Caesar had no intention of letting these fleeing orcs go, and he led his men to chase them.

Of course, this was also related to the direction in which the orcs fled, which was the direction of the orc tribe.

If these fleeing orcs were not fleeing in the direction of the orc tribe, but were fleeing in all directions, Caesar would not have chased them directly to kill a few orcs.

Chasing the fleeing orcs all the way, Caesar and his party soon arrived at the orc tribe.

Although it was unknown how the size of the orc tribe was divided, the orc tribe that Caesar and his party came to was definitely not small.

Because, the orcs that Caesar saw in this orc tribe alone were no less than 10,000.

Perhaps because they saw Caesar and his party chasing the orcs of their tribe, when this orc tribe realized that Caesar and his party had arrived in front of their tribe, a group of orcs suddenly emerged from the orc tribe, blocking the front of the orc tribe and glaring at Caesar and his party.

However, perhaps because they were afraid of the strength of Caesar and his party, the orcs who glared at Caesar and his party did not take the initiative to attack Caesar and his party.

After all, even the warriors of their tribe were no match for Caesar and his party, let alone them?

Although the orcs emerging from the orc tribe were far more than the orcs who took the initiative to attack Caesar and his party before, in terms of strength, these orcs emerging from the orc tribe were far inferior to those orc warriors.

Of course, the orcs emerging from the orc tribe did not dare to attack Caesar and his party, but it did not mean that Caesar would not take the initiative to attack them.

No, when he saw a group of orcs blocking him, Caesar was ready to give an order to his troops to slaughter the orc tribe in front of him.

However, before Caesar gave the order to his troops, two orcs who came out of the orc tribe stopped Caesar from thinking about slaughtering the orc tribe.

The two orcs that came out of the orc tribe were very different from the orcs that emerged from the orc tribe before.

If the orcs that emerged from the orc tribe before were big and strong, with an animal head and many animal characteristics, they were not much different from animals.

Then these two orcs that came out of the orc tribe, except for some animal characteristics, were very similar to humans. "They belonged to the same category of orcs as Sevilla.

Of course, if these two orcs just had some animal characteristics like Sevilla, Caesar would not stop his idea of ​​slaughtering the orc tribe.

What really made Caesar give up the idea of ​​slaughtering the orc tribe was that these two orcs that came out of the orc tribe were female orcs, and they were beautiful female orcs who were not inferior to Safrana, Sevilla and other women.

As an LSP Caesar who could take all the extraordinary female heroes in the territory and Emilia into his pocket, he was naturally forgiving of beautiful things.

Therefore, they naturally gave up the idea of ​​slaughtering the orc tribe.

Two beautiful female orcs came out of the orc tribe, but they didn't know that if they came out a step later, Caesar would slaughter the orc tribe.

Of course, although the two beautiful female orcs didn't know Caesar's idea of ​​slaughtering the orc tribe before, they were still very scared when facing Caesar and his party, whose strength was far greater than that of the orc tribe.

After all, in the Orlan plane, the relationship between the orcs and the human race is not good, and wars basically happen every year.

The orcs living on the Yongdong Plains were severely hit by the Second Legion of the Boro Kingdom before, and they need time to recuperate. Otherwise, the expansion lords in the northern wilderness will have to increase the difficulty of expanding their territory at least several times.

By the way, let me mention here that the orcs living on the Yongdong Plains are only a branch of the many orcs on the Orlan plane. The main force of the orcs

still depends on the Orc Kingdom.

Without any hesitation, two beautiful female orcs from the orc tribe came directly to Caesar and others.

Feeling the momentum of Caesar and his group at close range, the two beautiful female orcs were even more flustered.

Perhaps because they realized that Caesar was the leader of the team, the one with white hair and a pair of white tiger ears on her hair immediately said to Caesar: "This human sir, I am Savile Tago, the leader of this orc tribe. I wonder what you are doing in our orc tribe? We may be able to help you solve the problem. "

" "The orc warriors of your tribe attacked us." Hearing Savile Tago's question, Caesar didn't mind chatting with Savile because Savile Tago was beautiful, and he spoke immediately.

Hearing Caesar's words, Savile immediately said in a panic: "Sorry, this human sir, we can make compensation. '

"Compensation? You can tell me. If I am satisfied, I will not let your orc tribe go, but if I am not satisfied, I don't mind slaughtering your orc tribe." Hearing Savier's words, Caesar said to Savier with a little interest and threat.

After Caesar finished his threat, Sevilla, Yiyou and others beside Caesar also symbolically released their extraordinary aura.

Feeling the extraordinary aura released by Sevilla, Yiyou and others, Savier hurriedly said: "We can (muck) compensate you with 100,000 gold coins."

It's no wonder that Savier felt panicked when he felt the extraordinary aura released by Sevilla, Yiyou and others. It was really that the extraordinary aura of Sevilla, Yiyou and others was too strong for Savier and the orc tribe.

Although the orc tribe led by Savier is not small, with tens of thousands of orcs, the strength of the orc tribe led by Savier is not really strong.

In the entire orc tribe, the strongest one, Savile, has only just broken through to the early stage of the Great Knight. In addition to Savile, there is no other strong person at the level of the top ten knights in the entire orc tribe.

The orc tribe's high priest who came with her to meet Caesar, a fox-eared girl with pink hair, is only at the peak of the high priest.

Therefore, when Savile felt the extraordinary momentum of Sevier, Yiyou and others, how could he not feel panic. .

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