Gods: Beginning With Becoming A Lord

Chapter 32: Dragon And Wolf Sisters

Although there are many wolf monsters gathered in the depths of the valley, and most of them have the strength of the first level or above, Caesar's side has a lot of people. There are more than a thousand primary elite soldiers alone, and there are thousands of reserve soldiers.

Moreover, all the soldiers under Caesar are equipped with good equipment.

Of course, if it is just like this, the strength of Caesar's side is about the same as that of the wolf monsters in the depths of the valley.

What can really make the gap between Caesar's side and the wolf monsters is the extraordinary heroes under Caesar.

Especially the bear summoner Sever, who only summoned a group of fifth and sixth level bears, and directly hit the wolf monsters in the depths of the valley. So that Caesar's soldiers with similar strength to the wolf monsters have the upper hand in the battle with the wolf monsters in the depths of the valley.

Perhaps it was the sixth-level flaming bear summoned by Savier that made the extraordinary wolf beasts in the deeper part of the valley feel threatened, and with the sound of deep or passionate wolf howls coming from the deeper part of the valley.

A dozen fifth-level three-eyed demon wolves, thunder wolf kings, and dire wolf kings, led by two sixth-level extraordinary dragon wolves, walked out from the deeper part of the valley.

Dragon wolves, when they grow up, can become fifth-level super-powerful monsters, and contain rare dragon blood in their bodies.

It is worth mentioning that although dragon wolves are only fifth-level monsters, they are definitely rarer than dragons.

Therefore, after seeing the two dragon wolves coming out from the deeper part of the valley, Caesar couldn't help but be shocked.

After being shocked, he naturally coveted the two dragon wolves. For Caesar, these two dragon wolves are undoubtedly the most perfect mounts.

As for the fact that there is no intermediate animal training field in Caesar's territory and the two dragon wolves cannot be tamed, sorry, is this a problem for Caesar who has a super auxiliary system?

An intermediate soul contract that costs 5,000 system points in the system mall is enough to solve this problem.

As long as Caesar signs an intermediate soul contract with the two dragon wolves, the two dragon wolves will naturally become Caesar's mounts.

The only problem facing Caesar now is how to make the two dragon wolves lose their ability to resist without killing them.

Awoo~ Awoo~ Awoo...

The two dragon wolves and many fifth-level wolf beasts that came out from deeper in the valley howled and rushed towards the fifth- and sixth-level bear beasts that were killing a lot in the wolf pack.

Looking at the two dragon wolves and a group of fifth-level wolf beasts rushing towards the fifth- and sixth-level bear beasts, Caesar immediately said to the two extraordinary heroes, Ada and Aer, who were responsible for protecting him: "Ada, Aer, you two, come and subdue the two dragon wolves without killing them."

"Lord, leave it to us two." Hearing Caesar's order, Ada replied, and then said to Aer beside him: "Aer, let's go!"

Then, Ada and Aer also rushed into the wolf pack and killed the two dragon wolves that were rushing towards the fifth- and sixth-level bear beasts.

As the strongest in the entire wolf valley, the two dragon wolves are naturally strong, and both have the strength of the late extraordinary.

However, the strength of this late-stage supernatural hero is still far behind that of Ada and Aer, two heroes at the peak of supernatural power.

Not to mention, as heroes, Ada and Aer each wore two legendary equipment.

If Caesar had not ordered Ada and Aer to capture the two dragon wolves alive and not to let the battle affect Caesar's troops, Ada and Aer would not have to waste too much time to deal with the two dragon wolves.

However, even so, Ada and Aer did not take long to severely injure and capture the two dragon wolves alive.

After Ada and Aer captured the dragon wolves alive, the wolf monsters on the battlefield were quickly defeated.

After all, the addition of more than a dozen fifth- and sixth-level bear beasts posed too great a threat to the wolf monsters.

After the wolf monsters in the deep valley were defeated, Caesar did not order his troops to chase and kill the fleeing wolf monsters, but ordered them to clean up the battlefield.

While Caesar's troops were cleaning up the battlefield, Caesar, accompanied by Safrina and Savier, came to the two dragon wolves subdued by Ada and Aer.

Without any hesitation, Caesar directly spent 10,000 system points from the system mall of the super auxiliary system to buy two intermediate soul contracts, and then forcibly signed a contract with the two dragon wolves that had lost their ability to resist.

After successfully signing the intermediate soul contract with the two dragon wolves, Caesar ordered Ada and Aer to let go of the two dragon wolves.

Then, he took out the master-level recovery potion refined by Leighton from the space ring and gave it to the two dragon wolves.

As several bottles of master-level recovery potions were taken by the two dragon wolves, the injuries on the two dragon wolves quickly recovered.

The two dragon wolves, who had recovered from their injuries, immediately thanked Caesar through the soul contract: "Thank you, Master."

Caesar was surprised to hear the two dragon wolves' thanks.

Because the two dragon wolves' thanks through the soul contract were actually female voices, which meant that the two dragon wolves that Caesar had subdued were actually female.

Afterwards, Caesar learned about the origins of the two dragon wolves through the communication of the soul contract with the two dragon wolves.

The two dragon wolves are a pair of sisters, named Leia and Leina, born in the core area of ​​the Extreme Cold Mountains. Their mother is a white wolf king with extraordinary peak strength. As for their father, their mother did not tell them.

As for why the two of them were not in the Extreme Cold Mountains, it was because the two of them ran out of the Extreme Cold Mountains secretly to play.

And the reason why they were in the valley was because they found a good thing in the valley that was very attractive to them, so they lived in this valley.

And, with the help of the good things they found, their strength also broke through from the peak of the fifth level to the sixth level of extraordinary realm.

Listening to the Dragon Wolf sisters' story, Caesar couldn't help but become interested in the good things the Dragon Wolf sisters were talking about.

Immediately, he asked the Dragon Wolf sisters to lead the way, and took Safrina and Savier to a cave in the deepest part of the valley.

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