Gods: Beginning With Becoming A Lord

Chapter 15: Swamp Problem, Heading To The Extremely Cold Mountains

After all the attacking swamp rats were eliminated, before Caesar and Shaflina led a group of soldiers to go deeper into the swamp forest, there were monsters that targeted Caesar and his group again.

However, this time, it was not just one kind of monster that targeted Caesar and his group, but various monsters.

And these monsters that targeted Caesar and his group all had one characteristic, that is, their main food was the swamp rats that attacked Caesar and his group before.

Originally, they came here only because of the bloody smell left by the swamp rats that died tragically here, and now, they are targeting Caesar, a group of outsiders who broke into the swamp forest.

Of course, it is not ruled out that Caesar's troops were stained with the blood of swamp rats and were targeted by these monsters whose main food is swamp rats.

Before Caesar gave the order to his troops to attack the monsters that were targeting them, a white-clawed black cat with a strength of the second level among the monsters that were targeting Caesar and his party made a "meow" sound and directly led the first-level white-clawed black cats behind it to attack Caesar and his party.

After the second-level white-clawed black cat led the first-level white-clawed black cats behind it to attack Caesar and his party, the water giant pythons, shadow cat eagles, pandas, giant lizard monsters and other monsters attracted by the breath of swamp rats also attacked Caesar and his party.

Seeing this, Caesar's troops immediately launched a counterattack.

For a time, Caesar's troops and the attacking monsters were in a close fight.

Of course, Caesar's troops had an absolute advantage.

Because, although the various types of monsters attracted by the breath of swamp rats are much stronger than the swamp rats that are half-monsters, and basically have the strength of the first level or above, their total number is not much more than the number of the troops under Caesar.

What's more, compared with the monsters attracted by the breath of swamp rats, the individual strength of Caesar's troops is obviously stronger.

Therefore, when the attacking monsters do not have a numerical advantage, how can they be the opponents of the troops under Caesar who have stronger individual strength.

The crossbowmen attacked first and directly taught a lesson to the monsters that took the initiative to attack. After the crossbowmen attacked, the elite warriors of the elite warrior brigade strode forward and eliminated the monsters that were shot by crossbow arrows and rushed in front, and then fought with the monsters attacking from the rear.

After that, it was natural that the light armored cavalry appeared and cooperated with the elite warriors to solve the monsters attacking from the rear.

Thus, this battle that started and ended quickly ended just like that, without even giving Caesar a chance to make a move.

Although, Caesar was not prepared to participate in this battle.

After all, although the attacking monsters were not weak, none of them met Caesar's requirements (level 3).

Simply clean up the battlefield and take away the magic cores that may exist in the bodies of those monsters that have reached level 1 or above.

Magic cores, the energy crystal cores that may be bred in the bodies of monsters that have reached level 1, can be used to make certain potions or serve as alchemical materials in the human world.

However, the breeding of magic cores depends on the probability. The stronger the magic beast, the more likely it is to breed magic cores. When it reaches the fifth level, the magic beast will definitely breed magic cores.

In addition, it is worth mentioning that Caesar, who has the talent of gluttony, can directly absorb the energy in the magic core.

However, in order to better play the role of the magic core, Caesar did not do so.

After simply cleaning up the battlefield, Caesar and Shafulina led a group of soldiers under their command and moved deeper into the swamp forest.

However, before Caesar, Shafulina and his party had advanced for long, Caesar and his party encountered problems again.

However, this time the problem encountered by Caesar and his party was no longer a monster attack, but a problem given by the swamp forest, that is, the swamp.

The reason why the swamp forest has the word swamp in front is because the swamp forest is located in a swamp.

When you first enter, you don’t need to worry, because you are only at the edge of the swamp at that time. The swamp is not deep and you won’t even fall into it.

But as you go deeper and deeper into the swamp forest, the swamp will become deeper and deeper. At this time, it will become more and more difficult for people to walk.

This time, Caesar brought with him troops, whether elite warriors, light cavalry, or crossbowmen, all of which were armored units. Naturally, they were greatly affected by entering the swamp forest.

Fortunately, Caesar was not a fool. Since he encountered a problem and could not solve it, he naturally gave up the exploration.

Immediately, Caesar took Saflina and a group of troops and left the swamp forest directly, heading straight for the extremely cold mountains in the east of the territory.

Along the way, Caesar and his party encountered many monsters living in the wilderness of the northern border. Most of them were attracted by the bloody smell of swamp rats on Caesar and others.

In this regard, Caesar just wanted to say, come more.

Anyway, these monsters are here to give Caesar points.

Even if it weren't for the fact that the space ring in Caesar's hand was not enough, and the system space of the super auxiliary system could only hold items produced by the system, the corpses of these monsters would also become Caesar's trophies.

Since the distance between the Swamp Forest and the Extremely Cold Mountains is not far, Caesar and his party spent a lot of time to reach the Extremely Cold Mountains.

After that, Caesar and his party naturally hunted the most numerous Arctic baboons in the outermost part of the Extremely Cold Mountains.

By the way, it is worth mentioning that since Caesar and his party came to the outermost area of ​​the Extremely Cold Mountains this time, it was not the outermost area of ​​the Extremely Cold Mountains that Caesar and his party had visited before, so the number of Arctic baboons that Caesar and his party encountered this time seemed to be particularly large.

Unfortunately, since Caesar and his party wasted a lot of time in the Swamp Mountains and on the way to the Extremely Cold Mountains, Caesar and his party did not spend a long time hunting Arctic baboons in the Extremely Cold Mountains.

Of course, even so, Caesar also obtained more than 2,000 system points in this day (one point is given for dozens of swamp rats, so the points obtained by killing swamp rats are not many, only two or three hundred).

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