The Snow Demon Eagle King, who had dodged Shafulina's Dark Flame Slash, saw his men die tragically under Shafulina's attack, and immediately cried out an eagle.

Then, all the flying monsters in the sky except the Snow Demon Eagle rushed straight towards Shafulina.

And the remaining Snow Demon Eagle flew to the side of the Snow Demon Eagle King and cried with the Snow Demon Eagle King.

Then, countless ice and snow appeared around the Snow Demon Eagle King and the Snow Demon Eagle.

Caesar knew that this was a sign that the Snow Demon Eagle King and the Snow Demon Eagle were about to launch a high-level magic ice and snow storm.

Ice and snow storm, a high-level magic of ice and snow, is powerful enough to freeze and destroy a large city (50~100 square kilometers).

Of course, as a high-level magic, it is not so easy to release it. That is, the Snow Demon Eagle clan is extremely friendly to ice and snow, which allows the Snow Demon Eagle King to release it together with more than a hundred Snow Demon Eagles.

However, even so, the snowstorm magic released by the Snow Demon Eagle King and the Snow Demon Eagle together cannot be regarded as a real snowstorm, at most it can be regarded as a (fake) snowstorm.

Because the real snowstorm is a high-level magic, and high-level magic has always been exclusive to legendary or even legendary masters.

If the sixth-level extraordinary magic beast Snow Demon Eagle King, together with the Snow Demon Eagle tribe (more than one thousand) led by him, releases it together, it can achieve the power of a real snowstorm.

But who said that the snowstorm released this time was only the fifth-level magic beast Snow Demon Eagle King and his Snow Demon Eagles!

Of course, even if the snowstorm released by the Snow Demon Eagle King and his Snow Demon Eagles is far less powerful than the real snowstorm, its power is enough to threaten the existence of the extraordinary realm.

However, Shafulina, who is fighting against them, is not stupid. How could she let the Snow Demon Eagle King and his Snow Demon Eagles release a (fake) snowstorm that is enough to threaten her.

A few Dark Flame Slashes quickly eliminated the flying monsters that rushed towards her, and then Shafulina released Dark Flame Slashes to eliminate the Snow Demon Eagles around the Snow Demon Eagle King while rushing towards the Snow Demon Eagle King.

The Snow Demon Eagle King in the distance saw that Shafulina had quickly eliminated the flying monsters she sent to delay her, and rushed towards her quickly.

Immediately, he didn't care about continuing to release the (pseudo) ice and snow storm. With a cry of an eagle, he ordered his Snow Demon Eagles to block Shafulina, and the Snow Demon Eagle King flew straight towards the direction of the Extreme Cold Mountains.

As a fifth-level monster with good wisdom, the Snow Demon Eagle King was also inexplicably affected by the expansion of Caesar's territory, but this influence was not enough to make him lose his mind.

Therefore, after realizing that he was not Shafulina's opponent, the Snow Demon Eagle King would abandon his subordinates so decisively and flee towards the Extreme Cold Mountains.

And Shafulina was naturally unwilling to see the Snow Demon Eagle King escape.

After all, this was the order given to her by her dear Lord Caesar.

After quickly dealing with the group of Snow Demon Eagles that followed the Snow Demon Eagle King's orders and blocked her way, Shafulina decisively chased after the Snow Demon Eagle King.

However, although the Snow Demon Eagle King was only a fifth-level monster and was far from being Shafulina's opponent, as a flying monster, the Snow Demon Eagle King's escape speed was really impressive.

In addition, the Snow Demon Eagle King had the advantage of the first move, so the distance between the Snow Demon Eagle King and Shafulina did not get closer, but got farther and farther under Shafulina's pursuit.

Fortunately, Shafulina was not stupid. After seeing the distance between herself and the Snow Demon Eagle King getting farther and farther, she immediately attacked the Snow Demon Eagle King without saying a word.

Shafulina slashed out one Dark Flame Slash after another, and quickly slashed towards the Snow Demon Eagle King.

Facing Shafulina's Dark Flame Slash, the Snow Demon Eagle King, who had seen the power of Dark Flame Slash, did not dare to be careless at all. He avoided Shafulina's Dark Flame Slash by constantly moving in the air.

However, in the same way, the Snow Demon Eagle King could not help but slow down his flying speed in the air because he was avoiding Shafulina's attack.

Then, the distance between the Snow Demon Eagle King and Shafulina naturally became closer and closer under Shafulina's pursuit.

Soon, Shafulina came to the side of the Snow Demon Eagle King. Then, he beheaded the Snow Demon Eagle King with a sword.

Then, regardless of the body of the Snow Demon Eagle King falling to the ground, Shafulina returned directly to Caesar's side.

At this time, outside the east wall where Caesar was, the magical beasts that were inexplicably affected were constantly attacking the east wall where Caesar was.

The magical beasts without magic charged directly towards the east wall, and the magical beasts with magic used magic to bombard the east wall and the guards on the east wall.

The crossbowmen on the east wall and the archers trained by Cage, under the protection of a group of heavy armored shield soldiers, constantly shot arrows at the magical beasts attacking the wall.

Although the number of magical beasts attacking the territory was large, they were far from being the opponents of Caesar's troops.

After all, Caesar's troops were not only stronger than the magical beasts in terms of hard power, but also wore the best equipment.

For example, the magic attacks of the first-level monsters did not require Caesar's heavy armored shield soldiers to take action, and Caesar's troops could directly resist them.

Because, when the magic attacks of the first-level monsters attacked the guards on the east wall, the power had been weakened to the point that the leather armor of the crossbowmen and archers could resist them.

Although the magic attacks of the second-level monsters could threaten the guards on the east wall, the heavy armored shield soldiers under Caesar were not vegetarians, and they could directly block them with heavy shields.

Of course, the heavy armored shield soldiers were reserve knights after all. Facing the magic attacks of the second-level monsters, even if they could block them, they could not resist them all the time, and at most they could only block a few times.

But Caesar's troops were not just heavy armored shield soldiers. While the second-level monsters used magic to attack the guards on the east wall, Caesar's elite archers also aimed at the second-level monsters that used magic.

Although there were not many elite archers under Caesar's command, only one battalion, and even fewer if divided by the four walls.

But among the monsters that came to attack Caesar, there were also very few monsters that could use magic. After removing those first-level monsters that could use magic, the number of monsters that could use magic was even smaller.

Therefore, the number of elite archers and second-level monsters that could use magic was about the same.

The only difference between the two was that one was protected by heavy armor and shield soldiers, while the other was not.

Therefore, after several rounds of fighting, the number of elite archers did not decrease, but there were only a few second-level monsters that could use magic.

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