Zerg

Chapter 118 Don’t talk about martial ethics! Who can withstand this!

After Chen Chenchen's explanation, Lin Hua understood what the artifact was for.

In general, the artifact is equivalent to a container that absorbs tens of thousands of beliefs.

However, there is probably only the first possibility for Lin Hua to use the artifact in battle, which is to use it in battle.

After all, Lin Hua's Zerg army was born with 100 loyalty due to the system and did not need the blessing of this artifact.

If you want it, I'll apply to the empire for you.

Chen Chenchen said.

Artifacts are actually quite important in battles with higher gods, and they are quite common. The side without the artifacts will still suffer a lot.

This is just like your doctor who needs a scalpel to perform surgery.

When the opponent's powerful god uses his most powerful magic weapon, you can't just use your hands to catch it.

The most important thing is that because the artifact is a weapon that gathers thousands of beliefs, it is still difficult for ordinary divine species to resist.

This is also the reason why Chen Chenchen wants to apply for an artifact for Lin Hua.

After all, Chen Chenchen believed that Lin Hua would definitely break through and become a high-ranking god.

Let's talk about this...

Lin Hua felt that what Chen Chenchen said was quite reasonable.

It can be said that the artifact is of no use to me, but others will also use it to deal with their own species.

If you know yourself and your enemy, you can fight a hundred battles without danger.

Why don't you want something like this for free?

Ten minutes later,

Reinforcements from the Eastern Alliance quickly arrived.

Several high-ranking gods have also arrived over the military area of ​​the ancient city.

A staff member of the Eastern Alliance and a high-level middle god turned out to be an extraterrestrial demon.

This was enough to shock the entire Eastern League top brass.

Soon, an old man with a steady aura came to the underground base followed by several senior officials of the Eastern Alliance.

The appalling extraterrestrial demon disguised as a god alarmed the leader of the Eastern Alliance.

Report to Mr. Zhao that the extraterrestrial demon has been eliminated!

Chen Chenchen walked quickly to Mr. Zhao with a serious tone.


Mr. Zhao frowned.

But there is indeed no breath of extraterrestrial demons nearby.

Who discovered the identity of Liu Yangyi's extraterrestrial demon?

Mr. Zhao continued.

Mr. Zhao, it's Lin Hua!

Chen Chenchen did not dare to hesitate and replied directly.

Lin Hua?

Behind Mr. Zhao, a group of Eastern Alliance officials looked thoughtful.

This name seems particularly familiar.

It turns out to be him! The first place in the plane hunting battle!

A senior official of the Eastern Alliance suddenly realized this.

Unexpectedly, it was Lin Hua who discovered the existence of the extraterrestrial demon.

Well! This little guy...

Mr. Zhao nodded and was shocked again by this little guy Lin Hua.

Extraterrestrial demons are difficult to detect, especially after they are disguised as human beings.

And based on the growth rate of that extraterritorial devil, if it were allowed to develop for more than ten years, it would be difficult for even the upper gods to deal with it!

Lin Hua naturally contributed a lot to eliminating this hidden danger.

This time your Ancient City Military Region has made a great contribution.

Mr. Zhao also praised Chen Chen Chenshun.

Uh... Mr. Zhao...

Chen Chenchen didn't know what to say at this time.

Actually, we are not Liu Yangyi's opponents. Lin Hua directly eliminated this person!

After thinking for a while, Chen Chenchen decided to tell the whole story.


A group of senior officials from the Eastern Alliance stared directly at Lin Hua with question marks on their faces.

Isn't it? Was it Lin Hua who got rid of this extraterrestrial demon?

Are you kidding me? Liu Yangyi is a high-level middle god! The extraterrestrial demon behind it must be stronger!

All the senior officials of the Eastern Alliance couldn't believe that it was Lin Hua who eliminated this extraterritorial demon.

Everyone looked at Lin Hua with disbelief.

At this moment, Lin Hua, who was the only focus of the audience, was still studying the long sword in his hand.

A picture of humans and animals looking at the artifact harmlessly without making a sound.

Feeling the strange gazes, Lin Hua raised his head, and what struck him was the loving encouragement from Mr. Zhao.

Lin Hua, you did a good job. It's you who saved me this time. Otherwise, I don't know what it would have been like.

Regarding Lin Hua, Mr. Zhao never hesitated to praise him with words of praise.

Mr. Zhao is a person who doesn’t like to use polite words.

But for Lin Hua, this is no longer a polite word.

If Liu Yangyi continues to pretend like this, when his strength reaches a high-level god or even higher.

Then no one in the entire empire will be his opponent.

As the saying goes, a thousand-mile embankment breaks down in an ant nest.

To put it bluntly, if this hidden danger is not eliminated, it may even cause the destruction of the entire planet of gods!

You must know that the mission of the extraterrestrial demon is to destroy the planet of gods.

Well...don't say that...it's just a matter of effort for me.

Lin Hua was slightly embarrassed by the praise.

Secretary Wang, go find out how this extraterrestrial devil disguises himself as a human being.

By the way, I would also like to remind the Western Alliance to pay attention.

Mr. Zhao thought for a while and then said.

Old Zhao, the Western Alliance and us are enemies.

A senior official of the Eastern Alliance looked at Mr. Zhao with some concern.

We are enemies, but we have a common enemy. We cannot be like those cancerous tumors in the West and only care about ourselves.

Once the god planet is destroyed, the consequences will be unimaginable. At that time, it will no longer be our country's business!

Mr. Zhao said firmly.

Lin Hua watched the whole process from the sidelines and admired such an old man even more.

To be able to say such words in the face of a powerful enemy was indeed a hero at that time.

What's wrong, little guy, are you interested in artifacts?

Mr. Zhao came to Lin Hua and said with a smile.

If you want it, you can go to the Eastern Alliance to apply, and it will definitely be issued to you.

Can I do it too?

Lin Hua was shocked when he heard this.

This can be regarded as a free prostitution, and no one will find it pleasant.

With your merits, you will naturally get whatever you want!

Mr. Zhao promised.

But you still need to enter a competition!

what match?

Just one month from now, there will be a friendly discussion between our Eastern Alliance and Western Alliance empires, which is about national honor!

When you come to the capital city, you can personally choose weapons from the Eastern Alliance's arsenal!

Lin Hua: ????

I think it was Principal Li who arranged for me at first, but now it seems that someone else has arranged for me!

Why! I'm helpless, it's my fate! ,

Lin Hua originally thought he could get a piece of the country's artifact for nothing.

In the end, I didn't expect that I would still have to go into battle in person, but that's fine, as it should be the way to win glory for the country.

But why do these high-ranking gods ignore their true careers and lie to me while sitting in high positions and doing nothing all day long?

Is it reliable?

There is no moral ethics at all!

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