Gods: Beginning With Becoming A Lord

Chapter 75: Forcing The Orc Tribe

"Do you have 100,000 gold coins?" Caesar asked in disbelief after hearing what Savile said about the compensation.

No wonder Caesar was a little bit incredulous. Although 100,000 gold coins were nothing to Caesar now, it was a huge sum for the orc tribe in front of him.

You know, in the three human kingdoms in the Orlan plane, even some viscounts with poor foundations could not come up with 100,000 gold coins at a time.

Not to mention the orc tribe in front of him.

After all, for orcs who have not yet fully civilized, they are more accepting of barter than currency transactions.

"This human lord, our tribe does not have 100,000 gold coins, but we can use the fur of monsters as collateral." Hearing Caesar's inquiry, Savile shook his head and said

Hearing Savile's words, Caesar said indifferently: "It seems that you don't have much sincerity!"

Hearing Caesar's words, Savile and the fox-eared girl couldn't help but turn pale.

Because, the meaning of Caesar's words was obviously that he was not satisfied with the compensation they gave.

Caesar had said before that if the compensation they gave could not satisfy Caesar, then Caesar would slaughter their tribe.

Seeing that Savile and the fox-eared girl turned pale, Caesar did not care about anything, but continued to say: "I have no shortage of gold coins, and I have no shortage of monster furs.

If you really can't give me satisfactory compensation, then don't blame me for slaughtering your tribe."

"But..., but, our tribe has nothing valuable except monster furs." Hearing Caesar's words, Savile said palely.

"No, your tribe can still give me satisfactory compensation." Hearing Savile's words, Caesar shook his head, looked at Savile and the fox-eared girl, and said meaningfully.

Hearing Caesar's words, Xavier asked Caesar excitedly: "What is the compensation you are talking about?"

"Of course the compensation is for you two. As long as you two follow me, I can let your tribe go." Hearing Xavier's question, Caesar looked at Xavier and the fox-eared girl and said without hiding.

"What? You want us!" Hearing Caesar's words, Xavier and the fox-eared girl couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Why, you two don't want to?"

"If you don't want to, then don't blame me for slaughtering your tribe."

"Emilia, take action!"

Hearing Xavier and the fox-eared girl's words, Caesar spoke while speaking, and then directly ordered Emilia to take action.

Hearing Caesar's order, Emilia did not hesitate at all, and directly led a group of guards and members of the escort team to rush towards the direction of the orc tribe.

Because Caesar and his party were not far away from the orc tribe, and the distance to the orcs coming out of the orc tribe was even closer.

Not long after, Emilia, along with a group of knights and escort members, entered the group of orcs coming out of the orc tribe and started killing them.

Of course, Emilia also knew that Caesar wanted to use the orc tribe to force Savile and the fox-eared girl, so Emilia, with a group of guard knights and guard members, did not let go of the killing among the orcs.

Otherwise, these orcs from the orc tribe could not resist the killing of Emilia and the guard knights and guard members.

"Stop, don't kill anymore, we will go with you!" Seeing Emilia killing the orcs with the guard knights and guard members, Savile and the fox-eared girl hurriedly said to Caesar.

"Emilia, come back." Hearing the words of Savile and the fox-eared girl, Caesar said to Emilia.

Emilia, who had been prepared by (bgbd), came to Caesar with a group of guard knights and guard members after hearing Caesar's words.

Seeing Emilia and the guard knights and guard members returning to Caesar, Savile and the fox-eared girl breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

They were afraid that Emilia would kill the ten Lu people with a group of guards and members of the escort team.

"Emilia has stopped, you two should immediately inform the people in your tribe to pack up and leave with us.'

"What? You want our people to leave with you." Hearing Caesar's words, Xavier exclaimed.

Hearing Xavier's exclamation, Caesar explained: "In order to prevent you from being disobedient in the future, it is better to take the people in your tribe with you. "

Of course, this was what Caesar said to fool Savile and the fox-eared girl.

The reason why Caesar chose to take Savile and the fox-eared girl's orc tribe with him was mainly to increase the population of Sun and Moon Territory.

There is no other way. It is troublesome to migrate the population in the Boro Kingdom to Sun and Moon Territory now, and it is impossible to increase the population of Sun and Moon Territory too much at once.

So, after coming to the Everwinter Plain by chance and seeing the orcs living in the Everwinter Plain, Caesar had the idea of ​​migrating the orcs in the Everwinter Plain into Sun and Moon Territory to increase the population of Sun and Moon Territory.

And the tribe of Savile and the fox-eared girl was Caesar's first experiment.

Savier and the fox-eared girl naturally didn't know Caesar's idea, and thought that as Caesar said, the reason why they took away the orcs in the orc tribe was to threaten them.

However, knowing that this was Caesar's threat, Savile and the fox-eared girl did not dare to lead the orcs in the orc tribe to resist.

There is no other way, Ai The killing of Milia and a group of guards and members of the escort team had already stunned them.

Following Caesar's orders, Savile and the fox-eared girl went out together, taking a group of orcs from the orc tribe, packed up their things, and prepared to leave with Caesar.

It was at this time that Caesar realized that in this orc tribe, there were still many orcs with fewer beast features like Savile and the fox-eared girl, and they were basically beast-eared girls.

Of course, the beauty of these beast-eared girls could not be compared with Savile and the fox-eared girl.

In order to prevent the orcs in the orc tribe from escaping and encountering attacks on the way to the Sun and Moon Territory, Caesar directly asked Han Weier to "summon ten little bear beasts."

Seeing the bear beasts summoned by Savile, the orcs who had some thoughts of escaping suddenly had no thoughts of escaping.

After all, more than thirty extraordinary bear beasts and more than three hundred bear beasts of level five and below have extraordinary deterrence.

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