Gods: Beginning With Becoming A Lord

Chapter 21 Caesar's Hard Teaching

"Then Lord, do you want to have a few babies with Wei'er who are as strong as Wei'er?"

When Severina said this, not only Caesar was dumbfounded, but even Safrina beside Caesar was a little dumbfounded.

Before Caesar asked Severina, Safrina said to Severina: "Severina, do you know what you are talking about? I remember that you and Lord Caesar just met today!"

"What's wrong with meeting today? In our bear tribe, as long as you fall in love, you can have babies together on the same day." Hearing Safrina's words, Severina answered directly.

At this time, Caesar and Safrina realized that Severina was not a human, and her concept of love was different from that of humans.

After answering Safrina's question, after a while, Severina said to Caesar again: "What do you think, Lord, do you want to have a few babies with Wei'er who are as powerful as Wei'er?"

To be honest, Caesar was tempted.

After all, Sevilla is not bad looking. On the contrary, she is very beautiful, not worse than Shafulina, and she also has a wildness that is completely different from Shafulina's elegant and graceful temperament.

But isn't it? As a lord, it is somewhat unreasonable to get the subordinate just after meeting him, even if the subordinate took the initiative.

At least, it will take a few days.

Immediately, Caesar said to Sevilla: "There are too many things in the territory recently. Let's talk about the baby in a few days."

"In that case, let's talk about it in a few days." Hearing Caesar's words, Sevilla said a little frustrated.

On the other side, Shafulina was a little thoughtful when she heard Caesar's rejection of Sevilla.

She knew that although Caesar rejected Sevilla, it did not mean that Caesar had no thoughts about Sevilla. It was just that he had just met Sevilla, so he was a little embarrassed.

After all, how could Caesar, such a pervert, let go of the beautiful woman who was delivered to his mouth?

As for why Caesar was a pervert? Have you ever seen someone who flirts with you the moment they meet?

On the contrary, here, Shafulina couldn't help but get a little nervous.

She didn't forget that in Caesar's lord's mansion, there were twelve magic maids who were slightly inferior to her and Severin, but equally beautiful.


With the protection of several heroes and many arms, all the monsters that came to attack Caesar's territory were naturally dealt with without exception.

After cleaning up the monster corpses on the battlefield outside the territory and leaving some necessary guards for patrol, Caesar took Shafulina and Severin back to the lord's mansion.

After a simple dinner made of monster meat and replenishing his qi and blood, Caesar returned to his room and began to practice meditation.

In the evening, when Caesar finished practicing meditation and was ready to rest, a figure appeared outside Caesar's room.


With a knock on the door, Caesar, who was about to go to sleep, opened the door.

"Why is it you?" Looking at Shaflina outside the door, Caesar asked in disbelief.

Hearing Caesar's words, Shaflina's seductive voice rang in Caesar's ears.

"Why can't it be me? Shaflina also wants to learn some new knowledge with Lord Caesar!"

Hearing Shaflina's words, Caesar didn't know why Shaflina came to his room so late, and immediately pulled Shaflina into the room without saying a word.

After a night of teaching, Caesar got up refreshed. After eating the breakfast carefully prepared by the maid Leyana, Caesar took Sever to the barracks, called Dulus and Cage who were training their troops, and took the elite heavy cavalry brigade, two elite warrior brigades, light armored cavalry brigade and 100 crossbowmen, and went straight to the Arctic Mountains.

With the continuous expansion of Caesar's territory, the distance between Caesar's territory and the Arctic Mountains is getting shorter and shorter.

Of course, the distance between Caesar's territory and the Arctic Mountains is still tens of kilometers away.

Fortunately, the soldiers under Caesar's command basically have the strength of reserve knights or even above, so such a short distance is not difficult for them.

After spending a little time, Caesar and his party soon arrived at the outermost area of ​​the Arctic Mountains.

Not to mention, the number of Arctic baboons living in the outermost area of ​​the Arctic Mountains is really not covered.

Although Caesar and his party have killed hundreds of thousands of Arctic baboons in the outermost area of ​​the Arctic Mountains over this period of time, the number of Arctic baboons has not decreased.

On the contrary, the number of Arctic baboons in the area where Caesar is located is still increasing.

In fact, what Caesar didn't know was that the reason why the number of Arctic baboons in his area did not decrease after killing hundreds of thousands of Arctic baboons was all due to the fact that he left the bodies of Arctic baboons every time he killed them.

As omnivorous monsters, although their main food is berries, tender shoots, sap and the like, their appetite for meat is still not less.

Even if the meat is from their own kind.

This is also the reason why the Arctic Baboons are killed more and more, because there is meat here!

However, this time, Caesar came here not to hunt Arctic Baboons, but to explore the Arctic Mountains.

During this period of time, Caesar has been hunting Arctic Baboons, and he has long been disgusted.

With his troops, Caesar, Dulus, Cage, Savier and others killed the Arctic Baboons in the outermost area while moving deeper into the Arctic Mountains.

It didn't take long for Caesar and his party to pass through the outermost area of ​​the Arctic Mountains and come to the area occupied by the Swift Wolf Clan where Caesar came last time.

The arrival of Caesar and his party naturally attracted the attention of the Swift Wolf Clan, the owner of the area.

Perhaps it was because the Swift Wolf Clan had always remembered the breath of Caesar and his party. This time, after discovering Caesar and his party, the Swift Wolf Clan directly gathered a large number of Swift Wolfs and blocked them in front of Caesar and others.

Due to the obstruction of trees and jungle, Caesar could not see clearly how many Wind Wolves were blocking his way, but judging from the number of Wind Wolves he could see, there were at least no less than one thousand.

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