Gods: Beginning With Becoming A Lord

Chapter 25 Snow Demon Eagle

Without much hesitation, Caesar directly placed four small mines in the territory.

As Caesar placed the four small mines in the territory, four hills covering an area of ​​one square kilometer and three hundred meters high appeared in the place where the four small mines were originally placed in Caesar's territory.

At the foot of these four hills, there was a mine for mining.

Next, Caesar only needed to arrange people to enter the mine to mine ore, and then every day, Caesar would be able to obtain a steady stream of gold, silver, copper and iron.

Here, we have to mention the manpower needed to mine the mine.

Don't think that the four mines Caesar obtained this time are only small mines, and Caesar needs a small number of people to mine the mines.

In fact, each small mine requires a lot of mining personnel, basically 500 people are needed to run at full capacity.

And 500 people for one mine, and 2,000 people for four mines.

If we add the two hundred people needed to operate ten primary farms at full capacity in Caesar's territory (one farm will be opened in the lord gift pack given by the super auxiliary system when the territory expands to 100 square kilometers, and nine farms will be selected in the 100-day expansion buff for every 100 square kilometers of territory expansion), Caesar needs at least 2,200 laborers to operate all the functional buildings in the territory (including small mines).

Fortunately, after Caesar's territory expanded by 100 square kilometers, the reward for expanding one square kilometer from the 100-day expansion buff is one household of residents.

So now there are 900 households of residents and a population of about 5,000 in Caesar's territory.

Although there are only about 3,000 strong laborers among them, there is no problem in operating all the functional buildings in the territory.

Therefore, after placing four small mines in the territory, Caesar arranged twelve magic maids to mobilize 2,000 strong laborers in the territory to settle in the mines.

Afterwards, Caesar no longer cared about the four small mines.

After all, for Caesar now, there are more important things waiting for Caesar's participation.

And this more important thing is naturally the monster attacks that have occurred in the territory every day since Caesar established the territory.

However, the scale of today's monster attacks is much larger than before.

After all, today the expansion of Caesar's territory has officially reached one thousand square kilometers.

Immediately, Caesar took the four newly recruited extraordinary heroes Leska, Ada, Aer, and Leiden Karls, as well as the newly recruited elite light armored cavalry brigade, and left the lord's mansion directly.

After leaving the lord's mansion, Caesar divided the team into four groups. Among them, Ada and Caesar himself led the elite light armored cavalry brigade to the east wall for support, while Leska, Aer and Leiden Karls went to the north wall, south wall and west wall for support respectively.

Although, now each of the four walls, each with a super hero and his troops, does not need much support.

Perhaps because the scale of the monster attack this time is much larger than in the past, when Caesar and Ada arrived at the east wall with elite light cavalry, not to mention the monster attack, they did not even see the shadow of the monster.

In fact, Caesar waited for a whole night at the east wall, but did not see the arrival of the monster.

Of course, Caesar did not dare to be careless about this.

After all, who knows if the monster attack will come just when he relaxes.

Time gradually came to noon, and the monster attack that Caesar had been waiting for for a long time finally arrived.

Perhaps because the gathering time this time was long enough, the monsters that came to attack Caesar's territory were not ordinary in scale.

Just on the side of the east wall where Caesar was stationed, the scale of the monsters (including half-monsters) was at least more than 50,000.

As for the monsters attacking the walls of other territories, although their scale is not as large as that of the east wall where Caesar is stationed, they are also more than 10,000 in scale.

Moreover, among the monsters that came to attack Caesar's territory this time, there are also flying monsters that Caesar has never encountered since he came to the North.

By the way, it is worth mentioning that the strongest monster that attacked Caesar's territory this time was the fifth-level flying monster Snow Demon Eagle King, and most of the flying monsters that attacked Caesar's territory were Snow Demon Eagles.

And at the moment when he saw the fifth-level monster Snow Demon Eagle King, Caesar finally understood why the monsters attacked at this time.

Snow Demon Eagle, a third-level monster living in the ice and snow area, is extremely ferocious by nature. Excellent individuals can grow to fourth-level elite Snow Demon Eagle, and outstanding individuals can grow to fifth-level Snow Demon Eagle King, and there is even a possibility of becoming a sixth-level Snow Demon Eagle King. In the absence of dragons, it can be said to be the well-deserved air overlord in the ice and snow area (only in the Oran plane).

However, don’t think that the Snow Demon Eagle is very majestic just because it is the undisputed overlord of the sky in the ice and snow area. In fact, the Snow Demon Eagle family has an extremely fatal weakness, that is, they cannot see in the dark.

This shortcoming is not so bad in the ice and snow area, because there is the reflection of ice and snow, so the Snow Demon Eagle family does not have to worry about it, but if it is not in the ice and snow area, they cannot see in the dark, and they are no different from blind people.

The Snow Demon Eagle family can defeat themselves without the enemy taking action.

And this is why no magic beasts attacked Caesar’s territory last night.

Of course, in the daytime, the Snow Demon Eagle, which can fly and use ice and snow magic, is still very scary.

As soon as Caesar saw the figure of the Snow Demon Eagle, he immediately said to Shafulina: "Shashafulina, get rid of those Snow Demon Eagles and don't let them get close to the territory."

"Leave it to me, Caesar." After hearing Caesar's words, Shafulina replied, and then flew directly into the air (supernatural strong people can fly for a short time, but the consumption is very large, and the consumption varies according to the weight), and slashed several dark flames at the Snow Demon Eagle King and the Snow Demon Eagles under his command.

As Shafulina's attack method, the dark flame slash is naturally not easy to dodge. As for the Snow Demon Eagle King, who used his own strength and flexibility in the air to dodge the attack of the dark flame slash, none of the snow demon eagles under his command, which were the targets of the dark flame slash, dodge the attack of Shafulina's dark flame slash and died directly under Shafulina's attack.

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