Gods: Beginning With Becoming A Lord

Chapter 66: Battle With The Graystone Wolf Clan

Facing Caesar and his party who were not only better at close combat than them, but also two levels stronger than them, the Gray Rock Wolf side, although they had a numerical advantage, was brutally suppressed when fighting with Caesar and his party.

Among the first-level monsters, their defense ability was extremely proud. Facing the attack of Caesar and his party, it was like a piece of paper, and their defense was easily broken and their lives were lost.

On the contrary, their attacks could not break the defense of Caesar and his party.

Not long after, the Gray Rock Wolves that had taken the initiative to attack Caesar and his party were all killed by Caesar and his party.

Looking at the Gray Rock Wolves that were so easily killed by Caesar and his party, the Wind Wolf Clan, which surrendered to the Gray Rock Wolf Clan at the cost of offering their territory, once again remembered the fear of being killed by Caesar and his party.

Without waiting for Caesar's guard knights and escorts to attack them, the swift wolves, who recalled the fear, lost the courage to fight Caesar and his party and fled in panic.

Caesar didn't care about these escaping swift wolves. Anyway, it was enough that the gray rock wolves, who could provide the most points, didn't run away.

Perhaps they sensed the strength and threat of Caesar and his party, and the gray rock wolves that survived because they didn't attack Caesar and his party, all howled.

As the howling of these surviving gray rock wolves sounded, the forest in the outer area of ​​the extremely cold mountain range, which was originally occupied by the swift wolf tribe and now occupied by the gray rock wolf tribe, suddenly heard sparse whooshing sounds.

Then, more and more gray rock wolves appeared from the forest and surrounded Caesar's party of more than 400 people.

When the gray rock wolves surrounded Caesar's party of more than 400 people, a gray rock wolf that was four or five times larger than an ordinary gray rock wolf slowly walked out from the forest.

"Awoo~" Looking at the corpses of the gray rock wolves around Caesar and his party, this gray rock wolf, which is four or five times larger than other ordinary gray rock wolves, immediately let out an extremely deep and angry wolf howl.

The gray rock wolves that originally surrounded Caesar and his party, after hearing the wolf howl of this large gray rock wolf, immediately launched an attack on Caesar's party of more than 400 people.

Unfortunately, this large gray rock wolf obviously did not know the gap in strength between the gray rock wolves under its command and Caesar's party.

Although the number of gray rock wolves is much greater than that of Caesar's party of more than 400 people, for Caesar and his party, these gray rock wolves that actively attacked them are no threat except death.

It didn't take long before thousands of gray rock wolf corpses were left around Caesar and his party again.

"Awoo~ Roar~"

Looking at the gray rock wolves that kept coming forward to attack Caesar and his party, but had no effect except death, the large gray rock wolf immediately issued an order to stop attacking through wolf howls again.

Hearing the howl of the large gray rock wolf, the ordinary gray rock wolves stopped attacking.

However, the fact that the gray rock wolves stopped attacking did not mean that Caesar's guard knights and guards would also stop attacking.

When the ordinary gray rock wolves stopped attacking, Caesar's guard knights and guards took the opportunity to kill the gray rock wolf at the beginning again.


Looking at Caesar and his group of ordinary gray rock wolves still killing him, the large gray rock wolf let out an angry roar, and then attacked a member of Caesar's guard.

The large gray rock wolf is quite powerful, with a fourth-level strength equivalent to that of a senior knight.

Facing the attack of the gray rock wolf, the guard members with only the strength of a mid-level knight naturally could not resist.

But don't forget that in addition to ordinary guard members, there are also guard captains with the strength of senior knights and guard cavalry units whose lowest level is senior knight Tian Shili who participate in the battle.

After seeing the large gray rock wolf attacking ordinary guard members, the guard captain next to the ordinary guard members stood up directly and faced the large gray rock wolf.

However, it is obvious that this guard captain is no match for the large gray rock wolf. When the ordinary guard members arrived at the large gray rock wolf to attack, he was directly attacked by the large gray rock wolf and flew out.


Although, this is not surprising.

After all, although the captain of the guard team has the strength of a senior knight and is equipped with corresponding equipment, he was recruited by Caesar from the primary barracks not long ago and is still in the early stage of senior knight promotion. 【013606116 Feilu 161001091]

The large gray rock wolf is different. Although it does not have the corresponding equipment of the captain of the guard team, it also has fur, claws and fangs that are not inferior to those of the captain of the guard team.

In addition, the large gray rock wolf also has a stronger fourth-level late-stage strength than the captain of the guard team.

Seeing that the captain of the guard team was beaten away by the large gray rock wolf, the two guard knights who were originally killing ordinary gray rock wolves stood up and faced the large gray rock wolf.


"Ah~" Looking at the two guard knights who stood up, the large gray rock wolf howled and immediately attacked the two knights.

Facing the fierce claws of the large gray rock wolf, the two guard knights did not choose to face it head-on, but relied on their excellent flexibility to dodge the attack of the large gray rock wolf.

After dodging the attack of the large gray rock wolf, the two guard knights directly attacked the large gray rock wolf. The knight swords of the two guard knights slashed the body of the large gray rock wolf fiercely.

Unfortunately, facing the fur of the large gray rock wolf that was much harder than steel, the knight swords of the two guard knights only left a small wound on the body of the large gray rock wolf.

There was no way. The defense of the large gray rock wolf was too strong. The knight swords of the two guard knights could leave wounds on the large gray rock wolf, which was quite good. If it was the weapon of the captain of the guard team, it would not be as good as the knight sword of the guard knight?

Seeing that their knight swords did not cause great damage to the large gray rock wolf, the two guard knights did not get discouraged and directly took advantage of their flexible reaction [to attack the large gray wolf again.

The large gray rock wolf was not a vegetarian either. After seeing that the attacks of the two guard knights did not cause much damage to it, it immediately ignored the attacks of the two guard knights and fought with them for nine minutes.

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