Gods of all people: Evolution starts from Zerg

Chapter 111 The king of the ancient city, Lin Hua, became famous!

After returning, it seems that some insect nests will be built.

Expand your storage space.

Some precious materials must still be left to Li Tianyi.

It seems like this guy still wants to be his son-in-law.

Li Yingying is very beautiful and well-educated.

He is also very caring about Lin Hua, and occasionally brings some precious information to Lin Hua.

In fact, Lin Hua has no resistance to Li Yingying.

It's just not the time yet.

There are still many powerful enemies, and the median god may be regarded as the most powerful existence in the ancient city.

But if placed in the entire Eastern League, the median god is not something to be proud of at all.

Judging from this time's plane hunting battle, the paper strength of Pingyuan City and Magic City is definitely stronger than that of this ancient city.

Therefore, the current priority should be to improve one's own strength.

When you are strong enough to be arrogant, it is time to consider other things.

Ding: The Zerg army in the second plane has suffered heavy losses and is about to be destroyed.

Just when Lin Hua was thinking about other things,

The system beep sounded in my ears.

There is indeed a problem on the second plane!

Lin Hua quickly opened the system panel to check.

[Plane Two]: Devouring Progress: 0%

[Number of Zerg Queens]: One level 2. One level 1.

[Number of Zerg units]: Two hundred springtails and seven cockroaches.

Looking at this bleak data, although Lin Hua had expected it, he still couldn't help but feel a little worried.

The second plane comes from the divine domain of a god.

At that time, he sneak attacked Lin Hua while Lin Hua was not paying attention.

It seems that he has completely discovered the species he put in his plane.

If this situation continues, it won't take long for the Zerg species released in this plane to be completely destroyed.

We must investigate as soon as possible who entered and attacked our territory.

Ding: The breath of the extraterrestrial demon was detected from the enemies attacking the Zerg!

Li Yingying looked at Lin Hua and asked, What's wrong with you?


Lin Hua came to his senses and shook his head to indicate to Li Yingying that she was fine.

At this time, he had already made plans in his heart about what he would do when he returned.

The first is to contact the Zerg Queen to find out who the person who attacked him in the Ancient City Military District is.

The second is to find the No. 1 plane and take the godhead obtained by the Zerg in your hands to upgrade your own class.

The system actually detected the power of the extraterrestrial demon in the person who attacked the Zerg Queen.

But the person who attacked him in the first place was obviously a god!

This is very strange.

How could the gods be related to the extraterrestrial demons?

There's no use thinking about it now.

After you go back and use the void locator to locate the guy's location in the military area, you will know.

Soon, the fleet of aerial vehicles returned to the ancient city.

The familiar city outline appeared in front of me again.

After returning to the ancient city.

Lin Hua and Principal Sun Yuli said goodbye briefly.

Then he followed Li Yingying to the Li family's floating island.

Li Tian knew long ago that Lin Hua would come back today.

A banquet has been set up on the floating island to welcome Lin Hua.

This time, not only Li Tianyi, but also many bigwigs from the ancient city came to Li Tianyi's home.

Li Tianyi boasted in front of other big guys that Lin Hua was his future son-in-law.

As a result, big bosses from all walks of life in the ancient city are congratulating and fawning over Li Tianyi.

The reputation of the Li Family Chamber of Commerce has been completely established in the ancient city.

Now all the senior officials of the ancient city know about it.

The future son-in-law of the Li Family Chamber of Commerce is a high-level god.

In their eyes, Li Tianyi is really lucky.

Regarding Haikou, which Li Tianyi praised, Lin Hua could only express his helplessness.

God knows what this guy said while he was away?

He won't come back one day. Li Yingying even has a child, right?

This is a bit embarrassing!

But considering that Li Tianyi helped him so much,

Lin Hua just expressed helplessness.

Before leaving, Lin Hua gave Li Tianyi a list of materials he needed.

Lin Hua plans to use these materials to build more insect nests and other insect structures.

After leaving the Li family, Consul Chen Chen and Sun Yu from the military region also visited Lin Hua one after another.

Sun Yu proposed to build a floating island for Lin Hua to live in.

After all, today is different from the past.

With Lin Hua's current status, it is a bit inconsistent with his status to live on the ground.

Of course, this cost is entirely borne by the municipal system.

Faced with such a good thing, Lin Hua certainly couldn't refuse.

After this plane hunting battle, the entire ancient city became famous because of Lin Hua.

It also directly became a city directly under the Eastern Alliance.

There's nothing wrong with accepting some of Sun Yu's kindness.

Chen Chenchen personally came to improve Lin Hua's level.

And also opened all the facilities in the military region to Lin Hua for Lin Hua to use.

During this period, Lin Hua proposed using the void locator.

Chen Chenchen agreed, but had to wait a month.

After asking about the specific situation, Lin Hua realized that it was originally being used by the empire's plane expedition team.

There are no extra machines at the moment.

Plane Expedition Team?

This was the first time Lin Hua heard this term.

Lin Hua, do you know how the various divine materials in the divine store come from?

Including that godhead you obtained in the plane hunting battle?

Chen Chenchen asked Lin Hua in a more serious tone.

Lin Hua shook his head. Let's leave this matter to Chen Chen Chen to popularize it.

Under Chen Chenchen's explanation, Lin Hua finally understood the meaning of the plane expedition team.

The Eastern Alliance's military region will conduct conquests into the vast void beyond the void defense line every once in a while.

The number of expedition teams also ranges from a few to dozens of people.

Members are generally intermediate gods.

Its purpose is to obtain those dimensional resources that exist in the vast void.

After discovering a plane, the Eastern Alliance's expedition team will connect the divine domain with the plane.

Send out a plane conquest team.

If we encounter valuable divine resources, we will use divine power to seal them.

Stored in the card.

In addition to divine domain resources,

The planar expedition team will also search for the godhead.

It's just that godhead generally exists in the upper planes and is difficult to obtain.

Even a team of more than a dozen mid-level gods is no match for the powerful species in the upper planes.

After Chen Chenchen’s explanation,

Lin Hua finally understood.

In the Void Conquest, the Void Locator must be particularly important.

It can ensure that the divine realm of the gods can determine its position in the vast void and not lose its position.

It seems that I can only wait until half a month before using it!

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