“Good terrifying ability!”

This is Su Hao’s first reaction. If this ability is used in combat, it can predict others’ reactions in advance, step by step, isn’t it invincible? This is completely different from his half-hanging Prediction Model, which is really true deduction and prediction!


This is the second reaction of Su Hao.

Because he remembered this time, the Ecological derivative can only be used on these tiny models, belonging to the Origin Energy Innate Talent of life. I want to use the Ecological derivative to complete a super-powerful battle. The Origin Energy that I consume is probably not supported in this life.

In fact, if you think about it, if you can use it in combat, this Origin Energy Innate Talent may have been rated above B and above.

However, it doesn’t work, it doesn’t mean he can’t.

Su Hao has a flash of light in his eyes. If he has such ability, even if he is better than the one he has, and has a huge support of Origin Energy, he can’t achieve prediction!

If you can master this…

Su Hao thought a little fanatically and suddenly found that some atmosphere was some right, Lin Yue and Hu Pai looked at him with a strange look. His face turned white and he took a few steps. “That… Su Hao, you If you are interested in men…that, I recommend the head of the room, oh…”


Lin Yue’s eyes were locked in a cold light.


Su Hao almost bleeds!

Don’t you read it for a while, your sister!

The people of this studio, how are everyone and everyone trained by Lin Yue are so nervous!

Su Hao is speechless.

However, this snoring has allowed him to come out of the illusion that he had just dreamed of, and he has to be realistically supported. Model Analysis is all-inclusive, but a single development may be slower than squatting, let alone prediction.

Su Hao sighs, “Hey, all the professional derivatives of the Professional can do this level?”

“How can it be!”

阎霄said with a sneer, “Their ecological derivative must always be promoted. After I finish it, I only need to use the Origin Energy closure to save it. It is absolutely unique. Because of this, I was invited by the Architectural Studio with the snow… ”

He said halfway, suddenly feels wrong, and quickly shuts up.

Lin Yue, the pupil shrinks, “Hey, what was invited before, is the Architectural Studio with the snow?”

That is dignified Five Stars studio!

Top-level signboards for the construction industry!

In this case, he even went to the time when the studio could not pay the salary, and then asked for the request to go. Lin Yue suddenly felt that this room chief was really unqualified.


I scratched my head, and I was awkward. “That, the head of the room, that’s all gone. It’s just past this time. From the Stars studio, it’s also awesome Three Stars studio.”

Lin Yue patted his shoulder, nod point nod, “Well, this time we will be able to survive!”


Su Hao gave them a glance and didn’t say anything.

He is still thinking about the problem just now, and there are many kinds of Origin Energy Innate Talent that can achieve the ecological derivative step. Only one person can deduct… So, the ecological derivative of this domain is definitely a certain achievement. This deduction is due to the inclusion of Innate Talent itself?

Su Hao recalled the Card I just saw.

Origin Energy Innate Talent: Model Manipulation

Innate Talent role: You can use Origin Energy to manipulate the model!

Judging level: D level.

This is the origin of Origin Energy Innate Talent, a D-class judging standard, an equally weak Origin Energy Innate Talent, with many shortcomings and many problems, no different from Ordinary’s Ecological derivative class Origin Energy. With such ability, how can he control the high-end computing power?

Su Hao raised the question, and then he realized it and explained it to him.

In fact, nothing surprising.

For the Ordinary Origin Practitioner, Origin Energy is the place to raise the strength. After completing a Task a few years ago, it received an opportunity to personally teach the Ecological derivative Grandmaster. I also seized the opportunity and quickly improved. In the ecological derivative step, I took another big step!

“originally is this way !”

Su Hao blinked bright light in his eyes.

For the Grandmaster-class Task, their favorite Task Reward is personal guidance. In the first place, you can save a lot of effort, let countless people compete, and complete the Task as soon as possible. Second, they have not wanted to see if there is a chance to meet the appropriate discipline. Of course, all of Zen Zongtian’s time is experimental, except for those who are too lazy to teach others.

Ecological derivative Grandmaster ……

Everyone has their own field of specialisation, and this sentence is true.

Any line, as long as you work hard, will eventually become the leader of this industry. For this major event, which is dedicated to the ecological derivative, the analysis of the deductive model is nothing but drizzle. However, because the difficulty is too high, very few people master it. I am very honored to drop out of school.

According to Zhai’s instructions, the Grandmaster taught him at the time, a Cultivation cultivation technique called Model Rehearsal.

After a few days of crazy study, after returning, he spent three years of time before he was able to get started. With some minor achievements, he officially entered the construction industry. Otherwise, with his D-level Origin Energy Innate Talent, even if it is barely coming in, it is just the kind of low ranking/robtail tail.

“so amazing!”

Looking at the arrogant expression, Su Hao boasted in his heart, his face opened with a smile, and the blue light flashed across his eyes. A path of strange rays of light has shrouded.

Model Analysis, start!

Card Modeling !

Lock – model preview!


A model previewed Card was quickly collected and Su Hao quickly established the connection.

“Card selection completed…Primary Level model rehearsal…Model Analysis…the model is being built…Card Model is set up…”

To be honest, as the strength of the people grow stronger. Every time Su Hao uses Model Analysis, he can see a lot of special-purpose cards that are useless to him, such as Sun Yaotian’s iron element Essentials. If it is not Introduction, he will probably miss this model. Rehearsing Card.

Card Reading is done soon.

When Su Hao was excited and looked at the new gray Card in the mind, it was a tremor, and the whole person was in the same place.

Name: Primary Level Model Rehearsal

Rating: 3 Star

Introduction : Created by the model Grandmaster, the model is customized for the deductive analysis, which fits the Model Class’s Origin Energy Innate Talent and can be used to perform the Ecological derivative system. ”

I am second time!

This… this is… Three Stars Card?

Three Stars Card !

Su Hao was completely shaken.

This is the first time he saw the Three Stars Card, even the Body Forging Technique and Fighting Essence. This powerful and horrible cultivation technique at the school’s 3000Task Points is just a Two Stars Card. Right now, he sees the Three Stars Card from the Ordinary’s Ecological derivative Professional!


Absolute surprise!

The Two Stars Card is so powerful, what about the Zhang San Star Card?

Su Hao resisted the excitement and conducted Card Reading.


Just as the mind moved, a horrible suction rushed, with the body O’s Origin Energy instantly rushed toward the only Three Stars Card, and then stopped abruptly.

Su Hao was stunned.

For a long time, the expression on the face was a bitter smile, Origin Energy, even empty!

Since the assistance of Primary Level Origin Energy Refinement and Medium-level Origin Energy Control, Origin Energy consumption has been reduced to less than 10%, and it is completely self-sufficient to face Two Stars Card, no problem. However, at this time, facing the Three Stars Card, which was first met, it was still squeezed in an instant.

For a moment.

Su Hao seems to be back to the time when Origin Energy was extremely hungry.

It’s not enough!

Is it necessary to passively upgrade the Origin Energy Transition Technique?

Su Hao has a heart, if it is normal, he naturally does not have such great energy to improve Origin Energy, which has little effect on the combat power, but at this time, under the stimulation of this Zhang San Star Card, he is fighting high spirits!

Medium-level Origin Energy Transition Technique, rushing!

“Lin Yue, When will the Structure Model tender meeting be held?”

“Three days later!”

Lin Yue replied, this Task, in fact, gave a full 10 day! But because of this, their madness, this extremely difficult Task, was completed in just one week, but left a full 3 day time. For the remaining 3 days, it is enough to equip the Structure Model with security devices.

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