Natural Selection Campus.

In the cafeteria, in front of a table, several Repeaters are eating and shouted, excited to celebrate. Do not blame them for being happy, today their boss, Yu Tian, ​​actually rushed to the Ferocious Beast Domain 4000 meters! It’s natural to celebrate the seizure of a generous Task Score.

Ferocious Beast Domain This stuff sometimes has to rely on luck.

If you are very bad luck encountering the wandering Ferocious Beast, don’t say 4000 meters, 1000 meters may be killed on the spot, this time, Yu Tian can successfully impact 4000 meters, in addition to their own strength, it is really luck! After getting the reward, I took a few younger brothers and celebrated with great enthusiasm.

“Hah! ”

Yu Tian’s face was flushed and excited. “With this number of Task Points, I can buy High-level Origin Energy Transition Technique! Let’s release it today, I invite you!”

“Hehe, at the level of the boss, now there is the former 10 in the Repeater.” A younger brother praised.

“Where is it.”

There is some pride in expression between the expressions of the sky. “Now 16 points Origin Energy Force, I am still far away, but this is not necessarily the case after the Culture. The former 10 name of the Repeater, I can definitely rush. !”

“That is, don’t look at who the boss is.”

The Repeater starts.

A group of people were drinking and didn’t notice that they were already eyeing.

At the entrance of the cafeteria, the two teenagers looked at the group of Repeaters indifferently.

“Boss, you said, what should I say?”

Li Xin said with enthusiasm, looking at Yu Tian, ​​his eyes appeared a strong War Intent!

Su Hao dumbfounded laughed.

Li Xin This guy is really energetic!

It is a dangerous surname for people who are similar to themselves to Origin Energy Force, or who have too many differences with themselves. Su Hao has been exposed several times! However, the first few times were debunked by Teacher or the elders, but it was all right. And if it is exposed by the students, it will be troublesome.

So, no matter from which point of view, Su Hao can’t take risks.

After thinking about it, Su Hao decided to start with his own family. It is a pity that after asking a few people he is familiar with, he can only help but smile.

They are all out of the Task!

Yiran went out, and as a result, Zhou Wang and Bai Lingfeng seem to have all gone out to do Task.

Only one after another is only Li Xin, but unfortunately, his Origin Energy Cultivation has only reached the Primary Level Origin Energy Transition Technique, just like him…so, under the pressure, he can only be shot to others. .

Just for the sake of security and concealing the surname.

Su Hao decided to use another way to get the other’s ability, and that is — do it first. If you are not strong, do you have any detection skills? If you squirm down, you will directly stun it. If you slowly acquire skills, you will not be able to do it.


The goal of Medium-level Origin Energy Transition Technique is well locked, from the top to bottom of the Repeater. Therefore, no time is used, this Repeater called Yu Tian, ​​was easily swept out by Su Hao. With the goal, the plan can be executed, but although he is confident that he can be solo duel, it is sometimes unwise for a person to pick a group.

So at this time, he needs a downtime… a Perfect teammate.

And this candidate is Li Xin.

For Li Xin, Su Hao didn’t have any concealment. He told him directly that he was ready to find a Repeater. Let him come over and help out. After Li Xin’s classmates heard it, they immediately rushed over and did not consider the issue of xxx. Or, this kind of problem is not a realm with him.

After several contacts between Li Xin and the Repeater, Su Hao had to admit that Li Xin was a personal talent.

The powerful Unstable Explosion will not be said for the time being. What shocked Su Hao most is that Li Xin is definitely the kind of person who comes with a mocking aura, hateful dragging!

This kind of character, if it is in the online game, it is a God Level tank!

“Boss, how do you get it?”

Li Xin said excitedly.

Su Hao patted his shoulder. “Don’t worry, you will perform as if you were doing it.”

“Nature performance?”

Li Xin scratched his head in confusion, and then reacted. “Just as long as usual, it’s too simple! The boss can rest assured.”

After that, the two went to the restaurant and attracted many people’s attention.

Li Xin, Su Hao.

No matter which one, in Freshmen, it is a famous person. Li Xin’s Origin Energy Innate Talent and the recent time of advanced by leaps and bounds have made many people feel jealous. The absolute strength of Su Hao and the rumors of the previous time are also extremely frightening. A student with a full physical fitness score is definitely terrifying.

Almost just stepping in, the two attracted everyone’s attention.

Because at this time, the people found that the two men went in the direction of heaven. Yu Tian, ​​one of the Repeaters, ranks around 30, and now the Origin Energy Force 16 point is also an impressive achievement. The next year, War College, is likely to have one of his places.

At this time, what did Su Hao look for in the day?

Everyone subconsciously held their breath.

“Yu Tian?”

Su Hao smiled and reached out. “Hello, I am Su Hao.”

Yu Tian sneered, “The relationship between Freshmen and the review students is not good enough to eat together. If you have anything to say, let me know! I have to see what tricks you have to play.”

Su Hao shrugged.

Sure enough.

The stereotype between Repeater and Freshmen is very deep!

Looking at Yu Tianxin’s vigilance to the extreme, very watchful to look at himself, Su Hao only smiles, this situation, like starting Model Analysis, the estimated surviving rate is very high.

“You call it heaven?”

Su Hao didn’t talk, Li Xin stretched out his head. “Very strange name, I bought a jade stone called Yutian Stone in front of us. It’s very beautiful. It’s a pity, then when I have a bowel movement. I was accidentally dropped into the toilet, and I didn’t want to fish it.”

At the beginning of the day, I still felt good. I laughed a few times. When I heard the back, especially the last two sentences, my face suddenly became stiff and the whole face suddenly fell.


Yutian Stone?


Yu Tian would like to point his nose to cursed stopped, but looking at Li Xin’s incomparable eyes, he began to doubt again. Could it be that he misunderstood?

“Hehe, I don’t think Li has this leisure time.”

Yu Tian pretend to be in a tranquil voice.

“No, that Yutian stone, I sent it when I bought the toilet brush.” ​​Li Xin scratched his head. “That Boss said, this jade stone stone can detoxify something, I will throw it in the toilet and let it detoxify. Who knows, when I went to the toilet last time, I was washed away accidentally.”


I twitched at the corner of the mouth.

“Why don’t you believe it.” Looking at Yutian’s expression, Li Xin suddenly felt that her knowledge was questioned, and suddenly she was angry. “I said it is true. Although it was lost, but what detoxification effect? Really good. Buy a piece of Yutian and throw it in the toilet to keep the bathroom fresh.”

“pu ——”

The crowd finally couldn’t help but laughed out insanely.

Yu Tian’s face became iron and blue, and looking at an innocent Li Xin, he only felt that all the anger had emerged. When was he so insulted?



You fucker !

Su Hao blew his nails and looked at the sky silently. I said that it was coming… This product is really a mocking aura… and it is still Complete Level.

The most boring thing is that if Su Hao didn’t guess wrong, Li Xin said, the cliff is the truth!

Let him lie and estimate it.

In other words, the young boy of this two, really took the Yutian stone bubble toilet to go?

The world is big, it really is nothing!

Su Hao was once again shocked by the Worldview of the second-year boy.

“Boy, are you deliberately looking for something?”

Yu Tian looked gloomy and coldly looked at Li Xin. For this second child, he also heard a little. In his memory, this boy is a brain, as long as he ignores it. But today, the boy who was crowned with a brain-destroyed title was so ironic about him.

It is unbearable!

This goods must be loaded!

At the bottom of the heart, he snarled and looked at Li Xin, his face, and his face was blue.

“Retract your words, I will spare you a life!”

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