Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Chapter 860: Ling Tian Jian Jue

The snow is fluttering and the north wind is bitter.

Under the onlookers of twenty weird silver-white soldiers and more than ten special forces, Li Yun and Sanyang Zhenren stood facing each other on the thin ice in the center of the lake.

Compared with before, after adjusting the breath, the real Sanyang has faded from the previous embarrassment. He devoted himself to the battle and exuded a strong fighting spirit. It was the spirit of an innate master, which made Captain Gu almost Everyone looked at him solemnly.

The real Sanyang at this moment is not easy to deal with!

"Boy, do you know why my school is called Ling Jianlou?" A gleam flashed in the eyes of the real person Sanyang, and he shouted in a cold tone.

"I would like to hear the details." Li Yun responded lightly.

"The sword is a soldier of hundreds of battles, but the Lingjian Tower is still on top of the sword. You can manipulate the long sword in your hand as you like. The world can't dare to fight, it's Lingjian!"

Riding the sword and sweeping the army.

Li Yun smiled and said, "That is to say, your swordsmanship in Ling Jianlou is the best in the world?"


The real man of Sanyang showed his face, "My Lingjianlou's swordsmanship "Lingtian Sword Jue" is famous for its powerful swordsmanship. The world is unstoppable, and the sky can kill!"

"It's a day to kill!"

Li Yun knew that Madam Sanyang was shocked by the self-confidence he had shown before, and he wanted to make a round and save some information.

Unfortunately, Li Yun would not give him this opportunity.

"My swordsmanship and skills are nothing special."

Li Yun smiled faintly: "Swordsmanship is nothing but a trail to me. For me, any move can be seen at a glance and can be handled as I want."

"Hahaha, a joke! Do you think you have reached the pinnacle of swordsmanship?"

"Well, not far from it."

Seeing that he couldn't shake his heart, Sanyang Zhenren's face was not pretty, so the other party was so confident to defeat him?

In the early stage of the innate period, the Jinzhen Swordsman who defeated the middle stage in the innate period may be really capable...

"Oh, by the way, I only learned swordsmanship for half a day, and I haven't practiced it any other time."

"Just studied for a long time..."

But defeated Jinzhen Swordsman!

Madam Sanyang almost vomited blood, how could there be such a powerful guy, why have never heard of it before?

He began to regret knowing Li Yun's name, and didn't find his information from the school.

"As for my practice," Li Yun smiled: "It's called "Yunyue Heart Method". You may not have heard of it, but it's normal, because it was just created a few days ago. It's called Murongqing. The beautiful woman of the moon created for me, she is the strength of innate consummation."

"Murong Qingyue, Huaxia Shuang Jue Shu?!"

"Innate Consummation..."

Zhenren Sanyang's face was so gloomy as the weather at the moment, the strength of innate consummation was amazing enough, and it was also a technique specially created for Li Yun, and the strangeness of it was even more indescribable.

Innate consummation can already be called a famous jianghu sect, enough to open a neutral school, one person is enough to overwhelm most jianghu sects, and his reputation will never be lower than that of his Ling Jianlou's arm holding Duan Kaitian.

Li Yun smiled and said: "How, do you still have the confidence to beat me?"

Both sides wanted to overwhelm each other with aura before the battle, but in the end, Li Yun was still better, using his talent and the strength of the eldest lady to defeat the real Sanyang.

"Little white face, the hair is not even, but she has a bit of skill with her teeth and sharp mouth."

Madam Sanyang calmed down, holding a long sword across his chest, and said in a cold tone: "I want to see if the kung fu in your hands is as good as your tongue!"

"bring it on!"

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