On the 65th day of establishing the territory, although Caesar knew that the wolf tribe in the valley was a threat to his territory, in order to maximize the reward of the 100-day expansion buff, he did not have the idea of ​​dealing with the wolf tribe in the valley for the time being.

Instead, as usual, he took extraordinary heroes such as Shafulina and Savier, as well as a group of soldiers under his command, to continue hunting at the outermost edge of the Extreme Cold Mountains.

By the way, it is worth mentioning that although Caesar did not have the idea of ​​dealing with the wolf tribe in the valley for the time being, it did not mean that Caesar did not value the threat of the wolf tribe in the valley.

In order to develop the territory faster, Caesar brought more soldiers to hunt in the Extreme Cold Mountains this time.

As Caesar expanded the scale of hunting in the Extreme Cold Mountains, the system points Caesar received every day also increased significantly.

The substantial increase in system points also made the development of Caesar's territory faster and faster.

Only on the 70th day of Caesar's establishment of the territory, the area of ​​Caesar's territory reached 2,001 square kilometers.

However, this time, Caesar did not receive the gift package from the super auxiliary system, but only received the reward from the Hundred Days Expansion Buff.

Fortunately, the reward from the Hundred Days Expansion Buff was not bad, and Caesar was directly given three primary soldier symbols (large).

After Caesar used these three primary soldier symbols (large), Caesar had three more primary elite soldiers under his command.

In addition, it is worth mentioning that perhaps because Caesar used three primary soldier symbols (large) to defeat the dire wolves in the valley, the soldiers recruited by Caesar using three primary soldier symbols (large) this time were all elite light cavalry.

Although three primary soldier symbols (large) were used to recruit three battalions of elite light cavalry, Caesar still had no idea of ​​dealing with the wolf tribe in the valley.

He just used these three battalions of elite light cavalry without mounts as infantry and went to the Extreme Cold Mountains for hunting.

And perhaps because Caesar once again increased the scale of hunting in the Extreme Cold Mountains this time, the system points Caesar obtained every day were greatly increased again.

This time, it took only ten days, that is, the eightieth day after Caesar established his territory, and Caesar's territory expanded to 3,001 square kilometers.

Unfortunately, this time, the super auxiliary system still did not give a gift package, only the 100-day expansion buff gave three primary military symbols (large) as a reward.

And this time, Caesar used three primary military symbols (large) to recruit two teams of elite heavy cavalry and a team of primary magicians.

It is worth mentioning that I don’t know if it’s because the area of ​​Caesar’s territory has expanded too much and it is getting closer and closer to the valley. This time, the expansion of Caesar’s territory has actually affected the wolf pack in the valley.

Although there were no extraordinary wolf monsters among the monsters that attacked Caesar’s territory this time, there was also a fifth-level three-eyed magic wolf.

And around the fifth-level three-eyed magic wolf, there were thousands of dire wolves and northern wild wolves from the first to the fourth level.

In response, Caesar first used crossbowmen and archers trained by Cage to deal with all the other attacking monsters.

Then, he sent out his extraordinary heroes with most of the troops to kill the northern wild wolves in the wolf pack while also capturing the dire wolves.

The only pity is that although the extraordinary heroes under Caesar severely damaged the fifth-level three-eyed demon wolf and captured it, the price of the intermediate taming field required to tame the three-eyed demon wolf was too expensive, so Caesar could only kill the captured three-eyed demon wolf in the end.

On the 81st day after the monsters attacked the territory, Caesar once again expanded the scale of hunting in the Arctic Mountains.

However, although Caesar once again expanded the number of troops going to the Arctic Mountains for hunting, because Caesar had hunted too many Arctic baboons in the outermost area of ​​the Arctic Mountains in recent times, so that the number of Arctic baboons in other places could not be filled, Caesar's system points this time did not increase much more than before.

In response to this, on the 82nd day, Caesar directly expanded the hunting area at the outermost edge of the Extreme Cold Mountains and extended the hunting time.

However, in this way, Caesar's troops seemed to be more scattered.

Although the strength of Caesar's troops was not weak, and their combat effectiveness was even superior to that of the Extreme Cold Baboons, because the troops were too scattered, some low-level troops were lost in the battle with the Extreme Cold Baboons.

Of course, compared with the loss of some low-level troops, the system points brought by expanding the hunting range seemed to be greater.

So much so that on the 88th day of Caesar's establishment of the territory, Caesar's territory area expanded again by one thousand square kilometers to four thousand and one square kilometers.

This time, the super auxiliary system still had no rewards, and the reward given by the Hundred Days Expansion Buff was still three primary military symbols (large).

However, this time, Caesar was lucky. The three troops recruited using the primary military symbol (large) were all primary magician brigades.

Since then, Caesar's primary magician brigades have come to five, with a total of 630 people.

By the way, it is worth mentioning that this time, affected by the expansion of Caesar's territory, there are still a large number of dire wolves and northern wild wolves among the monsters that came to attack Caesar's territory.

The only difference is that the fifth-level monster leading this time is not a fifth-level three-eyed monster wolf, but a one-eyed bull with a huge eye and six legs.

The one-eyed bull is a solitary monster that can grow to the fourth level when it is an adult, and the excellent individuals can grow to the fifth level.

However, although the one-eyed bull that came to attack Caesar's territory this time is only the fifth level, its threat is greater than any fifth-level monster Caesar has encountered in the past.

Because the one-eyed bull has an extremely terrifying move, that is, the one-eyed ray shot by its one eye, which can directly threaten the existence of a higher level than it.

According to rumors, there was once a fifth-level one-eyed bull that relied on the one-eyed ray to severely injure a sixth-level extraordinary dragon.

You know, that was a giant dragon with extremely strong magic resistance. Even a giant dragon could be severely damaged by the one-eyed bull of a lower level with its one-eyed ray. If it were any other sixth-level creature, wouldn't it be killed directly?

Therefore, when seeing this one-eyed bull, Caesar did not dare to be careless at all. He directly ordered several extraordinary heroes under his command to attack together, not giving the one-eyed bull time to use its one-eyed ray, and directly killed it.

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