Gods: Beginning With Becoming A Lord

Chapter 31: Marching Into The Wolf Valley

After ordering several extraordinary heroes under his command to deal with the one-eyed bull, Caesar did not rely on the city walls to fight the monsters that came to attack the territory as usual, but directly let a group of extraordinary heroes and soldiers under his command take the initiative to attack and kill all the monsters that came to attack the territory.

After that, he quickly cleaned up the battlefield and took time to rest. The next day, which was the 89th day of Caesar's establishment of the territory, Caesar gathered most of the extraordinary heroes and most of the soldiers in the territory early in the morning.

This time, Caesar did not go to the Arctic Mountains for hunting, but brought a large army to the Wolf Valley that he found when he was looking for the dire wolf before.

The two extraordinary heroes, Dulus and Barros, led the elite heavy cavalry and heavy armored shield soldiers to guard in front, and the five primary magician brigades and the archers and crossbowmen led by Cage attacked in the middle. Several other extraordinary heroes and Caesar, together with the remaining soldiers, broke into the valley.

As soon as they entered the valley, the five junior magician brigades and the archers and crossbowmen led by Cage followed the orders that Caesar had issued before entering the valley and directly attacked the dire wolves and northern wolves in the valley.


The sudden intrusion and attack of Caesar's troops caught the dire wolves and northern wolves in the valley off guard.

After a while, the dire wolves and northern wolves at the entrance of the valley suffered heavy losses under the attack of Caesar's magicians, archers, and crossbowmen, and made miserable wolf howls.

Awoo~ Awoo~ Awoo...

As the miserable wolf howls sounded, wolf howls came from the depths of the valley.

Then, one dire wolves, northern wolves, wind wolves, and even various wolf species emerged from the depths of the valley.

Facing the various wolf species that continued to emerge from the depths of the valley, Caesar's magicians, archers, and crossbowmen did not hesitate at all and attacked directly.

The various wolf species that emerged from the depths of the valley would naturally not let Caesar's troops attack in vain. The swift wolves, thunder wolves and other wolf species with long-range attack magic abilities directly attacked Caesar's troops.

Of course, under the guard of a group of elite heavy cavalry and heavy armored shield soldiers, the attacks of most wolf species with long-range attack magic abilities were nothing.

The only wolf species that could cause casualties to Caesar's troops were those third-level wolves and thunder wolves that could use thunder attribute magic.

The former third-level wolf species was stronger than most of Caesar's elite heavy cavalry and heavy armored shield soldiers in terms of hard power, while the latter was purely because Caesar's elite heavy cavalry and heavy armored shield soldiers were all wearing iron equipment and could not defend against thunder attribute magic.

Fortunately, the thunder attribute magic of the Thunder Wolf is not very powerful. Even the Thunder Wolf of the fourth level can distribute the damage of the thunder attribute magic because the elite heavy cavalry and heavy armored shield soldiers in front are closely connected, so that the elite heavy cavalry and heavy armored shield soldiers under Caesar are not seriously injured.

While a group of soldiers with long-range attack magic used magic to attack Caesar's soldiers, the wolf species mainly engaged in melee combat, such as the Dire Wolf and the Northern Wild Wolf, also launched a charge towards the soldiers under Caesar.

In order to prevent his soldiers from suffering too much casualties, Caesar directly ordered Safrina and Cage to take action and use long-range attacks to eliminate the relatively threatening long-range attack monsters.

As for the more powerful wolf monsters among the melee wolf species, Caesar did not let anyone take action.

After all, the two extraordinary heroes, Dulus and Barros, who commanded the elite heavy cavalry and heavy armored shield soldiers, were not vegetarians.

Of course, with the strength of the primary elite troops under Caesar, there was no need for the two extraordinary heroes, Dulus and Barros, to take action.

After all, among the melee wolf species, there was not even a fifth-level magic beast that could match the great knight level. The captains and deputy captains of the elite troops under Caesar who had the strength of great knights were enough to defeat the charging melee wolf species.

And the result was just as Caesar thought. Although the melee wolf species were aggressive, their performance was mediocre. Except for some heavy armored shield soldiers with the strength of reserve knights who were injured and severely injured or killed because of the wolf tribe's long-range attack magic, the elite heavy cavalry and most of the heavy armored shield soldiers were fine.

Soon, the first batch of various wolf monsters that appeared from the depths of the valley suffered heavy casualties under the attack of Caesar's troops.

Although there were still a steady stream of wolf beasts appearing in the depths of the valley, they did not pose much threat to Caesar's troops because they did not form a large scale.

Perhaps because they realized that the scattered wolf species were no match for Caesar, after a deep wolf howl came from the depths of the valley, no more wolf species appeared in the depths of the valley.

And those wolf species that came out from the depths of the valley also hurried back to the depths of the valley under this wolf howl.

Soon, only Caesar's troops and wolf corpses scattered all over the ground were left in the periphery of the entire valley.

Caesar did not rush his troops to go deep into the valley, but ordered a group of troops that did not participate in the battle to clean up the battlefield.

After all, these wolf corpses scattered all over the periphery of the valley are good things.

After cleaning the battlefield, Caesar first let his troops rest for a while and recover their physical strength, and then ordered his extraordinary heroes to lead a group of troops to move towards the depths of the valley.

There were no obstacles along the way, so Caesar and his party easily reached the depths of the valley.

The space inside the valley is very large, so the number of wolf monsters gathered in the valley is also extremely large, as many as tens of thousands.

As soon as Caesar's troops, led by a group of extraordinary heroes, stepped into the depths of the valley, they were attacked by many wolf monsters that could use long-range magic to attack.

Fortunately, the leading extraordinary hero this time was Baros, the unparalleled shield. Facing the magic attacks of many wolf monsters, Baros directly used the heavy shield to protect and blocked most of them.

Afterwards, Dulus, the Holy Light Knight, blocked the rest.

This allowed Caesar's troops to escape the attacks of many wolf monsters.

Sudden attack by many wolf monsters, Caesar immediately launched a counterattack, first asking Sever to summon a group of fifth- and sixth-level bear beasts to rush into the wolf pack and kill them.

Afterwards, a group of soldiers who stepped into the depths of the valley also launched an attack on the wolf monsters.

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