“what happened?”

Li Xin looked up at him with a sigh of relief. .

This is called heaven, how can it be suddenly angry?

This has just just said hello, his simple and rude straight-line plan, should be, first call the relationship, and then deliberately pick this person’s emotions?

He was angry when he had not started to plan.

Li Xin is very sad. He feels that his plan is extremely cautious and reasonable. Why hasn’t it started yet? This is called Yu Tian’s beginning to worry about it?

Yu Tian saw his expression more angry, “paralyzed, this time, you still pretend! The school is banned, you can dare to fight with me! Or go to the outside the city!”

“it is good……”

Li Xin just wanted to agree, and suddenly thought of the main purpose of this time, suddenly a bit sighed then said, “It’s a pity that such a good opportunity can’t be done.”

After that, Li Xin stood behind Su Hao.

Yu Tian was stunned by his expression, and his body suddenly burst into flames, waving in the air, and punching with the raging Raging Flame, directly slamming into Li Xin.

“hmph! ”

Su Hao coldly snorted, wait for you this time! The right arm is stretched straight, and Su Hao instantly enters the best battle state, and the backhand punches the past.


A huge shock.

The entire cafeteria seemed to tremble.

Yu Tian’s fist was struck by Su Hao’s fist, and there were countless rays of light, strong shock waves, and swept away.


The two played against each other again and took a step back!

The students who originally ate had already gone far away. On this scale of fighting, they did not want to be involved for no reason.

“Su Hao?”

Yu Tian is not a fool.

Looking at Su Hao in front of him, even if he reacted slowly, he understood it at the same time – the other party is looking for you! Specially looking for him to settle accounts!

Damn it!

Yu Tian snorted.

It wasn’t that he was slow, but he didn’t have anything to do with Su Hao Li Xin, so he couldn’t think of it anyway. The two men were actually looking for trouble!

Of course, if he knows the true purpose of Su Hao, it is estimated that he will be more crazy…

“Hey – it seems to be specifically looking for you.”

There are also many people in the cafeteria. In fact, few people in the Natural Selection Class are idiots. Almost after the two started, everyone reacted.

The rhythm of this rack is too fast, and the cliff is ready.

“I haven’t heard that Su Hao and Yu Tian have something to do with it.”

“tsk tsk, it won’t be a day to bully Freshmen.”

“I look like!”

“Su Hao is giving Freshmen a head, not two times.”

“This Su Hao is too enthusiastic!”

“This year, good people are not so easy to be.”

Su Hao, everyone, everyone is very clear!

Many people admire him. Many people think that he is powerful. Many people admire him. Of course, many people think that he is very stupid.

Who is Su Hao?

Strength is strong, very hard. I like to fight for Freshmen. Just came in and dared to fight with Zhao Feng, passionate, not afraid of any battle. Even if Sun Yaotian is his rival, in the face of Freshmen’s glory, he is willing to give up his grievances and make him look.

So these Repeaters are summed up, and the evaluation of Su Hao is just a few words.




Great justice!

Love is in the first place!

Of course, if these words are heard by Zhang Zongtian, it is estimated that they will laugh! Because only he knows that his own disciples are so bad, the typical unprofitable is not early, basically the antonym of these words…

“Roar -“

An angry drink, the red light appeared in the sky.

No matter what the reason…

I am in the sky, never give in!

As the sky roared, a circle of flames rose from the sky, and the intense flame instantly covered the whole body. The whole person seemed to have turned into a daoist silhouette flame. The rich red flame floats around 20 centimeters around him, and the intense heat makes the air a bit distorted.

Not bad!

Su Hao’s eyes flashed a appreciate of expression.

Yu Tian apparently guessed that they deliberately found faults, but at this time, they did not ask, did not explain, but chose the battle cleanly and neatly!

No matter what, it is not an excuse to retreat!

So many times, some people know that they are doing something wrong. They are wrong in their own way, but they must continue unswervingly because…some things can only be entered, not back!

Some roads, once selected, there is no way back!

If you want to fight, you will go forward!

“Boss, we help you.”

A few of the younger brothers around Yu Tian saw the situation, and all of them suddenly rushed up. Then at this time, a phantom flashed, and Li Xin was in front of them.

He did not forget his own Task.

Su Hao fights against the sky!

He stopped these little brothers!

“The paralyzed, dare to turn the corner of the boss, I teach you for the boss.”

Several people watched Li Xin block in front of them, and suddenly they were furious, with the slightest hesitation. Li Xin didn’t miss the scene, and the expression flashed in her eyes, and she rushed up with great interest.

A big fight, broke out again!


At the foot of the sky, a flame rushed, and the whole person suddenly rushed toward Su Hao by this impulse. The strong flame is surrounded by the feet, and the whole person is like a cannonball, with a powerful impact, very fast. At this moment, he seems to have turned into a red lightning!

Bright and dark inside the canteen, how many people in the front of us instantly blinded. At this moment, it seems that only the line red, running between Yu Tian and Su Hao, is full of endless Killing intent.

“This is… Origin Energy Technique!” Someone is cry out in surprise.

“Flame Heaven’s Line? I am second to the Olympics! Is Yu Tian so powerful?”

“Dammit! Really Flame Heaven’s Line!”

“Su Hao is dangerous!”

Everyone took a look at complexion greatly changed.

Flame Heaven’s Line, Origin Energy Technique of Flame Class Innate Talent. The requirements for Flame Innate Talent are very high! By the explosive force of the flame in a moment, it produces an ultra-high-speed impact, even if the energy generated by friction in the air can be utilized! In the end, a super rapid impact was formed, and Strength was very fierce!

This is an Origin Energy Technique that is very strong in the Early Stage.

Overbearing, fierce!

Not powerful!

It is said to be able to Penetration tens of centimeters of steel plate!

“Origin Energy Technique?”

In the red-rays of light, Su Hao has a bright color in his eyes, and an infinite War Intent emerges.


Red rays of light flashed away.

A powerful and incredible Strength instantly hit Su Hao, the horrible Strength of the attack, Su Hao bite his teeth, hard support will be in front of the sky.



The powerful Strength of Flame slaps like a wave of waves.

“pu ——”

Su Hao mouth spurt blood comes out, the whole person goes back a few steps! Yu Tian’s body shape did not change, and once again, Su Hao pushed the whole person toward the back and continued to rush.


Su Hao stepped hard on his feet and stepped on the ground, trying to stabilize his figure.

However, under the strong impact, Su Hao quickly regressed, and two deep traces flowed out of his feet – it was forcibly bombarded by the sky.

Flame Heaven’s Line, at this time, broke out with a strong formidable power!


As the figure receded, Su Hao stepped hard again.

On the ground, Meng Ran was blown out of two potholes. Su Hao’s figure suddenly stopped this time, and it was firmly stabilized. The Flame’s Line’s Strength was exhausted.

Su Hao looked up and had a sneer in his mouth.

Flame Heaven’s Line is powerful, but powerful moves must have its flaws! And this explosive Origin Energy Technique, at the moment he finished, is the best time to fight back.

For example – now!

“Not good !”

Yutian complexion changed, and had not had time to react, Su Hao hit a stomach with a fist.


It was another foot. Yu Tian was directly smashed up and flew into the air. When he had not adjusted his body shape, Su Hao’s figure violently began to rise all over the sky, and then he used his knees. Top down.


Strong impact!

Su Hao The whole person pressed against the sky drops from the sky, and the cockroaches were on the ground. The floor bricks of the canteen were smashed with numerous cracks.

The people around you are chilling.

Flame Heaven’s Line…

The Origin Energy Technique, which claims to be able to penetrate the steel plate, was violently cracked?

Is that human being?

This fucking is clearly a humanoid tyrannosaurus!

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