Gods: Beginning With Becoming A Lord

Chapter 13: Breakthrough, Intermediate Knight

Although Caesar's territory is not very large, it is also not small.

Therefore, it took a lot of time for Caesar and Shafulina to rush from the north wall to the south wall with the elite warrior squadron.

However, perhaps because most of the monsters attacking the south wall are amphibious monsters, and their movements on land are relatively slow, when Caesar and Shafulina rushed to the south wall with the elite warrior squadron, the monsters on the south wall had just launched an attack on the south wall.

The number of monsters attacking the south wall is not large, and their number is even less than that of the monsters attacking the north wall, only a little over 200.

However, these monsters attacking the south wall are more dangerous than those attacking the east and north walls.

Because, among these monsters attacking the south wall, there are many monsters with spellcasting ability.

Although these monsters with spellcasting ability are not numerous, they still pose a considerable threat to the south wall and the squadron of light armored cavalry stationed here.

Especially those magic beasts with second-level strength, the water balls, water spikes, and ice cones they released had considerable destructive power, and Caesar's southern wall was full of potholes.

In order to prevent the magic beasts attacking the southern wall from continuing to destroy the southern wall, Caesar asked Shafulina to deal with the magic beasts with spellcasting ability outside the southern wall as soon as he arrived at the southern wall.

And Shafulina did not disappoint Caesar. After hearing Caesar's order, she immediately killed the second-level spellcasting magic beasts attacking the southern wall with a few dark flame slashes.

Because neither the light armored cavalry stationed at the southern wall nor the elite warrior squadron brought by Caesar for support had long-range attack capabilities, so after Shafulina killed the spellcasting magic beasts outside the southern wall according to Caesar's order, Caesar immediately ordered the elite warrior squadron and the light armored cavalry squadron to go out of the city to deal with the magic beasts attacking the southern wall.

Although the number of monsters outside the south wall at this time is still greater than the number of elite warrior squadrons and light cavalry squadrons under Caesar combined. But after many magic beasts were killed by Safrina, the number of monsters outside the south wall was actually not much more than the number of Caesar's two squadrons.

In addition, the individual strength of Caesar's elite warrior squadron and light cavalry squadron was higher than that of the attacking monsters, so it didn't take long for all the monsters outside the south wall to be killed by Caesar's two squadrons.

Not long after Caesar solved the monsters attacking the south wall, Baros stationed on the west wall also sent news that the monsters on the west wall had been solved.

Since then, the large-scale (laughing) monster attack caused by the expansion of Caesar's territory by 100 square kilometers has come to an end.

Although there were many monsters attacking this time, there were thousands of them, but they did not pose any threat to Caesar's territory.

On the contrary, the monsters that came to attack this time not only helped Caesar test the strength of the elite warriors, but also allowed Caesar to gain a lot of system points.

With the system points gained from killing the monsters that attacked the territory, plus the remaining system points, Caesar not only expanded the territory by another five square kilometers, but also obtained five households of territory residents as rewards from the Hundred Days of Expansion buff.

He also spent 100 system points to recruit 100 low-level soldiers from the low-level barracks, and spent a full 260 system points to buy a full 130 sets of heavy armor and shield soldiers from the system mall, and fully armed the 100 low-level soldiers recruited from the low-level this time, together with the 30 low-level soldiers that had not been equipped before.

Since then, the number of heavy armor and shield soldiers under Caesar has reached 162 (12 low-level soldier symbols (small), 50 gold coins recruited, and 100 system points recruited), which is the largest number of soldiers under Caesar.

Although, the strength of this heavy armor and shield soldier is only ranked third among the four major soldiers under Caesar.

In addition, it is worth mentioning that, I don’t know if it is because there are too many monsters attacking Caesar’s territory this time, this time Caesar spent system points and expanded the territory by five square kilometers again, but no monsters attacked again.

After sorting out the gains from this monster attack and eating a big meal, Caesar’s strength broke through again, from the peak of the primary knight (in these seven days, Caesar broke through from the late primary knight to the peak of the primary knight through gluttony) and successfully broke through to the intermediate knight.

"I have broken through to the intermediate knight, and gluttony is indeed a top talent." Feeling his strength that broke through to the intermediate knight, Caesar had to sigh, the power of gluttony, this top talent.

At the same time, Caesar also understood the importance of having a top talent.

Like Caesar, before he got the super auxiliary system, he didn’t have much talent for cultivation. Although he practiced hard, after several years (generally speaking, humans in the Orlan plane can only practice at the age of twelve), he was still just a reserve knight.

And after obtaining the super auxiliary system and integrating the top talent of gluttony? However, in just over a month, he broke through from the initial stage of the primary knight to the intermediate knight.

Although the top breathing method of the Fiery Sun Breathing Method also played a role, it was basically the credit of the top talent of Gluttony.

Moreover, this was when Caesar did not use the top talent of Gluttony.

After all, don't forget that Caesar did not use Gluttony much before establishing the territory, and after Caesar established the territory, the magic beasts he ate were basically only the third-level magic beasts equivalent to the strength of the intermediate knight.

If Caesar had eaten high-level magic beasts at the beginning, it would be unknown what stage he would have broken through in more than a month.

Of course, this is reality, there is no if, and even if Caesar's territory continues to develop as usual, Caesar's strength will slow down.

After all, Caesar's current strength has reached the intermediate knight, and if he eats the magic beast meat of the third-level magic beast, the effect is not as great as when he was a primary knight.

Of course, even so, Caesar's breakthrough speed will still be very fast.

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