Gods: Beginning With Becoming A Lord

Chapter 23: Fiftieth Day Of Establishing Territory

Therefore, for Caesar, instead of spending time fighting these giant hyenas that have no other value except for obtaining system points, it is better to go to the side to see if there are any magical beasts that are both valuable and can obtain system points.

Caesar thought so and was willing to do so.

However, before Caesar took action, the giant hyenas who also discovered the figures of Caesar and others cheered and barked.

As the barking of the giant hyenas sounded, the barking of giant hyenas continued to be heard in the distance.

Then, there was a tremor in the forest, and giant hyenas with green eyes and saliva in their mouths rushed out directly, looking at Caesar and others with hungry eyes.

Now, Caesar and others couldn't leave even if they wanted to.

Seeing that the number of giant hyenas increased as time went by, Caesar couldn't sit still.

Although the strength of the giant hyenas is similar to that of the wind wolf, the large number of giant hyenas can still cause some trouble for Caesar.

Immediately, Caesar no longer hesitated and directly ordered his troops to attack the giant hyenas.

Anyway, since they couldn't get away in a short time, they would just kill all the giant hyenas.

As Caesar's order was issued, Caesar's troops directly attacked the giant hyenas.

Due to the short time, the number of giant hyenas gathered in front of Caesar and others was not large, only about a hundred.

Therefore, it didn't take long for Caesar's troops to kill all the gathered giant hyenas.

Afterwards, Caesar and his party went straight forward, heading towards the hinterland of the area occupied by the giant hyenas.

Along the way, from time to time, the giant hyenas that had heard the barking of dogs before attacked Caesar and his party. However, the result? Naturally, they became the dead souls under the front of Caesar's troops, bringing Caesar some system points.

Killing all the way, Caesar and his party soon came to the hinterland of the area occupied by the giant hyenas.

As the hinterland of the giant hyenas' living area, there are quite a lot of giant hyenas living in this hinterland, as many as thousands of them.

In this regard, Caesar did not hesitate at all and directly ordered his troops to attack.

In order to deal with the giant hyenas faster, Caesar even ordered Dulus and Cage to take action, and even Severe summoned six supernatural early to late flame explosion bears to take action.

With the supernatural beings such as Dulus, Cage and six flame explosion bears taking action, even if there are thousands of giant hyenas in the giant hyena tribe, they are still quickly wiped out.

After eliminating all the giant hyenas in the hinterland, Caesar did not stay in the hinterland of the area occupied by the giant hyenas for a long time, and directly took Dulus, Cage and others to move to the side.

After spending a lot of time, Caesar and his party finally left the area where the giant hyenas were and came to another outer area of ​​the extremely cold mountains.

This outer area of ​​the extremely cold mountains is different from the wind wolf area and giant hyena area that Caesar had experienced before.

If most of the magical beasts gathered in the Swift Wolf Area and the Giant Hyena Area are Swift Wolf and Giant Hyena, then the magical beasts gathered in this area are more diverse.

In this area, Caesar saw fire rabbits that can spit fireballs, pheasants that can peck a small hole in bluestone, wind antelopes that walk like the wind in the forest, and various deformed and weird magical beasts.

It is worth mentioning that these magical beasts are not very aggressive, at least not like the Swift Wolf and the Giant Hyena, who are ready to attack as soon as they see Caesar and his party.

Some are even a little timid, and when they see Caesar and his party, they hide in a short time.

Seeing this, Caesar ignored it.

After all, his main purpose of coming to the Extreme Cold Mountains this time is to explore, not to hunt.

Without the disturbance of the magical beasts, Caesar and his party quickly passed through the mixed magical beast area and came to another area where magical beasts live.

However, because it was getting dark, Caesar and his party did not spend time exploring in order to rush back to the territory.

Instead of returning by the original route, Caesar and his party rushed out directly from the mixed monster area.

It is worth mentioning that the mixed monster area is directly connected to the outermost area of ​​the Extreme Cold Mountains. Therefore, after Caesar and his party left the mixed monster area, they came directly to the outermost area of ​​the Extreme Cold Mountains.

This outermost area is still occupied by the Arctic cold baboon tribe, so Caesar and his party can only kill the Arctic cold baboons while rushing out of the Extreme Cold Mountains.

Soon, Caesar and his party left the Extreme Cold Mountains area.

After that, Caesar and his party rushed back to the territory.

After returning to the territory, Caesar immediately injected system points into the Lord's Heart to expand the area of ​​the territory.

Then, he defeated the monsters that came to attack the territory because of the expansion of the territory area, and then Caesar returned to the Lord's Mansion to rest.

The next morning, Caesar took Shafulina, who had rested for a day, and the original team that explored the Extreme Cold Mountains yesterday, and went to explore the Extreme Cold Mountains again.

On the third day, he still took soldiers to explore the outer area of ​​the Extreme Cold Mountains.

On the fourth day, he also led his troops to explore the outer area of ​​the Extreme Cold Mountains.

On the fifth day, since he had already explored the outer area of ​​the Extreme Cold Mountains near the territory, Caesar did not continue to explore the Extreme Cold Mountains with his troops. Instead, he came to the outermost area of ​​the Extreme Cold Mountains and hunted the Extreme Cold Baboons as usual.

Every day after that, Caesar hunted the Extreme Cold Baboons to obtain system points, expand the territory, and recruit more soldiers as usual.

In such a busy time, time quickly came to the fiftieth day of Caesar's establishment of the territory.

At this time, after Caesar's development over this period of time, the area of ​​the territory is finally about to reach 1,000 square kilometers.

In the lord's mansion, as Caesar injected the system points obtained from hunting the Extreme Cold Baboons today into the lord's heart, the area of ​​Caesar's territory expanded again.

And as the area of ​​Caesar's territory reached 1,001 square kilometers, the prompt sound of the reward given by the Hundred Days Expansion Buff and the prompt sound of the Super Auxiliary System sounded in Caesar's ears at the same time.

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