“Model Analysis, start!”

“Card Modeling !”

“Card selected – Medium-level Origin Energy Transition Technique !”


“Card selection completed ……Intermediate Foundation Fighting Technique …Model Analysis…the model is being built…Card Model is built…”

Su Hao stepped on the body of the sky, his eyes glowing with cold light.

Quiet terrifying around.

Only in the distant pool, the water of the drip is heard and clearly audible in the canteen.

Every once in a while, when everyone thought that Su Hao was quiet, he would always have a strong Strength, which shocked everyone. This time, the freshman of the carrier E-class Origin Energy Innate Talent once again shocked everyone!

E-level Innate Talent?

No potential?

Trash one?

Who dares to say such a thing!


Looking at Su Hao, everyone was a little curious when they were surprised. When I was eating in the cafeteria, I came in inexplicably. When I came up, I would stop it in the sky. What is his purpose?

For a long time, Su Hao slowly got up and took a picture and pulled him up.

Yu Tian stood up a little dizzy, and expression was a bit stunned.

what’s the situation?

He lost! The strongest Origin Energy Technique was cracked and Su Hao’s strength was beyond his imagination. However, this Su Hao just finished playing with him, he thought it would be a humiliation, the winner ridicule the loser is always a common thing, especially between the Repeater and Freshmen.

But Su Hao instead pulled him up and did something?

“Battle of Glory is the purpose of the Battle of Glory! school to stimulate our competition, not to really make us vengeful. Don’t do anything that bullies Freshmen. If it’s true, Battle of Glory is going to fight again!” Su Hao shook his head with some sorrow, then turned and left.

Li Xin the fox exploits the tiger’s raised his fist and followed eagerly.

Leaving a group of students who suddenly realized.

Sure enough!

This Su Hao is for Freshmen!


Think about it too, because the Battle of Glory’s defeat is too serious, these Repeater, for Freshmen, are too embarrassing. No, the other party quickly found the door.

Yu Tian looked at the direction of Su Hao’s departure, and he squeezed his fist.

“Battle of Glory…very good, the next Battle of Glory, I will beat you!”

Just walked out of the cafeteria.

Li Xin said excitedly: “Boss, what you said just now, looks very powerful.”

Su Hao rolled his eyes. “You can also believe in their words. According to psychological analysis, on such occasions, it can be rationalized to reduce hatred to a minimum.”

“I want to lower it.”

Li Xin didn’t understand very much. “Every day, there are people who play more fun.”

Su Hao: “…”

“Yang Baiming didn’t look for you?”


Li Xin said disdainfully, “defeated, I have been looking for me a few times, too lazy to take care of him.”


Su Hao mourned for Yang Baiming.

Since Yang Baiming was attacked by Insta-kill ten times by Li Xin, he planned to find Li Xin revenge. However, what made him almost crazy was that Li Xin didn’t take any action at all! In Li Xin’s statement, that is, competition defeated, no time to play with you. Yang Baiming was almost crazy after hearing it.

Losing to Li Xin became the biggest stain of his semester.

If it is for other people, just get some public opinion attacks and force him to fight once. But Li Xin…he cares about that stuff?

No matter what Yang Baiming said, there will always be only one reply.

Joking defeated ……

Poor baby.

Leaving the canteen, the time for the Structure Model tender was still early, and Su Hao simply started the culture at school. The Medium-level Origin Energy jump book just got started and immediately started the sprint.

For him now, Two Stars Card is no longer a problem.

Three days time, passing by.


In the dormitory, Su Hao sits cross-legged, as if the old man was in the room.

However, it is abrupt.

Su Hao suddenly opened his eyes, a golden light flashed through his eyes, and the horrible Origin Energy developed from his body and shook the surrounding things.

If you look closely, you can see the color of surprise in Su Hao’s eyes.

“It is!”

After 3曰, read the Card and finish!


There was a roar in my mind, and countless pieces of knowledge flashed in my mind.

Medium-level Origin Energy Transition Technique’s Cultivation cultivation technique… The time of Culture in the balance… The habit of Culture in the balance… The things that should be noticed during the period of the Culture… Some small tips…Medium-level Origin Energy Transition The fusion of Technique and Primary Level Origin Energy Transition Technique…

Countless data and pictures flash back.

Su Hao blessed the soul and started the culture according to the memory in my mind!

Sitting cross-legged, around the circle of Origin Energy rays of light flashing, rays of light, Between Heaven and Earth, the scattered Origin Energy Aura, seems to be swarming at this moment!





Within the body Origin Energy

Berserk’s Origin Energy Aura, centered on Su Hao, rotates like a whirlpool. After 3 hours, Su Hao opens his eyes again.

Medium-level Origin Energy Transition Technique,Cultivation Success!

“hu ——”

Su Hao took a long breath.

Induction of a guilty Origin Energy, more than three times more than the last time!

Medium-level Origin Energy Transition Technique, 150 points, covering the 100 points of Primary Level Origin Energy Transition Technique, and increasing 50 points! Adding Su Hao’s original 1560 score, the total score has reached 1610 points, and Origin Energy Force officially entered 16.

Origin Energy Force, 16.1 points!

In just a short 3 day, the Medium-level Origin Energy Transition Technique Cultivation is completed. If the students in the school know it, I am afraid it will be shocked!

“Very good, Origin Energy Force is booming again and can start.”

Su Hao recalled, and then with the slightest hesitation, this with the the only Zhang San Star Card, launched the impact!

Card Reading !


Origin Energy within within the body rushed toward the Card like crazy.

It has more than tripled the Origin Energy, and it can’t hold the Three Stars Card reading. The consumption is very scary. Su Hao within the body has gone halfway to Origin Energy, but there is no change at all on the Three Stars Card!

so horrible!

Fortunately, Su Hao has long anticipated this scene.

Because he studied Medium-level Origin Energy Transition Technique, not for that total. Card Reading’s consumption is continuous, and the most important thing is – recovery speed! The completion of the Medium-level Origin Energy Transition Technique has not only increased the number, but also the speed of Origin Energy recovery, which is several times faster than before! This means that Su Hao reads the time of this card and shortens it several times.




Su Hao silently watched the consumption of the body Origin Energy until the 90% consumed by Origin Energy. When he was almost exhausted, he looked at the progress of the Three Stars Card and then compared the remaining Origin Energy in the bottom. Then look at the Origin Energy recovery speed, and soon, the general time has been calculated.

Seven days!

The reading of this Zhang San Star Card takes seven days!

“Seven days…”

Su Hao silently counted, within his tolerance.

These days, he can just consolidate the Medium-level Origin Energy Transition Technique that he just learned. Now he has just learned, mastery, and a lot of time! This requires him to slowly learn and comprehend. After all, this is something of someone else. If you want Perfect, you have to understand it and become your own!

In addition, you can learn some of the model knowledge to make the basic knowledge more solid. He learned a lot from Architectural Studio at From the Stars. Because of the contact with the same type of Origin Energy, he was deeply touched and gained a lot. Whether it is Embodiment Transformation or deduction, it will be a milestone.

“The same type of contact, it really helps to enhance the strength.”

Su Hao exclaimed.

Several people in studio have benefited him a lot, others in the construction industry?

He is looking forward to it!

At this moment, his wrist shocked, Light Screen beat, and a message flashed out, “Su Hao, afternoon 14: 00 is about to start, come and gather. – byLin Yue.”

Jianghe City, downtown.

In the 38 floor of Qingfeng Building, there is a hall like an auditorium with a wide podium. Below is a neatly arranged seat for each and everyone.

This is the standard form of the Auction Model tender.

Within the hall splendorous and majestic, the gentle light illuminates every part of the hall.

The Structure Model of this tender is the villa of the deputy mayor of Jianghe City. The important surnames are extraordinary and the participants are naturally numerous. After the first wave of elimination, 5 studios were selected to participate. This is nothing wrong, but what is amazing is that there is one in the studio of this tender – One Star!

One Star studio !

What is that concept?

Although the specifications given by the Origin Energy Association at that time were widely circulated in the construction industry. When this new studio is Two Stars, One Star studio is basically a pure unlicensed shop!

And such a studio, even participated in the tender of the villa model of the deputy mayor… Suddenly surprised countless people, even when the studio list was posted, even the newspaper was alarmed. When the news of the ocean was released, it sensationalized the entire construction industry!

Because this time in the screening, there are several Three Stars studio have been smashed down, Two Stars studio, I do not know how much was lost. Even, there is a Four Stars studio, and because of the style and the mayor’s requirements, it was PASS on the spot.

In such a rigorous screening, One Star went up?

The bonfire of the raging fire began to burn.

The so-called experts in groups began to criticize, began to blame, and began to discredit in various ways.


Background ?

One gossip message suddenly attracted the attention of countless people, and in the increasingly fierce storm, this One Star studio, but no one appeared, seems to disdain to explain, angered many people.

So today, on such an occasion.

In addition to the experts and deputy mayors of the Institute of Architects, there are a large number of news reporters and onlookers in the construction industry. They want to see, this is the sacred One Star studio.

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