Gods of all people: Evolution starts from Zerg

Chapter 110 The award ceremony attracts worldwide attention!

However, organizers can continue to participate in the competition regardless of casualties.

The plane hunting war still has to go on.

In the next few days, Lin Hua's Zerg army continued its invincible posture.

Wherever he went, not a blade of grass grew.

One species group after another was devoured by the Zerg army, turning them into the evolutionary points needed by the Zerg group.

And other players in Ancient City also benefited from Lin Hua's blessing.

After all, Lin Hua has defeated most other competitors.

Coupled with Lin Hua, who ranks first in points.

Gudu City's points ranking on the last day has impressively ranked first in the entire Eastern League.

And Lin Hua's points have also reached a terrifying two billion.

The plane hunting war is over!

as an Eastern Conference staffer in the stands loudly announced.

The ten-day planar hunting war finally ended.

Thousands of contestants walked out of the simulation cabin one after another, looking at the virtual screen in the sky.

The points ranking will be displayed there.

First place: Lin Hua - two billion sixty-seven million points.

Second place: Zhang San - 135.8 million points.

Sixtieth place: Li Yingying - 13,000 points.

Seeing this ranking,

Everyone in the venue took a breath of cold air.

Lin Hua, who ranked first, actually had twenty times more points than the second-placed player.

This is not a score that normal people can score.

This time Lin Hua can be said to have made history.

Moreover, Li Yingying's ranking has also improved very quickly.

From being outside the top 500 at that time, it has now entered the top 100.

It was entirely because of the Elf Queen given by Lin Hua.

Although there are only sixty people, it ranks second in the entire ancient city.

This is enough for Li Yingying to gain recognition from some universities.

Next, is the overall ranking.

As expected, Lin Hua's ancient city must be number one this time.

Of course, most of the points were provided by Lin Hua.

Lin Hua took a look at his system backpack. There were more than 8 billion evolution points left in the evolution point column.

In the short term, Lin Huazai will no longer worry about his evolutionary point.

This plane hunting battle can be said to be very fruitful.

Not only did he obtain the genes of the four major mythical beast-level creatures.

Also unlocked is the high-level Zerg unit - the Infested Worm.

In the end, nearly 10 billion evolution points were obtained.

If this game hadn't ended early, Lin Hua would have wanted to stay in this game for a few more days.

In this way, maybe his strength can be improved a bit.

Damn it! The first place is actually occupied by that ancient city. Otherwise, they have Lin Hua... Why would they be able to climb on top of us!

When seeing the results, naturally some people were happy and some were sad.

Especially the group of contestants from Pingyuan City. Although their overall ranking is second only to Ancient Capital City,

Ranked second position.

If it weren't for Lin Hua's sudden emergence, they could have been firmly in first place.

Looking at Sun Yu's expression again, that uncontrollable smile appeared on Sun Yu's face.

Hey, two old classmates, why don't you talk anymore?

Sun Yu was feeling proud at this time, and launched his taunting skills on his two old classmates, the leaders of Pingyuan City and the leaders of Magic City.

The other two leaders just rolled their eyes and didn't really want to pay attention to Sun Yu.

Now, the first place contestant comes forward to receive your reward.

The staff of the Eastern Alliance stood on the stage and said in a serious tone.

After hearing this, Lin Hua walked directly to the podium.

At this time, the top leader of the Eastern Alliance had already walked up to Lin Hua.

Little guy, you did a good job this time...

Mr. Zhao excitedly patted Lin Hua on the shoulder. It was his first time to speak out words of praise and he was not used to it.

As the first place winner in this plane hunting battle, you can randomly select a godhead with any basic attributes.

“How to choose this attribute?”

Lin Hua fell into deep thought.

At present, the earth element and the fire element have been integrated.

In the first plane, the Zerg army also obtained a metallic basic godhead, but Lin Hua has not yet been able to obtain it.

The rest lacks wood and water attributes.

I choose the wood attribute.

Lin Hua randomly chose a godhead that he lacked.


Mr. Zhao casually grabbed it, and a green godhead appeared in his hand.

Isn’t this catching something from the void?

Able to achieve this under the rules of the god planet!

Mr. Zhao's strength is indeed extraordinary.

Is this a powerful person from a high-level god?

In fact, Lin Hua can only do the trick of flying in the air.

However, Lin Hua also believes that in the near future,

Like Mr. Zhao, he must be able to obtain the skill of grabbing objects from the air, which can ignore the rules of the gods' world.

Lin Hua respectfully took over this wood attribute godhead from Mr. Zhao.

The onlookers nearby cast envious glances.

Godhead is a very precious thing, even these geniuses from all over the country are in great need.

Work hard, we will rely on you from now on.

Mr. Zhao patted Lin Hua on the shoulder and gave serious instructions.

The weight of this sentence is still very heavy.

Lin Hua saw that Mr. Zhao was cultivating himself as his successor.

However, Lin Hua didn't say much, he simply thanked him and walked off the stage.

This year's Plane Hunting War is over. Based on the rankings, supplies from the Eastern Alliance will be slowly distributed to various cities.

Now you can leave on your own.

The staff of the Eastern Alliance announced the end of this plane hunting war.

Next, Lin Hua can return to the ancient city with Sun Yu and his party.

On the way, the look in Sun Yu's eyes at Lin Hua could no longer be summed up as appreciation.

Don't look at Lin Hua's current status as a student.

Now in the eyes of the Eastern Alliance, Lin Hua's status is higher than that of Sun Yu.

Moreover, thanks to Lin Hua's blessing, the ancient city is now a high-level god city directly managed by the Eastern Alliance.

It is only a matter of time before it develops into a large god city like Zhongyuan City.

In the evening, a group of people from Ancient Capital City found a place to have dinner and celebrate in the urban area of ​​Ancient Capital City.

Early the next morning, we took the floating car and set off back to the ancient city.

My father will definitely want to see you after we go back.

On the floating car, Li Yingying looked at Lin Hua with a smile and said.

Needless to say, Lin Hua’s performance in the plane hunting battlefield this time,

Li Tianyi must have watched the whole process.

After all, he is the son-in-law he chose, so he has to understand it.

For this person who hugged Lin Hua’s thigh in advance,

Lin Hua still had a very good impression of him.

After acquiring two sixth-level Zerg queens, Lin Hua's egg-laying capacity in the divine territory has reached more than 200,000 a day.

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