Gods: Beginning With Becoming A Lord

Chapter 49 Territory Management

The intermediate training ground is indeed an intermediate functional building. It can not only play a role for the great knight and extraordinary professional players, but also increase the training effect, which is greater than the training effect of the primary training ground.

Unfortunately, Caesar does not have many skills, and these skills have long been mastered with the help of the functions of the primary training ground.

Therefore, although the function of the intermediate training ground is not small, it is not very useful to Caesar.

So, after staying in the intermediate training ground for a while and simply experimenting with the effect of the intermediate training ground, Caesar left the training ground directly.

After leaving the intermediate training ground, Caesar did not wander around, but returned directly to the lord's mansion.

After all, there are many things that Caesar needs to be responsible for in the construction of the territory!

In the past, in order to expand the territory as soon as possible, Caesar did not care about the development of the territory, but only planned the territory hastily.

Now that the expansion of the territory has come to an end, Caesar naturally has to pick up the development of the territory again.

In addition, Caesar will have to go to Korendir to register the area of ​​his territory with the Korendir Noble Council, and obtain the corresponding title according to the size of his territory.

Of course, it is okay for Caesar not to register, but in that case, Caesar's territory will not be recognized by the Boro Kingdom.

By then, if some nobles take a fancy to Caesar's territory, they can use it to attack Caesar.

Although, Caesar will not be afraid.

After all, with the current strength of Caesar's territory, even in the division of forces in the entire Orlan plane, it can be regarded as a top-notch super-first-class force.

And when Safrina breaks through to the legendary level with the help of the legendary alchemy potion, Caesar's territory will be able to become the top force in the Orlan plane.

And how can the top forces in the Orlan plane be afraid of those forces in the Boro Kingdom?

The reason why Caesar went to Korendir and prepared to register the territory and receive the title in Korendir was purely to obtain the title and persuade his three sisters and two younger sisters to come to the territory to live with him.

Of course, Caesar is not in a hurry to go to the Korendir Noble Council to register the territory and receive the noble title.

Because, for Caesar now, the most important thing is to plan everything in the territory first.

In the next few days, Caesar did not go out with his troops to hunt outside the Arctic Mountains, but stayed in the territory to plan various buildings in the territory.

At the same time, using system points, recruit low-level and primary troops from low-level and intermediate barracks to form various corps.

Although Caesar has no management talent, he can still manage the territory roughly.

During these few days, Caesar used the system points obtained from hunting outside the Arctic Mountains to build a huge city covering an area of ​​400 square kilometers, two large cities covering an area of ​​100 square kilometers, and ten small cities covering an area of ​​20 square kilometers in the Sun and Moon Territory (Caesar's name for the territory).

Among them, the huge city covering an area of ​​400 square kilometers was named Sun and Moon City by Caesar. It is located in the middle of the territory and is considered the center of Caesar's territory, Sun and Moon Territory.

The big city near the side of Korendir was named Lieyang City by Caesar, and around Lieyang City, Caesar built five small cities, Jinyang, Muyang, Shuiyang, Huoyang, and Tuyang.

The big city near the Extreme Cold Mountains was named Youyue City by Caesar, and around Youyue City, Caesar built five small cities, Jinyue, Muyue, Shuiyue, Huoyue, and Tuyue.

As for why Caesar built Sun and Moon City, Lieyang City, Youyue City and other cities when the territory was surrounded by city walls? It was for Caesar to better manage the territory.

Before the construction of Sun and Moon City, Lieyang City, Youyue City and other thirteen cities, although Caesar's territory, Sun and Moon Territory, had a large area of ​​7,600 square kilometers.

But in fact, Caesar's control over the entire Sun and Moon Territory is not high. He only controls the areas around the Lord's Mansion and a number of functional buildings.

The total area of ​​these areas is less than 600 square kilometers.

The remaining 7,000 square kilometers only belong to Caesar in name. In fact, Caesar's control over these 7,000 square kilometers is basically zero.

Now, after Caesar established thirteen cities including Sun and Moon City, Lieyang City, and Youyue City, with the radiation of Sun and Moon City, Lieyang City, Youyue City and other thirteen cities to the territory, Caesar's control over the territory can be said to have risen sharply.

However, as Caesar established thirteen cities including Sun and Moon City, Lieyang City, and Youyue City in Sun and Moon Territory, new problems also came.

That is, the population of Sun and Moon Territory is too small.

Even if the arms are counted together, the population in Caesar's territory is less than 200,000.

And this population of less than 200,000, not to mention the thirteen cities in the Sun and Moon Territory, even a big city cannot fill it.

Caesar has no way to deal with this for the time being.

Although everything can be purchased in the system mall of the super auxiliary system, the system points required to purchase a household of territory citizens are too many, and ten system points are required to purchase one household.

You know, the system points required to recruit a blank low-level soldier with the strength of a reserve knight from a low-level barracks is only one point.

And the number of a household of territory citizens is only about five people, and they don’t have any strength.

Caesar is not an idiot, how could he waste system points on purchasing territory citizens.

As for why Caesar did not spend system points or gold coins to recruit a large number of blank low-level soldiers from low-level barracks to serve as population.

Caesar has thought about this.

However, the blank low-level soldiers recruited from low-level barracks have a fatal flaw, that is, they cannot do other work except combat.

In addition, low-level troops consume more resources than ordinary subjects, so Caesar gave up the idea directly.

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