Gods: Beginning With Becoming A Lord

Chapter 22: Defeating The Wind Wolf Pack

Although there were many Swift Wolves ahead, Caesar and his party showed no fear.

However, this was not surprising. After all, although the number of Caesar's party was much smaller than that of the Swift Wolves, they were still strong.

You know, among Caesar's party, except for the one hundred crossbowmen who were still at the level of reserve knights, the weakest of the others, including the light cavalry, were at the level of primary knights (the light cavalry was originally the peak of reserve knights, and after a recent breakthrough, they became primary knights).

And the primary knights were against the second-level monsters.

Although there were many Swift Wolves blocking Caesar and his party, there were really few Swift Wolves with the strength of the second level.

As for the third-level Swift Wolves, there was only one, and it was the wolf king of the area occupied by the Swift Wolf tribe.

"Kill!" Without any hesitation, Caesar directly ordered his troops.

As Caesar's order was issued, Caesar's troops started to fight.

In order to obtain more system points, Caesar and others did not take action against the wolf king of the Swift Wolf Clan.

Because the wolf king is the core of the Swift Wolf Clan, once the wolf king dies, the Swift Wolf Clan will withdraw directly. And once the Swift Wolf Clan withdraws, wouldn't Caesar lose a lot of system points?

Of course, if you want to do this, there is a prerequisite, that is, the strength of Caesar's side must be above the Swift Wolf Clan.

Otherwise, it is better to rely on the strong to kill the wolf king of the Swift Wolf Clan.

Although there are many Swift Wolves in the Swift Wolf Clan, they are really no match for Caesar's troops in battle. Under the attack of Caesar's elite heavy cavalry, elite warriors, light armored cavalry and crossbowmen, more than a thousand Swift Wolves died under the front of Caesar's troops in less than ten minutes.

At this time, the Wind Wolf King panicked when he saw so many of his Wind Wolves dying at the hands of the enemy. Although he hated Caesar's group for killing many of his Wind Wolves, he was not stupid enough to let his people die without knowing that they were enemies.

Immediately, the Wind Wolf King prepared to order the Wind Wolf tribe to retreat.

However, before the Wind Wolf King could speak, Dulus, who had been staring at the Wind Wolf King under Caesar's order, directly shocked the Wind Wolf King with his momentum.

Afterwards, Caesar immediately ordered all his troops to speed up the killing of the Wind Wolves. For this reason, Caesar directly sent Cage.

Because Caesar knew that Dulus's shock to the Wind Wolf King would not last long.

After all, no matter how weak the Wind Wolf King was, he was still the king of the Wind Wolf tribe.

As expected, it didn't take long for the Wind Wolf King to wake up from Dulus's shock. Then a wolf howl sounded, and the Wind Wolves that heard the wolf howl quickly withdrew from the battlefield and ran deeper into the forest.

Seeing this, Caesar did not let his troops chase.

After all, Caesar's troops were not as smooth as the Wind Wolf in the forest.

What's more, he hadn't asked anyone to clean up this battlefield yet!

The Swift Wolf is not a half-magic beast like the Arctic Baboon that has little value. As a first-level magic beast, the Swift Wolf is of great value!

Whether it is wolf skin, wolf teeth, wolf meat or wolf bones, they are all good things for Caesar, who is now penniless except for his soldiers.

Wolf skin can be made into fur coats, whether for personal use or for sale. Wolf teeth can be used to make arrowheads. The wolf teeth of the first-level magic beast Swift Wolf are not inferior to fine steel, which is enough to make elite arrows. Wolf meat can be used as food, allowing Caesar to provide more soldiers. Wolf bones can be used to refine potions and strengthen the physique of Caesar's soldiers.

What's more, as a first-level magic beast, the Swift Wolf may breed magic cores in its body.

As the soldiers under Caesar gathered the bodies of the Swift Wolf, Caesar suddenly realized a problem, that is, the space ring he had was not enough to take away all the piles of Swift Wolf bodies in front of him.

Fortunately, after Caesar expressed this problem, Savier gave a solution, that is, Savier would collect the bodies of these Swift Wolfs into her summoning space.

As an extraordinary summoner, Savier's summoning space is not small. At least, there is no problem in collecting all the bodies of the Swift Wolfs into the summoning space.

Even if there are a few more waves of Swift Wolf bodies, there will be no problem for Savier's summoning space.

Soon, with Savier's help, all the bodies of the Swift Wolfs on the battlefield were collected into Savier's summoning space.

Then, Caesar and his party moved deeper into the Extreme Cold Mountains.

It must be said that the Swift Wolf's escape speed is fast enough. On the way to the deeper part of the Extreme Cold Mountains, Caesar and his party did not encounter any escaping Swift Wolf.

Of course, this does not rule out that although the Swift Wolf ran to the depths of the Extreme Cold Mountains, after leaving the sight of Caesar and his party, they ran in other directions.

Caesar and his companions didn't care that they didn't encounter the fleeing Swift Wolf tribe. Anyway, their purpose was not to hunt the Swift Wolf King, but to explore the deeper part of the Extreme Cold Mountains.

Passing through the outer area of ​​the Extreme Cold Mountains occupied by the Swift Wolf tribe, Caesar and his companions came to the new Warcraft area.

Although, this new Warcraft area is still the outer area of ​​the Extreme Cold Mountains.

The Warcraft occupier of the new Warcraft area is the giant hyena.

The giant hyena, like the Swift Wolf, is a first-level Warcraft, but the strength of the giant hyena is stronger than that of the Swift Wolf.

Of course, they are not much stronger. As for how the giant hyena drove the Swift Wolf with similar strength to the outer area, Caesar didn't know.

After all, Caesar has not encountered the main force of the giant hyena now.

Caesar doesn't like the giant hyena, because, in addition to providing system points for Caesar, the other value of the giant hyena is similar to that of the Extreme Cold Baboon, or even worse than that of the Extreme Cold Baboon.

At least, the fur of the Arctic Baboon can create some value, although Caesar doesn't like it, but what about the giant hyena? It has no value at all.

There is no fur, the meat is sour and smelly, and no one likes it except some monsters with special tastes. The quality of the teeth is not good, not even as good as fine iron, and it is not even qualified to make ordinary arrows. The bones are poisonous.

More importantly, although the giant hyena is a first-level monster, it has no magic core. No, it can't be said that it has no magic core, but the output rate of magic core is extremely low. Hundreds of giant hyenas don't produce one.

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