Gods: Beginning With Becoming A Lord

Chapter 64: Peak Of The Beast Tide

After all, it is quite troublesome to search for valuable monster corpses from a large number of extremely cold baboon corpses.

In addition, now is the period of the super-large beast tide caused by the extremely cold baboon, and from time to time there are monsters sneaking near the Sun and Moon Territory, causing a lot of trouble for the soldiers responsible for cleaning the battlefield.

Therefore, in order to reduce this unnecessary trouble, Caesar did not care about the benefits brought by the more valuable monster corpses, and directly asked his soldiers responsible for cleaning the battlefield to collect all the monster corpses on the battlefield, including a large number of extremely cold baboon corpses, into the territory to serve as rations for Caesar's heavy cavalry and light cavalry mounts.

For this reason, Caesar also spent some system points to buy a space warehouse with a freezing effect at the Super Auxiliary System Mall.

After that, Caesar embarked on the road of fighting monsters and developing the territory.

It must be said that during the outbreak of the super-large beast tide caused by the extremely cold baboon clan, the number of monsters was really large.

In just a few days, the territory of Sun and Moon Territory has expanded to 9,999 square kilometers.

Of course, the reason why the territory was expanded to 9,999 square kilometers instead of 10,000 square kilometers is not because Caesar does not have enough system points.

On the contrary, Caesar has sufficient system points, which can be seen from the fact that Caesar can take into account the development of the territory while expanding the territory.

Even if Caesar is willing to use all the system points in his hands to expand the territory, he can expand it by several thousand square kilometers.

The reason why Caesar expanded the territory to 9,999 square kilometers instead of 10,000 square kilometers is purely because Caesar wants to attract a wave of super-large-scale monster attacks when the territory is expanded to 10,000 square kilometers, and obtain a lot of benefits from it.

As for why it is not now to attract super-large-scale monsters to attack the territory, it is because it is now in the outbreak period of super-large beast tide caused by the extreme cold baboon tribe.

Of course, this is not because Caesar is afraid of the super-large-scale monster attack and the super-large beast tide, which will threaten the Sun and Moon Territory.

Rather, if Caesar expands the territory of the Sun and Moon Territory at this time and triggers a super-large monster attack on the Sun and Moon Territory, it is likely that the attackers of the Sun and Moon Territory are basically the extremely cold baboons.

There is no way. As time gets closer and closer to the peak of the super-large beast tide, there are not many other monsters in the deep area of ​​the northern wilderness where the Sun and Moon Territory is located, except for the extremely cold baboon tribe.

As the weather in the northern wilderness becomes colder and colder, the extremely cold baboon tribe living in the extremely cold mountains has almost consumed all the stored food.

In order to find sufficient food, the extremely hungry extremely cold baboon tribe due to food shortage finally stepped out of the extremely cold mountains.

And it was at this moment that the super-large beast tide caused by the extremely cold baboon tribe, which swept across the northern wilderness, the Everwinter Plain and other areas, completely broke out.

And the Sun and Moon Territory, located in the depths of the northern wilderness, not far from the extremely cold mountains and the Everwinter Plain, was naturally also affected.

On this day, countless, seemingly endless, Arctic baboons attacked the Sun and Moon Territory, which blocked their tribe's southward advance.

Fortunately, Caesar had already made preparations for this.

In order to kill as many Arctic baboons as possible, Caesar recruited a large number of archers and crossbowmen from the heart of the barracks.

However, even if Caesar's archers and crossbowmen numbered tens of thousands, they were still somewhat insufficient when facing a large number of Arctic baboons.

Some Arctic baboons even took advantage of the cover of their companions and the gaps when Caesar's archers and crossbowmen attacked to kill on the city wall, threatening the safety of a group of archers and crossbowmen.

Fortunately, in order to protect the safety of his archers and crossbowmen, Caesar had already arranged the Sun Infantry Corps led by Leska and the Heavy Armored Shield Corps led by Barros on the city wall.

Therefore, when the Arctic baboons broke through the attack line of the archers and crossbowmen and rushed to the city wall to attack the archers and crossbowmen on the city wall, they were directly blocked by the Zhan Tian and Heavy Armored Shield Corps of the Sun Infantry Corps.

Unfortunately, even though Caesar was fully prepared, his troops still suffered a lot of casualties when fighting with the Arctic Baboons.

There was no way, the number of Arctic Baboons pouring into the Northern Wilderness from the Arctic Mountains was too large.

Facing a large number of Arctic Baboons, Caesar's troops were not weak in strength, but their number was too small after all.

Therefore, when fighting with the Arctic Baboons, a lot of troops were naturally killed and injured.

Even Caesar's territory was rushed into by Arctic Baboons several times. [013606116 Feilu 151591411]

Fortunately, the part of Sun and Moon Territory close to the territory wall is relatively open, and even if the Arctic Baboons break into this area, it will not cause too much damage to Sun and Moon Territory.

In addition, it is also fortunate that Caesar's territory, Sun and Moon Territory, is not the target of the Arctic Baboons.

Although Caesar's territory, the Sun and Moon Territory, has blocked the pace of the Arctic Baboon Tribe's southward advance to a certain extent, the Northern Wilderness is so vast that Caesar's Sun and Moon Territory only occupies a small part of the Northern Wilderness.

Therefore, the number of Arctic Baboons blocked by the Sun and Moon Territory is not large, and they only occupy a small part of the Arctic Baboon Tribe.

The large force of the Arctic Baboon Tribe still passed through the two sides of the Sun and Moon Territory.

Of course, in order to prevent the Arctic Baboons passing through the two sides of the Sun and Moon Territory from attacking the Sun and Moon Territory (good) Territory from both sides of the Sun and Moon Territory, Caesar also specially arranged the Fire Mage Corps and the Ice Mage Corps in the Phantom Moon Mage Corps to sit on both sides of the Sun and Moon Territory.

In addition, Caesar also arranged the Giant Lizard Heavy Cavalry Corps and the Dire Wolf Light Cavalry Corps in the direction of the Sun and Moon Territory towards Korundir.

As long as the Arctic Baboon Tribe completely passes through the Sun and Moon Territory, they will attack the Arctic Baboon Tribe heading south towards Korundir.

Of course, Caesar, who just wanted to earn some system points, only sent the Giant Lizard Heavy Cavalry Corps and the Dire Wolf Light Cavalry Corps to sneak attack the rear of a wave of extremely cold baboons.

As more and more extremely cold baboons passed through both sides of the Sun and Moon Territory, the number of extremely cold baboons that chose to pass directly through the Sun and Moon Territory and launched an attack on the Sun and Moon Territory was also decreasing.

In the end, Caesar's territory, the Sun and Moon Territory, still survived the peak of this super-large beast tide without any danger. .

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