On the ninth day, early in the morning, in order to test his strength after breaking through to the intermediate knight, Caesar left Barros and a group of heavy armored shield soldiers to guard the territory, and then left the territory with Saffrina, an elite warrior brigade, a light armored cavalry brigade and a hundred crossbowmen.

However, this time, Caesar and others did not go to the extremely cold mountains in the east of Caesar's territory, but came to the swamp forest in the south of Caesar's territory.

Caesar knew about the swamp forest. After all, Caesar came to his current territory from Korendir in the south, and naturally passed through the swamp forest, which was located between Caesar's territory and Korendir.

Of course, this is also thanks to the fact that the swamp forest is not located in the middle between Caesar's territory and Korendir, but is more inclined to the west.

Otherwise, Caesar didn't know how far he would have to go to find the current location of his territory?

After all, the swamp forest covers a large area, tens of thousands of square kilometers, and both its length and width exceed hundreds of kilometers.

This huge area naturally breeds a large number of magical beasts, and among them, amphibious magical beasts and aquatic magical beasts are the largest in number.

The reason why Caesar brought Shafulina and his troops here instead of going to the Extreme Cold Mountains this time was that he wanted to test his strength to break through to the intermediate knight, and he was also preparing to collect information about the magical beast races living in the swamp forest.

After all, with the continuous expansion of Caesar's territory, the number of magical beasts attacking Caesar's territory will naturally increase, and among them, these swamp forest magical beasts living not far from Caesar's territory (more than 100 kilometers) are naturally indispensable.

There are many magical beasts living in the swamp forest area. Soon after Caesar brought Shafulina and a group of troops to the swamp forest, Caesar saw a large number of magical beasts belonging to the swamp forest.

However, it is obvious that these magical beasts living in the swamp area do not welcome outsiders such as Caesar and Shafulina.

Not long after Caesar, Shafulina and his party had just entered the swamp forest, a group of magical beasts living in the swamp area targeted Caesar and his party.

Of course, perhaps because Caesar and Shaflina had just entered the swamp forest and were still in the outer area of ​​the swamp forest, the monsters that targeted Caesar and his group were not very strong.

Their strength was not comparable to that of the troops under Caesar, and even compared to the extremely cold baboons at the outermost edge of the extremely cold mountains.

However, although their strength was not strong, their number was not small.

And they were the half-monsters at the bottom of the food chain in the swamp forest, the swamp rats.

Swamp rats, the half-monsters at the bottom of the swamp forest, were commonly found in various swamp areas in the Orlan plane. They were not big in size, about the size of a domestic cat, and were not strong. Even an ordinary adult could deal with three or five of them.

Therefore, they were often used as food by the monsters living in the swamp area.

Fortunately, the breeding ability of swamp rats was not weak, so there was no need to worry that they would be extinct after being eaten by the monsters living in the swamp area.

By the way, it is worth mentioning that swamp rats are not land monsters, but amphibious monsters that can move in water and on land at the same time.

Although this was useless, it made the swamp rats a part of the diet of more monsters.

Looking at these swamp rats that were half-encircled, with red light flashing in their eyes, blocking his group, Caesar had no intention of withdrawing from the swamp forest.

After all, although there were many swamp rats that targeted Caesar and his group, there were tens of thousands of them, but they were still too weak for Caesar's group, the weakest of whom had the strength of a reserve knight.

After instructing the light cavalry brigade to protect the 100 crossbowmen, Caesar gave the order to attack to his troops.

Upon hearing Caesar's order to attack, the first to take action were naturally the crossbowmen who followed Caesar and killed countless extreme cold baboons.

The crossbow arrows were continuously shot at the swamp rats in front of Caesar and others by the crossbowmen under Caesar.

Although the number of crossbowmen under Caesar was small and could not form a large-scale rain of arrows, the crossbow arrows shot by Caesar's crossbowmen posed a great threat to the swamp rats.

After all, the swamp rats were not strong, and they gathered densely. Often, the crossbow arrows shot by Caesar's crossbowmen could kill one, two or even three swamp rats with one arrow.

However, the swamp rats were not stupid. After being attacked by Caesar's crossbowmen, they immediately launched a counterattack.

I saw that a group of swamp rats rushed directly towards Caesar and his party. Although many of them were killed by crossbow arrows shot by crossbowmen on the way to Caesar and his party.

But the large number of swamp rats did not care about the swamp rats killed by crossbowmen at all, and rushed directly towards Caesar and his party.

Soon, the swamp rats came to Caesar's first line of defense, that is, the elite warrior brigade.

Looking at the swamp rats rushing in front of them, Caesar's elite warrior brigade immediately attacked.

As the weakest elite warrior brigade with the strength of a primary knight, its strength is naturally not comparable to that of the swamp rats that are not even as good as the extreme cold baboon.

At the first moment of contact, a large number of swamp rats were killed by the elite warrior brigade.

However, swamp rats are not easy to mess with. Although many of them were killed by the elite warrior brigade, they still took advantage of their numbers to surround the elite warriors, and one swamp rat after another climbed onto the elite warriors.

Fortunately, the elite warriors were equipped with elite equipment, so there would be no problem as long as they were not attacked in the face by swamp rats.

Moreover, Caesar had more than one team of elite warriors. Caesar's crossbowmen attacked again.

Because Caesar's elite warriors were wearing elite equipment and crossbows could not break the defense at all, Caesar's crossbowmen who attacked again did not hold back at all and directly included all the elite warriors in the attack range.

In this way, the results achieved by the crossbowmen were that a large number of swamp rats were killed in less than a while.

Afterwards, the light-armored knights under Caesar who were responsible for protecting the crossbowmen also came on the field. Together with the elite warrior brigade and the crossbowmen, they quickly wiped out all the swamp rats that were targeting Caesar and others.

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