Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Chapter 859: You win by crossing the lake

Looking at this little girl, Sanyang Zhenren thought with a gloomy face, maybe this little girl could use it for him.

Everyone came out of the broken door, and immediately ran over to Captain Gu's other team members from a distance. Except for some who went to investigate Liwei Company, the rest were all there.

"Is this?" The first time I saw these two-meter-high special forces covered in silver and white metal, they were very surprised and couldn't help but asked.

"Soldier for semi-biochemical and semi-mechanical combat, code name: S-1." A special fighter who followed Captain Gu said braggingly: "One of our trophies!"

"Damn, awesome!"

Li Xiaoai looked over. Although his face was expressionless, the flaunting soldier immediately woke up and said with a smile: "It's not a trophy, it's a soldier controlled by Li Xiaoai, holding a laser weapon, very powerful!"

Originally, Xiao Ai would never take Li Yun's risk. Li Yun calmed down for a while before reluctantly letting go.

"Let’s not dare, let’s talk, how do you want to fight?!"

Madam Sanyang said impatiently in front of him, but he was thinking that as long as they fight, these soldiers will definitely not dare to shoot, and even if they can't catch this little white face as a hostage, they will be able to escape.

Li Yun smiled and walked forward to the lake, and everyone followed.

The two stood on the edge of a thin layer of ice, and Li Yun said loudly, "Just use this lake as the boundary. If you can cross the lake before I defeat you, I will stop immediately and you will win!"

"So courageous!"

The clay figurine still has three points of anger. At this moment, Li Yun looked down on him again and again, and Madam Sanyang couldn't help it anymore, and drew out his long sword angrily, "Come on, let me see how good your kid is!"

Captain Gu couldn't help saying, "Li Yun, you don't have a long sword, but a dagger. Can you do it?"

"Not enough, but well, it's more than enough to defeat the opponent!"

Li Yun said slowly, his expression was extremely relaxed and confident, making the heart of Sanyang real person sinking. Could this kid have any killer moves?

"Oh, by the way, I forgot to tell you that I have defeated the Jinzhen Swordsman, do you know this?"

Madam Sanyang's pupils shrank, and he lost his voice: "You are the white-faced butcher who killed the Qian family?!"

"White-faced butcher?"

Captain Gu and the others looked at each other, unexpectedly Li Yun still has this title in the arena!

"Mieman was joking, I'm just walking the way for the sky!"

Li Yun said calmly, it seems that the Qian family's affairs are really making a lot of trouble in the arena, and the people in the arena are very uncomfortable with him.

"Hmph, do you think you can defeat me by defeating Jinzhen Swordsman? Although he is in the middle congenital stage, he is only from a wild road, and is incomparable to me in Ling Jianlou!"

Having said that, Li Yun was obviously uncomfortable seeing his expression.

"Senior, I don't take advantage of you either. You spent a lot of infuriating energy before. Now you can rest to avoid making excuses if you lose."


Madam Sanyang is itchy with hatred, is this little white face so willing to beat him?

"Huh, you don't need to say!"

Madam Sanyang sat down angrily to adjust his breath, he had to adjust his state to the best.

Li Yun played with the dagger in his hand and waited.

It's strange to say that there is no cultivation technique under the innate nature, but after the innate qi, the human body can instead perform some cultivation techniques.

For example, Miss Murong cultivated the "Xianyu Heart Sutra", which has reached the sixth level, with the strength of innate consummation.

One step further is the seventh level, the realm of the master.

But it's a pity that even the Murong family doesn't have any information about the seventh floor, only the founder guesses what the realm of the master of innate is like.

After the eldest lady arrived at Innate Consummation, she concluded that the founder of this exercise was wrong, and the master was not like that at all.

As for Li Yun's current practice, the "Yunyue Heart Method" was created for him by the eldest lady and taught by herself.

Although the name is not very good, it comes from the hand of the congenital consummate eldest, and the effect is naturally extraordinary.

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