“Okay, I will be back in three days!”

Su Hao said with confidence.

“Well, remember to be on time,” Lin Yue said. “I will send you the address and time in the future. The rest of the work, I can do it with Hu Pai.”

“it is good!”

Su Hao said that he was gone.

The work of Architectural Studio is inherently free, as long as the Task is completed within the standard time. For the pipeline type of work, it is even easier. In addition to the service industry, 8 hours of work a day is very rare. The Era of Origin Energy, to a large extent, has greatly improved its work efficiency.

Without the threat of Ferocious Beast, this is definitely the best Era!

After leaving the studio, Su Hao pondered for a moment.

Where do you go to the Medium-level Origin Energy Transition Technique?

The appearance of the Three Stars Card made him feel very irritated, and I can’t wait to learn the Medium-level Origin Energy Transition Technique immediately, and then get this Card!

That is the Three Stars Card!

That is a deduction!

After seeing the deduction in the 阎霄, Su Hao has deeply grasped the terrifying of this guy. If he can master this guy and successfully apply it to the battle, his strength will rise geometrically! It is unceremonious to say that this is another opportunity for Su Hao to rise before the distant Embodiment Transformation!

Be sure to get it as soon as possible.

Who else in the school has mastered the Medium-level Origin Energy Transition Technique?

Open the Natural Selection Class address book and Su Hao rummaged through the Light Screen. Soon, a name came into view.

Su Hao’s eyebrows rose slightly, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Jianghe City, downtown.

In the middle of the month of 11, it has already entered the winter.

However, although the weather has cooled, the bustling crowds in the entire Jianghe City are still wearing singles. If you look closely, you will find that the warm and comfortable clean air floats slowly from under the city. There is only one reason, Origin Energy drives, heating throughout the city!

For the Ordinary people who are not out of town, a set of clothes is the four seasons.

On the street in the city center, a young man in a white casual wear walked easily and casually. In his thirties, his mouth was in a small tune, and he looked like a slinger, and he didn’t match the delicate and pretty appearance. At first glance, it is completely a bohemian second ancestor.

The young people walked out about 100 meters and paused a little before a window.


A coin of one dollar fell from him and landed.

The coins landed, and gu lu slid toward the back.

Behind it, a teenager in his teens hurriedly walked and looked at the coin that had rolled down to the heel. The corner of his mouth showed a disdainful expression, and he flew straight out.


The coins flew away and landed on the heavy locomotive Passageways not far away.

This is the passage for heavy-duty cargo. Hovercar has limited load-bearing capacity, and heavy items can still be transported only on the ground. The heavy-duty locomotive Passageways is specially developed for freight.

“father, money!”

On the side of the road, a three- or four-year-old child saw the coin falling on the ground, suddenly showing the expression of excitement, and screaming at the small head and ran over. Father, who is on the phone, turned his head and saw this scene, but it was complexion greatly changed. I saw a cargo truck on Passageways, telling it.

“Not good !”

The child’s father turned pale and suddenly rushed over and wanted to push his son away. However, the truck had already rushed over and there was no time to dodge.


The child father subconsciously hugged his son and closed his eyes.



A strange brake sounds, the child father can even feel the strong wind of the assaults the senses, it seems that the next moment, he will be strangled by the truck on the spot, smashed into pieces.


The strong wind bruised the face, the child’s father eyes opened, but the surprise found that at the crucial moment, the truck turned the steering wheel very fast, followed by father and son.

Lived down!

The child father hurriedly looked at the truck.

I saw that the truck that had turned over the head rushed out of Passageways and rushed straight to the store next to the street. Countless people stunned.


After a series of sprints, the speed of the truck has already dropped, and it directly hit the water pump on the side of the road. The red pump will hold the truck dead.

The truck stopped!

No one is hurting!


The child father is surprised and said that if there is a human life, he also has a certain criminal responsibility, and it is absolutely best to solve Perfect.

This driver is simply too wit!

In the past, the driver was pulled out and praised for applause!

However, no one noticed that when the pump was flushed, the red metal cover was under the impact of this, and it was rising!


Like a brilliant fireworks.

The people who are praising the driver, surprised to find that in the sky, a Hovercar flying over the suspended track, an instant explosion, with a raging fire, rushed to the next side of the Haitian Building.

Inside the Haitian Building.

A middle-aged Fatty, his face is stunned against a group of dark-faced subordinates. “You idiots! This month’s performance? Performance? Where did his mother go? And you two women, long beautiful Can the performance be 0? The main point is not? The company raises you to eat dry food? If not, it will go out next month! The company does not raise the useless vase!”

Fatty stared at each and everyone, not dare to look at his subordinates, and his heart was very proud.

The two idiot women… don’t know where this is?

He is a deignified deputy general manager! Isn’t it just for the two girls to sleep with them, not even willing, joking, no Origin Energy Innate Talent, except for the face, what is left? In addition to accompanying sleep, is there any value of utilization? This time, watching the two girls come to him at night.

Looking at the expression that the two women obviously began to hesitate, Fatty was more proud, his face slowed down and looked at the two women. “You two, write a review, and I will go to the office with me.”

The two women were white and bowed their heads.


Fatty said with a big smile, looking at the two women’s crispy chest, as long as the evening, you can follow the two girls to bump the phoenix, Ha Ha!

When he was proud, Fatty suddenly saw the color of horror and fear from the eyes of two women.



That’s right!

Fatty is proud, this is the dignity of my deignified deputy manager!


Behind the sudden burst of sound, Fatty felt inexplicably felt a shadow of darkness, and then a powerful impact came from behind, the whole person suddenly suffered a sharp pain, and then vacated.


Fatty’s body was slammed into the wall of the building.


A violent explosion came again, and the horrible explosion of Yu Wei swept around. Everyone was afraid of lying on the ground, avoiding this inexplicable raid. However, the two women who climbed on the ground, while being frightened, had a glimpse of a glimpse.

This scourge colleague guy is dead!

On the 16 floor of the Haitian Tower, the uncontrolled Hovercar blasted a huge hole and the scene was a chaos. Under the building, everyone was inexplicably looking at the fireworks rising above, and did not know what happened.

Only at the corner of this street, you can see a young man leaving leisurely, completely do not care what happened, staring at a cheerful little tune, seems to be in a good mood.

At this time, inside a mysterious Killer Organization.

An assassination Task, marked as the deputy manager of Haitian Building, and an accidental Task, the chairman of the Red Maple Enterprise, disappeared at the same time!

In general, the disappearance of the Task list means that the Task is complete!

The police who heard the news quickly launched an investigation, but they found nothing. In the end, it only boils down to the fact that Hovercar has been out of control for a long time.

This accident led to the chairman of Red Maple and the deputy manager of Haitian Group.

It is said that because of this incident, the entire Jianghe City, all the rich are crazy to send their own Hovercar to check. Hovercar repair shop, made a lot of money!

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