Gods: Beginning With Becoming A Lord

Chapter 67: Defeating The Large Gray Wolf And Slaughtering The Giant Hyena

Facing the attack of the large gray rock wolf, the two guard knights would avoid it if they could, and directly resist it if they couldn't.

Of course, the reason why the two guard knights dared to resist the attack of the large gray rock wolf was because the attack of the large gray rock wolf was much inferior to its super strong defense, and was only at the ordinary fourth-level level.

And the armor worn by the guard knights was enough for them to resist the attack of the large gray rock wolf, which was equivalent to the ordinary fourth-level level.

However, because the strength of the two guard knights was weaker than that of the large gray rock wolf, and was only close to the middle stage of the advanced knight, even if the two guard knights wore armor that was enough to resist the attack of the large gray rock wolf, they would suffer some injuries due to the force of the large gray rock wolf's attack.

Therefore, for the two guard knights, if they could avoid the attack of the large gray rock wolf "053", they would try to avoid the attack of the gray rock wolf.

As a result, the battle between the large gray rock wolf, which had its own advantages, and the two guard knights fell into a stalemate.

While the large gray rock wolf and the two guard knights were fighting, Caesar's guard knights and escorts were not idle either, actively killing ordinary gray rock wolves.

Especially the captain of the escort team who was beaten away by the large gray rock wolf, was madly killing ordinary gray rock wolves with injuries.

When the two guard knights who fought with the large gray rock wolf killed the large gray rock wolf at the cost of almost serious injuries, the gray rock wolves that occupied the outer area of ​​the wind wolf group had been slaughtered by Caesar's guard knights and escorts, and only a few gray rock wolves escaped.

For these ordinary gray rock wolves that escaped, Caesar did not choose to let his soldiers chase them, but rested on the spot.

After all, those guard knights and guard members who were injured in the battle needed treatment.

It is worth mentioning that this treatment does not take too long.

Because Caesar's space ring stores a lot of healing potions that are fast-acting and have good healing effects.

After feeding the healing potion stored in the space ring to the two guard knights who were almost seriously injured in the battle with the large gray rock wolf, and the guard members who were injured in the battle with the gray rock wolf, Caesar and his party rested in the outer area occupied by the gray rock wolf clan.

After taking the healing potion given by Caesar, the injured guard knights and guard members quickly recovered from their injuries.

And the two guard knights who fought with the large gray rock wolf broke through to the middle stage of the advanced knight field after healing their injuries.

Although, the strength of the middle stage of the advanced knight is nothing to Caesar.

After the party finished resting in the outer area of ​​the extremely cold mountains occupied by the gray rock wolf, Caesar and his party explored the extremely cold mountains again.

Because Caesar did not choose to change the route, the area that Caesar and his party set foot on this time was still the giant hyena area bordering the outer area of ​​the extremely cold mountains occupied by the original hurricane wolf clan.

Unlike the Gale Wolf tribe that was severely damaged and had to give up its territory to the Graystone Wolves, the Giant Hyena tribe, although also severely damaged by Caesar's killing, still occupied their original territory.

Moreover, they also made the hyena tribe develop again in the outer area of ​​the extremely cold mountains occupied by them.

Although the strength of the giant hyena tribe that has developed again is not as strong as the giant hyena tribe before being severely hit by Caesar, it is also 80% of its strength at that time.

Even if they are given some more time, their strength may exceed the strength when they were severely hit by Caesar.

Unfortunately, they don’t have this time.

Because Caesar once again stepped into the outer area of ​​the extremely cold mountains occupied by the giant hyena tribe.

Although killing giant hyenas has no other benefits except system points for Caesar, Caesar still gave the guard knights and a group of guards members the order to hunt and kill hyenas after entering the outer area of ​​the extremely cold mountains occupied by giant hyenas.

There is no other reason. The outer area of ​​the Extreme Cold Mountains occupied by the giant hyenas is too close to the outer area of ​​the Extreme Cold Mountains occupied by the gray rock wolves before... Now, the gray rock wolves occupying the outer area of ​​the Extreme Cold Mountains have been killed by Caesar and can no longer resist the invasion of the giant hyenas. If Caesar does not reduce the number of giant hyenas on a large scale, the giant hyenas will definitely occupy the outer area of ​​the Extreme Cold Mountains. Once the giant hyena group occupies the outer area of ​​the Extreme Cold Mountains, the number of giant hyenas will increase again. If the number of giant hyenas increases, the number of other valuable monsters will naturally decrease. [013606116 Feilu 161001231] Therefore, in order for other valuable monsters to survive, Caesar naturally has to intervene in the giant hyenas, which are not very valuable monsters, to reduce the number of giant hyenas. This is why Caesar ordered his knight guards and guards to kill giant hyenas after he entered the outer area of ​​the Extreme Cold Mountains occupied by giant hyenas.

Since there are not many strong people in the giant hyena tribe, Caesar's knight guards and guards easily slaughtered a large number of giant hyenas.

As a result, only a few giant hyenas survived in the outer area of ​​the Extreme Cold Mountains occupied by the giant hyena tribe.

After killing only a few giant hyenas in the outer area of ​​the Extreme Cold Mountains occupied by the giant hyena tribe, Caesar took Safrina, Sevilla and a group of people 3 and left the outer area of ​​the Extreme Xiang Mountains occupied by the giant hyena tribe.

This time, the outer area of ​​the Extreme Cold Mountains that Caesar arrived at was no longer the mixed magic beast area that he had explored before, but a new outer area of ​​the Extreme Cold Mountains.

However, this is not surprising. The reason why Caesar passed through the mixed magic beast area last time was because Caesar was exploring the periphery of the outer area of ​​the Extreme Cold Mountains occupied by the giant hyena tribe.

This time, the route Caesar chose was to cross the giant hyena area.

When Caesar and his party came out of the outer area of ​​the Extremely Cold Mountains occupied by the giant hyena tribe and stepped into the new outer area of ​​the Extremely Cold Mountains, they did not immediately encounter the monsters living in the new outer area of ​​the Extremely Cold Mountains.

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