Gods of all people: Evolution starts from Zerg

Chapter 112 Intermediate Intermediate God The First Combat Power in the Ancient City

Chapter 112 Intermediate middle god The first combat power in the ancient city

But Lin Hua was not in a hurry.

Just wait a little longer!

In this way, Lin Hua stayed at home for a month.

Lin Hua has not been idle this month.

Li Tianyi sent over all the materials Lin Hua needed to build Zerg buildings.

Lin Hua used all these materials to build the insect nest.

Probably a dozen bug dens were built.

Not only did they build insect nests, they even increased the storage capacity of insect eggs to 100 million.

And also promoted all the Zerg Queens to the sixth level.

In just this month, the five sixth-level Zerg queens laid a total of 1,550 eggs for the Zerg army.

Lin Hua hatched all 30,000 eggs into mammoth insects.

This consumed Lin Hua's three billion evolution points.

There were about four million eggs and Lin Hua hatched them into springtails.

After all, springtails are their most powerful combat unit.

Lin Hua consumes more evolution points here.

Approximately four billion evolution points were consumed.

After a springtail has advanced to become a fourth-level species, it takes one thousand evolution points to hatch one.

Lin Hua evolved all the remaining billions of evolution points into cockroaches and explosive bugs.

At this point, Lin Hua's eight billion evolutionary points are running out.

The number of Zerg has also reached a terrifying level.

I also discovered something very interesting this month.

That is, the Cui family in the ancient city suddenly disappeared collectively.

At first, Lin Hua thought he was going to do something else.

But there has been no news about the entire Cui family for a long time.

The entire Cui family just disappeared from this world.

I don’t know who this family has provoked. No one in the entire family can be found from top to bottom.

It was as if the world had evaporated.

No one knows where they went,

Sun Yu was also very secretive about this moment and did not want to mention it more.

In a daze, this ancient family of gods that has been passed down for tens of thousands of years has come to an end.

Lin Hua also heard Principal Li tell him that this matter might have something to do with him.

Of course, Principal Li just hinted at him and didn't say anything clearly.

But Lin Hua didn't take it to heart.

The Cui family, an ancient divine family?

Sorry, Lin Hua never regarded them as imaginary enemies from beginning to end.

During this month, Lin Hua did not go to school.

On the contrary, Principal Li ran to Lin Hua's house very diligently.

If nothing happens, I will chat with Lin Hua about the whole world.

Sometimes I will mention the construction situation of Lin Hua's floating island.

As for skipping class and violating school discipline?

Principal Li even stopped talking. Now Lin Hua is Principal Li Bowen's designated biological father.

And to be honest, Principal Li's combat effectiveness may not be as good as Lin Hua!

On this day, Lin Hua was sitting on the sofa in his villa.

After taking a sip of tea, he clicked on his system panel.

[Host]: Lin Hua.

[Priest]: God of Zerg

[Theocratic functions]: Power of earth, power of fire, power of wood

[God level]: Junior middle god (to reach the middle level middle god, you need to gather one thousand points of divine power)

[Divine Species]: Zerg

[Site Resources]: Ten Zerg lairs, one million cockroaches, 30,000 mutant dragons, 30,000 mammoth bugs, 50,000 explosive bugs, and 10 million bug eggs.

[Power of Faith]: Five hundred thousand.

[Divine Power Points]: 1000

[Divine Time]: Adjust 1:100 with the main world at will.

[System Backpack]: One hundred evolution points.

Compared with before, the number of Zerg has been greatly expanded.

The number of springtails has reached five million.

After expanding the number of Zerg, Lin Hua's evolutionary points have completely bottomed out.

In fact, before using it, Lin Hua thought it could be used for a long time.

Looking at it this way, it is really consumed too quickly.

In addition to expanding the number of Zerg armies,

Lin Hua also built some Zerg-specific buildings.

For example: Cockroach Greenhouse, Alien Dragon Pagoda, Xuanwu Cave.

These Zerg buildings can actually speed up the hatching and mutation of Zerg units.

You can also let them rest.

For example, after the Alien Dragon has the Alien Dragon Pagoda, it no longer needs to fly around in the sky.

But the most domineering thing here is the building.

That must be the Xuanwu Lair.

This is a building made of Xuanwu shells.

Originally, Lin Hua wanted to make a magical weapon from the beginning.

For this reason, Lin Hua also specially consulted Li Tianyi.

I learned that this artifact is usually made of materials from ninth-level species. The sixth-level species is really too tight on the crotch.

It’s useless even if it’s created.

So Lin Hua simply used the basalt turtle shells as materials to build the basalt nest.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Hua looked at the column of divine steps.

In one month's time,

More than a thousand divine power points have been accumulated.

The wood attribute godhead awarded by the empire has been integrated.

Next, you only need to integrate a thousand points of divine power with your own body.

Lin Hua took out these thousand points of divine power without hesitation, and then integrated them into his own body.

Huge divine power suddenly exploded in Lin Hua's body.

Divine power continuously impacted Lin Hua's body, transforming his limbs and bones.

Because of the foundation laid by his godhead, Lin Hua's body can withstand such an impact.

If you rashly absorb the divine power of the divine power point without integrating the godhead, your body will explode directly because it cannot withstand the violent power.

There are gods in history who have done such stupid things.

But the death scene is also very exciting.

Under the impact of huge divine power,

Lin Hua can feel it,

The gods' planet's restraint on its own rules is getting weaker and weaker.

The power that can be exerted is getting stronger and stronger.

Not only does the body become stronger,

Somehow, Lin Hua also felt that his connection with the divine realm was getting closer and clearer.

However, it is said that after reaching the upper level of the gods, the gods can directly control their own divine realm to move in the void with their thoughts.

But now Lin Hua still can't do it.

If you want to move your own divine territory in the void, it seems that you still need the help of the divine connector.

One night flies by in a blink of an eye.

The next day, when Lin Hua opened his eyes.

Without any accident, a mid-level mid-level god was born.

The divine power surrounding him was even stronger than before.

Such a powerful force.

Lin Hua breathed a long sigh of relief and stood up from the sofa.

At this time, his strength was at the same level as Principal Li Bowen.

A student can actually reach the same level as a middle school principal before graduation.

I'm afraid there are only a few people in the entire world of gods who can do it.

The only word that can describe Lin Hua now is outrageous.

The next level up is the high-level mid-level god.

This is the actual combat level of Sun Yu, the leader of the ancient city.

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