Gods: Beginning With Becoming A Lord

Chapter 48 Intermediate Training Ground

The Principal Gift Pack in the Senior Earl Gift Pack is also valuable. After Caesar chose to use it, there were immediately 100,000 more Principal citizens in the territory.

You should know that before Caesar opened the Principal Gift Pack, the number of Principal citizens in Caesar's territory was only over 50,000.

Moreover, this is because after Caesar expanded the territory area to 100 square kilometers with the Hundred Days Expansion Buff, the reward for each square kilometer of expansion was one Principal citizen.

As a result, this Principal Citizen Gift Pack opened 100,000 Principal citizens, which is directly equivalent to Caesar's reward from the Hundred Days Expansion Buff when he doubled the current territory area.

The Mineral Vein Gift Pack, as the name suggests, is a gift pack that can open various mineral veins.

Caesar did not hesitate at all, and opened the Mineral Vein Gift Pack directly, just like when he got the Principal Citizen Gift Pack.

And this mineral vein gift pack is worthy of being called a mineral vein gift pack. After Caesar opened it, he directly obtained more than ten mineral veins.

Among them, there are five small coal veins, four small iron veins, and even two small copper veins that can be directly converted into currency.

In addition, there is also a small silver vein and a small gold vein, which are more valuable than small copper veins.

It is worth mentioning that the small gold vein and the small silver vein are not the most valuable among the mineral veins opened in the mineral vein gift pack.

In the mineral vein gift pack, the most valuable mineral vein is the small magic crystal vein that can mine magic crystals.

Magic crystals, crystals that condense a lot of energy, are valuable because they can be used to assist in cultivation.

In the declining Orlan plane today, even a small unit of magic crystal is worth a thousand gold coins.

However, even so, no one is willing to sell magic crystals.

There is no other reason. In the declining Oran plane, the number of magic crystals is too rare. Even the top forces in the Oran plane, such as the three kingdoms of mankind, do not have many.

It is conceivable that the small magic crystal vein that Caesar opened from the mine gift package, which can stably produce magic crystal points every day, is of great value.

Without much hesitation, Caesar immediately placed the small magic crystal vein and other veins opened from the lord gift package directly in the mining area specially used to place the veins.

Then, he selected people from the 100,000 people opened from the people gift package to settle in each small mine.

After arranging all these, Caesar turned his attention back to the one random intermediate functional building and ten random primary functional buildings obtained from the senior earl gift package.

Now, it's time to gamble on Caesar's luck.

Caesar did not immediately choose to use the random intermediate functional buildings. He was ready to try out ten random primary functional buildings.

As Caesar chose to use ten random primary functional buildings, ten primary functional building models immediately appeared in front of Caesar.

How to say it? Caesar's luck was not too bad. At least he did not get the lowest-value primary functional buildings such as the primary animal training ground. But Caesar's luck was not too good. He did not get the most valuable items among the primary functional buildings. In short, it was just average.

Among the ten primary random functional buildings, Caesar got seven relatively ordinary primary functional buildings, and these seven relatively ordinary primary functional buildings were three primary farms, two primary breeding farms, one primary forest farm and one primary quarry.

The system points required for these seven primary functional buildings were not high, which was better than the worst primary functional buildings such as the primary animal training ground.

The remaining three primary function buildings are better than the seven ordinary primary function buildings. They are two primary training grounds worth 10,000 system points and a primary alchemy potion factory worth 30,000 system points.

By the way, let me just mention that the primary alchemy potion factory is a special function building, so the primary alchemy potion factory is different from the ordinary primary function building.

Ordinary primary function buildings, such as the primary training ground, have functions for levels one to four, that is, preparatory level to advanced level, while the primary alchemy potion factory can only function for low level (level one) and primary level (level two).

It is also worth mentioning that the intermediate alchemy potion factory and the advanced alchemy potion factory of the same type as the primary alchemy potion factory are still within the scope of primary function buildings.

By the way, although the primary alchemy potion factory can only function for levels one and two, just as the system points required to buy it are more than the system points required to buy the primary training ground, the function of the primary alchemy potion factory is also greater than that of the primary training ground.

The function of the primary alchemy potion factory is to produce low-level alchemy potions and primary alchemy potions on an assembly line without the need for alchemists.

Of course, the premise is to have enough workers and alchemy materials.

Therefore, Caesar was very satisfied that he could open a primary alchemy potion factory worth 30,000 system points from ten random primary functional buildings.

After placing the primary alchemy potion factory and the other nine primary functional buildings in the territory, Caesar looked at the last random intermediate functional building.

Without any hesitation, he chose to use it directly, and then a model of an intermediate functional building appeared in front of Caesar.

Looking at the intermediate functional building model that appeared in front of him, Caesar couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

His luck was pretty good. At least he didn't open the lowest-value intermediate functional building, but opened an intermediate training ground worth 500,000 system points.

Although he didn't open an intermediate functional building worth millions, Caesar didn't dislike the intermediate training ground he opened.

After all, this intermediate training ground, in addition to not working for Shafulina who had taken the legendary breakthrough alchemy potion and was in seclusion to break through the legend, still had a great effect on other people in Caesar's territory!

Immediately, Caesar placed the intermediate training ground in the territory.

Then, he and a group of extraordinary heroes and those soldiers who had reached the level of great knights entered the intermediate training ground and experimented with the functions of the intermediate training ground.

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