Gods of all people: Evolution starts from Zerg

Chapter 116 Oh! The extraterrestrial devil is an excellent ingredient

This is the aura of an alien demon! Liu Yangyi is actually an alien demon?

A staff member in the military area screamed.

I didn't expect what Lin Hua said to be true.

Chen Chenchen couldn't help but break out a little cold sweat on his forehead, and the aura of divine power around him surged.

My divine realm was actually destroyed like this by that kid. It seems I can no longer hide it.

Liu Yangyi had now transformed into a first-blooded person.

He drew out the long sword from behind, trembling all over, and released all his divine power.

It's a divine weapon, everyone, be careful!

Chen Chenchen opened his mouth to warn.

Liu Yangyi's weapon is a magical weapon specially customized for him by the empire, so it goes without saying that it is strong.

In addition, Liu Yangyi's own strength is not weak.

If no one in the military region could stop Liu Yangyi, then the entire ancient city would be in ruins.

While Chen Chenchen and Liu Yangyi were tit for tat.

In Liu Yangyi’s divine domain,

Lin Hua controlled the Zerg army and destroyed almost all of Liu Yangyi's species and resources.

In Liu Yangyi's divine domain, there was only one seventh-level blue dragon left, stubbornly resisting.

The seventh level Qinglong is very powerful.

But after all, there is only one, and it cannot resist the tens of thousands of Zerg army.

It soon became scarred and it looked like it wouldn't last much longer.

It was Lin Hua who severely damaged Liu Yangyi's divine domain.

This made Liu Yangyi unable to maintain his disguise.

Soon, the green dragon was also wiped out by the Zerg army.

Liu Yangyi's divine domain was completely finished this time.

Lin Huagang wanted to withdraw from Liu Yangyi's divine domain.

At this moment, a sudden change occurred.

Suddenly a thick black smoke floated in the sky.

These black smoke blend into Qinglong's body,

This green dragon's body actually began to continuously flow out black blood.

The entire dragon's aura also began to become weird.

What a strange power, it's an extraterrestrial demon!

Lin Hua frowned and signaled the Zerg to temporarily stop attacking.

Watching helplessly, this seventh-level green dragon slowly turned into a black blood dragon.

System, check the data panel.

Lin Hua said.

Ding: Detecting!

Blue Dragon (Corrupted): Originally a divine beast-level creature, the Blue Dragon was attacked by demons from outside the realm and could cause powerful mental damage to species in the divine realm.

Lin Hua didn't expect it.

It’s okay if the gods are corrupted by demons from outside the territory.

Species in the divine domain can also be corrupted by demons outside the domain.

Such a weird life...its genes must be very powerful!

If it were an ordinary person, he would probably be scared out of his wits at this moment.

However, instead of being afraid, Lin Hua became very interested in the genetic sequence of life forms such as extraterrestrial demons.

After all, Lin Hua has a systematic presence.

Of course, if you can take the nutrients that can be supplied by the extraterritorial demons, you can take them as long as you can.

System, can the Zerg army devour the alien demon and obtain its genes?

Lin Hua told the system about this bold idea.

Ding: The Zerg army can devour all life forms and obtain their genes.

Ding: Due to its special existence, the Zerg army will not be corrupted by extraterrestrial demons.

The system gave Lin Hua timely feedback.

In fact, the corruption of the extraterrestrial demons mainly corrodes a person's spirit.

For the Zerg, the spirit belongs to the Zerg Queen and Lin Hua.

They are relatively simple creatures, so the corruption of the extraterrestrial demons has no impact at all on Lin Hua's Zerg army.

This is the bug in Lin Hua's Zerg army.

That's no problem!

After Lin Hua was sure that his Zerg would not be infected, he immediately ordered the Zerg to use the White Tiger to attack.

In an instant, the overall rank of the Zerg race was raised by a large level.

The combat power of the fifth-level mammoth insect instantly increased to the sixth level.

The terrifying single-molecule giant blade slashed towards the corrupted Qinglong.

No matter how awesome the extraterrestrial demon is, isn't it still a parasite?

They need to rely on other species to survive. In front of the Zerg army, that is gagaxiang food.

After losing the spiritual corruption, the power of the extraterrestrial demon has no advantage in front of the Zerg army.

After three strikes, five strikes and two strikes, the corrupted seventh-level green dragon was dismembered by the mammoth's single-molecule giant blade.

The corrupted Qinglong still had the power of this extraterrestrial demon within his body.

There may be genes from extraterrestrial demons inside,

It’s just that the appearance doesn’t look very good!

The bloody black liquid exuded a foul smell.

Zerg army, devour the corpses for me.

Lin Hua issued the order.

It’s not like you’re eating it by yourself anyway, so there’s no burden at all, okay?

Thousands of springtails surrounded it and quickly ate up the corrupted Qinglong corpse.

Not a drop of black blood remained.

Ding: The Zerg devoured the extraterrestrial demon and obtained the new extraterrestrial demon's gene - flying in the void.

Ding: The Zerg devoured the extraterrestrial devil and obtained the new extraterrestrial devil's gene - Void Grasp.

[Flying in the Void]: Inheriting the characteristics of this life form from the demon outside the territory, it can wander in the turbulence of the void and is not affected by the turbulence of the void.

[Grab in the Void]: The unique evolutionary ability of the extraterrestrial demons allows the Zerg army to easily tear apart the space wall in the plane.

Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!

Seeing genes obtained from extraterrestrial demons.

Lin Hua couldn't help but say f*ck three times in a row.

He is worthy of being an extraterrestrial demon who can kill even gods. This fucking wall plug-in can be used as a plug-in.

But it was too late to be happy.

The sound of fighting outside has been heard in the void positioning cabin.

Liu Yangyi's strength plummeted after losing the support of the divine realm, and he could no longer maintain the disguise of a god.

At this moment, it should have revealed its true identity and was fighting a group of imperial soldiers in the military zone.

Haha~ You still dare to be so presumptuous in front of me?

Lin Hua cut off the link with the void locator and quickly exited the cabin.

Not long after I walked out, I saw a man covered in black blood standing there.

Many staff members had fallen around him.

Now only Commander Chen Chen Chen is left, still using his mighty divine power to persevere.

The aura of terror is still surrounding Liu Yangyi.

Judging from the energy fluctuations emanating from it, there is probably no one among the median gods who can be his opponent.

What's more, he was holding an artifact long sword issued by the empire in his hand.

Damn thing, how do you know my identity?

You actually destroyed even the power I released in the divine realm.

The dark humanoid monster looked at Lin Hua with fierce eyes, full of anger.

He had been lurking for so long and was ruined by a student.

This makes it unable to accept such a failure.

Immediately, Liu Yangyi swung his sword again, and the terrifying power instantly defeated a dozen gods in front of him.

Lin Hua, you run first! I have already sent out a signal for help! As long as we delay, we will have time.

Chen Chenchen stood in front of Lin Hua. Looking back at Lin Hua, the perseverance in Lin Hua's eyes gave people an unshakable feeling.

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