Gods: Beginning With Becoming A Lord

Chapter 65: Exploring The Extremely Cold Mountains Again

After the Extreme Cold Baboon Tribe passed through Caesar's Sun and Moon Territory, no traces of magic beasts could be seen near Sun and Moon Territory in a short period of time.

After all, the magic beasts that originally lived in the deep areas of the Northern Wilderness where Sun and Moon Territory was located were basically driven to other areas by the Extreme Cold Baboon Tribe.

After leaving most of the troops to protect the safety of Sun and Moon Territory, Caesar left Sun and Moon Territory with Shafulina, Sevilla, and the Elemental Archer Yiyou, as well as the Guard Knights led by Emilia and the 300 guards led by Aer.

Of course, Caesar left Sun and Moon Territory with Shafulina, Sevilla and others, not to meet Ada and a group of Chamber of Commerce members who were still in Korendir.

After all, although Sun and Moon Territory has now passed the peak of the super-large beast tide caused by the Extreme Cold Baboon Tribe, other areas of the Northern Wilderness have not yet passed.

Therefore, as long as Caesar is not stupid, he will not take the risk to bring back the more than 2,000 people who stayed in Korendir during this super-large beast tide.

Similarly, Caesar and his party left the Sun and Moon Territory at 340, not to follow the Extreme Cold Baboon Clan, sneak attack and hunt the lagging Extreme Cold Baboons, and get system points.

Of course, this is not because Caesar does not value the system points brought by hunting the Extreme Cold Baboons.

But because Caesar has already handed over the task of following the Extreme Cold Baboon Clan and sneak attacking and hunting the lagging Extreme Cold Baboons to the Giant Lizard Heavy Cavalry Corps and the Dire Wolf Light Cavalry Corps.

The main reason why Caesar took Shafulina, Sevier, Yiyou and others to leave the Sun and Moon Territory during this super-large beast tide caused by the Extreme Cold Baboons was to explore the Extreme Cold Mountains.

It has been said before that the reason for this super-large beast tide is that the Arctic Baboon tribe could not get enough food in the Arctic Mountains, so they had to leave the Arctic Mountains on a large scale and enter the Northern Wilderness, Yongtu Plain and other areas to find food.

It is precisely for this reason that during the outbreak of this super-large beast tide caused by the Arctic Baboon tribe, the number of Arctic Baboons remaining in the Arctic Mountains was very small.

Although, for Caesar, the number of Arctic Baboons remaining in the Arctic Mountains did not delay Caesar's exploration of the Arctic Mountains.

But without the obstruction of a large number of Arctic Baboons, Caesar saved a lot of trouble in exploring the Arctic Mountains.

Moreover, Caesar can also explore the outermost area of ​​the Arctic Mountains occupied by the Arctic Baboons.

Although there are not many rare resources in the outermost area of ​​the Arctic Mountains, there are definitely a lot of ordinary resources in the outermost area of ​​the Arctic Mountains.

If there weren't many, the outermost area of ​​the Extremely Cold Mountains occupied by the Extremely Cold Baboons couldn't possibly support tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of Extremely Cold Baboons.

Leaving Sun and Moon Territory, Caesar, Shaflina, Severin and others soon arrived at the Extremely Cold Mountains.

Although there were a lot of ordinary resources in the outermost area of ​​the Extremely Cold Mountains occupied by the Extremely Cold Baboons, Caesar didn't intend to explore the outermost area of ​​the Extremely Cold Mountains immediately.

Instead, he planned to take Shaflina, Sevilla and his party directly through the outermost area of ​​the Extreme Cold Mountains, and enter the outer area, inner area and even the core area of ​​the Extreme Cold Mountains.

Because most of the Extreme Cold Baboons left the Extreme Cold Mountains because of the search for food, Caesar and his party were not attacked by the Extreme Cold Baboons in the outermost area of ​​the Extreme Cold Mountains, and easily passed through the outermost area of ​​the Extreme Cold Mountains occupied by the Extreme Cold Baboons (bgfg)| and entered the outer area of ​​the Extreme Cold Mountains.

Because the route Caesar took to enter the Extreme Cold Mountains this time was similar to the previous route, the outer area of ​​the Extreme Cold Mountains that Caesar and others entered was still occupied by the Gale Wolf Clan.

No, it should not be said that it is the outer area occupied by the Gale Wolf Clan now.

After all, the Gale Wolf Clan occupying this outer area had long been killed by Caesar at the time.

Now, the Warcraft race occupying this area is the Graystone Wolf Clan, which is a first-level Warcraft like the Gale Wolf.

Compared to the first-level magic beast, the Wind Wolf, which can release wind magic, the Gray Rock Wolf, which is also a first-level magic beast, is also an elemental magic beast, but it cannot release magic. However, although the Gray Rock Wolf cannot release magic, it has extremely strong defensive capabilities due to its elemental attributes. If the troops led by Caesar this time were only crossbowmen or archers with the strength of reserve knights, they might not be able to break the defense of the Gray Rock Wolf. It can be said that these Gray Rock Wolves were specially invited by the Wind Wolf that escaped from this outer area to deal with the troops under Caesar. As for why these Gray Rock Wolves were invited by the Wind Wolf tribe, it is naturally because in this outer area, Caesar saw not only the figures of the Gray Rock Wolf tribe, but also many Wind Wolves. Moreover, after seeing Caesar, these wind wolves "immediately howled at the gray wolves around them.

It is precisely because of this that Caesar guessed that these gray rock wolves were invited by the wind wolves.

Unfortunately, these wind wolves were still one step behind. They did not expect that in order to explore deeper areas in the extremely cold mountains this time, the troops led by Caesar had the strength of intermediate knights at the worst.

Although the defense of the gray rock wolf clan is extremely strong, it is still unable to defend against the attack of a stronger existence than them, not to mention that the strength of the intermediate knight is two levels stronger than the gray rock wolf.

Hearing The howling of the Swift Wolf caused the Gray Rock Wolf, who was already very dissatisfied with Caesar and his party for intruding into the outer area occupied by their tribe, to look at Caesar and his party fiercely.

Then, after hearing the wolf howl coming from behind, the Gray Rock Wolf, who were already very dissatisfied with Caesar and his party, immediately attacked Caesar.

As a monster that cannot use magic attacks and has a strong defense among the first-level monsters, the Gray Rock Wolf tribe is best at close combat.

Unfortunately, for Caesar and his party, except for the elemental shooter Yiyou, they are also best at close combat. .

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