Gods: Beginning With Becoming A Lord

Chapter 27: More Than 20,000 System Points

As for the third-order monsters that are stronger than the second-order monsters, I'm sorry. There were not many third-order monsters attacking Caesar's territory this time, and the third-order snow demon eagles accounted for a large part of them.

Therefore, after the attacking snow demon eagle clan and the flying monsters in the air were dealt with by Shafulina, the third-order monsters that came to attack the east city wall this time were pitifully few.

Among the third-order monsters, those that can use magic are only in the single digit.

And these third-order monsters that can release magic were targeted and solved by the elite archer captain among the elite archers when they released magic to attack the guards on the east city wall.

As for the fourth-order monsters that are stronger than the third-order monsters, because they are a bit of a threat to Caesar's troops, Caesar ordered Leighton Karls to use magic to solve them as soon as they were found.

As for the fifth-order monsters, there was only one fifth-order monster that came to attack Caesar's territory this time, and that was the snow demon eagle king killed by Shafulina.

Without high-level combat power to reverse the situation, and low-level combat power is no match for Caesar's troops, the only thing that can cause trouble to Caesar's territory is the number of magic beasts, which is much larger than Caesar's troops.

However, this is just a small trouble, which can't change any situation at all. At most, it can make this war last longer.

Caesar will not feel troubled by this, but will feel very happy.

After all, the more magic beasts come to attack his territory, the more system points he can get.

Moreover, this way of getting system points is easier than Caesar's way of getting system points by taking his troops to the Extreme Cold Mountains to hunt every day.

After all, Caesar needs to look for the traces of magic beasts when he goes to the Extreme Cold Mountains to hunt, but Caesar only needs to wait for the magic beasts to attack the territory.

As time goes by, the number of magic beasts still alive outside the east city wall is getting smaller and smaller.

When it was evening, as Caesar's crossbowmen shot and killed the last monster outside the east city wall, the battle of the monster attacking the territory finally came to an end.

After ordering the soldiers on the east city wall to clean up the battlefield and leaving Leiden to garrison, Caesar returned to the lord's mansion with Safrana and Savier to summarize the gains from the monster attack on the territory.

Because the battlefield was not cleaned up, Caesar did not know much about the gains from this battlefield.

Of course, Caesar did not care too much about it.

What he really cared about was always the system points.

Thanks to the scale of this monster attack, this time, Caesar got more than 20,000 system points.

This was the first time that Caesar had so many system points (in the past, Caesar used the system points he got after hunting every day directly, and did not accumulate them).

This time, Caesar was not in a hurry to inject the system points into the heart of the lord to expand the area of ​​the territory.

After all, every time the territory expands, it will more or less affect the nearby monsters, and always cause monsters to attack the territory.

And this time, they just resisted a wave of monster attacks. Although the monsters that came to attack the territory were not very strong, after half a day of fighting, Caesar's troops were still very tired.

Therefore, Caesar naturally did not want to let his tired troops fight again.

Instead of using system points to expand the territory, Caesar, who could not save system points, could only turn his attention to the system mall of the super auxiliary system.

You know, there are many good things in the system mall, but Caesar, who could not save system points before, had no system points to buy, so he could only look at the good things in the system mall.

And now, with more than 20,000 system points, Caesar can finally take a look in the system mall.

Of course, for the sake of territory, the items Caesar looked at in the system mall are basically items that are of great use to Caesar's territory, such as functional buildings, military tokens, recruitment orders, etc.

Soon, Caesar found an item in the system mall of the super auxiliary system that was not in the current territory and was helpful to the territory.

Functional building · Primary training ground, which can quickly train combat skills and improve a certain training speed.

Among them, the role of quickly training combat skills can greatly reduce the training time of Caesar's heroes and train the whiteboard low-level soldiers recruited from the low-level barracks.

And the role of improving the training speed is even more important for Caesar's territory.

You must know that no matter whether it is the soldiers recruited by Caesar with military symbols, or the low-level soldiers recruited by Caesar from the low-level barracks, or the people in Caesar's territory, their strength is not static.

They can also improve their strength through continuous training.

Just like the large group of light armored cavalry that Caesar had at the beginning, although they were only the peak of each strength stage when Caesar first recruited them, now with such a long period of fighting, they have each broken through to the next strength stage. Except for equipment, their strength is no different from the primary elite soldiers recruited by Caesar.

Therefore, the role of the primary training ground that can improve the speed of cultivation can be imagined for Caesar's territory.

Of course, the price of the primary training ground that can speed up the training speed and improve the speed of cultivation is naturally expensive, requiring a full 10,000 system points.

Moreover, this primary training ground is only a primary functional building after all (functional buildings are divided into five levels from low to high: low, primary, intermediate, advanced, and top), so its role is also limited.

For example, its role in speeding up the training speed and improving the speed of cultivation only works for advanced and below strength, and does not work for the captain, deputy captain, and a group of extraordinary heroes of the elite arms brigade.

For another example, the upper limit of the primary training ground is one thousand people.

Of course, no matter how many restrictions it has, it has a great effect on Caesar's territory, so after seeing it in the system mall of the super auxiliary system, Caesar directly bought it with system points.

Then, Caesar continued to look for items that would help the development of the territory in the system mall of the super auxiliary system.

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