Gods: Beginning With Becoming A Lord

Chapter 47: The 100-Day Expansion Buff Expires

After cleaning up the battlefields where the battles with the monsters took place and roughly sorting out the harvest.

Next, in the remaining days of the Hundred Days of Expansion Buff, in order to get more wool from the super auxiliary system, Caesar and his extraordinary heroes led a group of soldiers to hunt frantically in the three places of the Extreme Cold Mountains, the Northern Wilderness, and the Swamp Forest.

The effect of this frantic hunting was that the system points in Caesar's hands increased wildly, so that in the remaining few days, the area of ​​Caesar's territory was also expanding wildly.

When the time came to the last day of the Hundred Days of Expansion Buff, when Caesar injected the system points he obtained into the Lord's Heart, the area of ​​Caesar's territory directly increased to 7,600 square kilometers.

In other words, in these few short days, Caesar directly increased the area of ​​his territory by a full 2,560 square kilometers.

Of course, Caesar was able to increase the territory area by 2,600 square kilometers in just a few days, thanks to the large-scale monster attacks when the territory area expanded to 5,001 square kilometers, 6,001 square kilometers and 7,001 square kilometers.

It was also because of the large-scale monster attacks caused by these three expansions that Caesar gained more than one million system points, which allowed Caesar's territory to expand to 7,600 square kilometers today.

Of course, such a crazy expansion of Caesar's territory is not without consequences.

And the consequence is that the system points Caesar now has are no more than 10,000.

Almost all of Caesar's extraordinary heroes and arms were exhausted.

After all, in such a short period of time, the territory area was expanded by 2,600 square kilometers, and all of Caesar's extraordinary heroes and arms made great efforts.

As the last day of the Hundred Days Expansion Buff came into effect, just when Caesar was about to take a good rest and develop his territory, the Hundred Days Expansion Buff gave Caesar the last gift.

Because the last gift given to Caesar by the Hundred Days Expansion Buff was a reward based on how much territory Caesar expanded during the effective period of the Hundred Days Expansion Buff.

Therefore, after seeing the last gift given by the Hundred Days Expansion Buff, Caesar could not help but regret that he did not expand his territory frantically during the 100 days of the Hundred Days Expansion Buff.

According to the territory area of ​​more than 10 square kilometers and less than 100 square kilometers, it is a lord territory. The territory area of ​​more than 100 square kilometers and less than 500 square kilometers is a baron territory. The territory area of ​​more than 500 square kilometers and less than 1,000 square kilometers is a viscount territory.

The territory area of ​​more than 1,000 square kilometers and less than 5,000 square kilometers is an earl territory. A territory with an area of ​​more than 5,000 square kilometers and less than 10,000 square kilometers is a senior earl territory.

A territory with an area of ​​more than 10,000 square kilometers and less than 30,000 square kilometers is a third-class marquis territory. A territory with an area of ​​more than 30,000 square kilometers and less than 70,000 square kilometers is a second-class marquis territory. A territory with an area of ​​more than 70,000 square kilometers and less than 100,000 square kilometers is a first-class marquis territory...

The current territory of Caesar, which is only 7,600 square kilometers, is only at the stage of a senior earl territory. Therefore, the last gift given to Caesar by the Hundred Days Expansion Buff is the Senior Earl Gift Pack.

When Caesar opened the Senior Earl Gift Pack given by the Hundred Days Expansion Buff, he felt even more regretful.

Because, after Caesar opened the Senior Earl Gift Pack given by the Hundred Days Expansion Buff, he received a random intermediate functional building, ten random primary functional buildings, and a primary knight summoning symbol, a chief gift pack, and a mineral vein gift pack as rewards.

Among them, there is no need to say much about the random intermediate functional building. Even if the value is not the most valuable among the many rewards in the Senior Earl Gift Pack, it is definitely not the lowest.

Because, in the system mall of the super auxiliary system, the cheapest intermediate functional building is worth more than 50,000, and some expensive intermediate functional buildings are worth more than one million system points.

Therefore, even if Caesar's luck is bad, he can still get a mid-level functional building worth 50,000 system points.

Compared with the mid-level random functional buildings, the value of ten random primary functional buildings is also not low. If you are lucky, you can even get a primary functional building worth tens of thousands of system points.

As for the primary knight summoning talisman, this reward is even more incredible. As long as Caesar uses the primary knight summoning talisman, he can directly recruit a knight group with about 3,000 people, and the weakest strength is all primary knights.

In addition, this recruited primary knight group must include a knight group leader of the extraordinary realm and two deputy knight groups of the extraordinary realm.

Moreover, the strength of each captain (including deputy captain) in this recruited primary knight group will fluctuate between the great knight and the extraordinary knight.

In other words, as long as Caesar's luck is against the sky, the extraordinary existence in this recruited primary knight group will become more.

In addition, the knight group members summoned by the primary knight summoning talisman also come with mounts like Caesar's guard knight troops.

Without much hesitation, Caesar immediately chose to use the summoning talisman of the primary knight group from the senior earl gift pack.

Caesar's luck was also good. After using the summoning talisman of the primary knight group to summon the primary knight group, in addition to the three knight group leaders of the extraordinary realm that he was sure to obtain, he also obtained four knight group captains with extraordinary strength.

In addition, this primary knight group summoned by the summoning talisman of the primary knight group was still a heavy cavalry knight group, and their mounts were giant lizard monsters.

This directly made the heavy cavalry knight group that Caesar originally wanted to form directly formed.

Even if Caesar wanted to expand this heavy cavalry knight group in the future, it would be very easy, as long as it was equipped with elite heavy cavalry and giant lizard monsters.

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