Gods: Beginning With Becoming A Lord

Chapter 76 Return To Sun And Moon Territory To Settle The Orcs

Because they left with the orcs from the Savile tribe, Caesar and his party returned to the Sun and Moon Territory at a much slower speed.

In addition, because the number of Caesar and his party and the orcs from the orc tribe was relatively large, Caesar and his party were attacked by the monsters on the Everwinter Plains along the way.

However, the orc attacks that Caesar expected did not happen. Perhaps because the number of orcs in Caesar's party accounted for the majority, the orcs they met on the road were thought to be the migration of an orc tribe.

Of course, although the orcs that Caesar and his party met on the road did not actively attack Caesar and his party, it did not mean that Caesar would let them go.

Caesar had come to the Everwinter Plains, so he had to bring some of the specialties of the Everwinter Plains back to the Sun and Moon Territory.

Therefore, whenever Caesar met orcs or orc tribes on the way back to the Sun and Moon Territory, he would choose to take them away.

Of course, when taking these orcs or orc tribes away, these orcs or orc tribes that were taken away did not resist.

However, the end of this resistance? Naturally, their lives.

Not to mention, after killing some of the orcs who resisted, those orcs or orc tribes who were unwilling to follow Caesar and his party have become quiet.

After being forced and recruited along the way, when Caesar and his party brought the orcs from the Everwinter Plain to the Northern Wilderness, there were already more than 100,000 orcs in Caesar's team.

And this is just what Caesar and his party did on the way back to the Sun and Moon Territory.

If Caesar and his party expanded the search range in the Everwinter Plain, maybe the orcs in Caesar's team would not be more than 100,000, but hundreds of thousands.

Due to the super-large beast tide caused by the Extreme Cold Baboon Clan, and the Sun and Moon Territory's army's cleanup of the deep North Wilderness, that is, the area where the Sun and Moon Territory is located.

Now there are not many monsters in the deep North Wilderness where the Sun and Moon Territory is located.

Therefore, Caesar and his party, who brought hundreds of thousands of orcs to the Northern Wilderness, were basically not attacked by monsters after arriving in the Northern Wilderness.

On the way back to Sun and Moon Territory with hundreds of thousands of orcs, Caesar and his party alarmed the people of Sun and Moon Territory, who thought that the ten tribes of orcs were preparing to attack the Northern Wilderness?

Hmm? Caesar did not inform the people of Sun and Moon Territory that he was returning to Sun and Moon Territory with hundreds of thousands of orcs.

As a result, Leska led the Sun Infantry Corps and rushed directly to the location where Caesar and his party were.

Fortunately, Emilia came forward to resolve the misunderstanding, otherwise Caesar would have suffered heavy losses in this wave.

After resolving the misunderstanding, the Sun Infantry Corps led by Leska directly transformed into an escort team, and together with the members of the guard team led by Commander A Er, they were responsible for escorting hundreds of thousands of orcs back to Sun and Moon Territory.

Caesar, on the other hand, took Shafulina, Sevilla, Yiyou and other people as well as the Royal Guards, and abandoned the hundreds of thousands of orcs who were being escorted, and "went back to the Sun and Moon Territory. After all, Caesar still needed to discuss with Elu about accepting these hundreds of thousands of orcs. After returning to the Sun and Moon Territory with Shafulina, Sevilla, Yiyou and other people as well as the Royal Guards, Caesar had a careful discussion with Elu about the settlement of hundreds of thousands of orcs.

Well, it was mainly Elu who made the decision, and Caesar just had to follow it.

So, in the direction of the Extreme Cold Mountains in the Sun and Moon Territory, an orc city, Stone City, was built specifically to settle the orcs.

Of course, Caesar built the orc city of Stone City not just to settle the orcs. Caesar was not so kind to the orcs.

Otherwise, Caesar would not have named the city Stone City.

After spending a lot of system points to build the city of Stone City, Caesar also moved all the quarries in the Sun and Moon Territory to the vicinity of Stone City.

In the future, the mining work of the quarry will be handed over to the orcs who moved to the Orc City.

In addition, given that there are too few existing quarries in the Sun and Moon Territory, which cannot meet the simultaneous work of more than 100,000 orcs who were moved to Stone City, Caesar also spent system points to exchange a lot of quarries from the system mall of the super auxiliary system to meet the work of more than 100,000 orcs.

………………Please give me flowers………………

As for the fact that there are too many quarries and too many stone mines mined every day, there is no need to worry.

Nowadays, the Sun and Moon Territory is in a stage of rapid development and needs too many stone mines.

The stone mines mined from the quarries by these hundreds of thousands of orcs may not be able to meet the daily needs of the Sun and Moon Territory?

For this reason, Caesar also plans to go to the Everwinter Plain to get some orcs back!

In addition, cutting down trees and mining veins [requires too many people.

To be honest, if it weren't for the fact that we are still in the period of the super-large beast tide caused by the extreme cold baboon tribe, Caesar wanted to take advantage of this to make a lot of system points. Caesar would have taken his barracks to the Everwinter Plain to plunder orcs and replenish the population of the Sun and Moon Territory.

After a few days of arrangements, the hundreds of thousands of orcs brought to the Sun and Moon Territory settled in the Stone City and entered the numerous quarries near the Stone City to work and contribute to the development of the Sun and Moon Territory.

In addition, in order to prevent these hundreds of thousands of orcs from being lazy, Caesar also specially recruited some low-level soldiers in the low-level barracks to guard these orcs.

Of course, in addition to recruiting some low-level soldiers to guard these orcs who were mining stone mines, Caesar was still relatively good to these orcs in other aspects.

Not only did he provide the orcs with housing (stone houses in the stone city), but he also provided these hundreds of thousands of orcs with sufficient food and meat.

Although this sufficient food was just black bread, and the meat was just the flesh and blood of the extremely cold baboon.

But compared with the previous lives of these hundreds of thousands of orcs, it was much better.

After all, the resources on the Everwinter Plain were really bad.

Otherwise, when the Northern Wilderness had not been occupied by the Boro Kingdom in the past, the orcs would not have given up the Everwinter Plain and lived in the Northern Wilderness.

Thanks to the housing and sufficient food provided by Caesar, the hundreds of thousands of orcs who migrated to the Stone City, although they did not directly surrender to Caesar, were still quite hard-working in mining stone mines. .

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