Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Chapter 861: Strong momentum (on)

The two stood on a lake full of broken ice flowers. A thin layer of broken ice is certainly impossible for ordinary people to stand, but the innate masters are barely able to walk on it freely by virtue of their true qi, and it does not consume any qi. Will be too much.

The premise is that infuriating energy must be run on the feet at all times.

The two sides stood still, the sky was floating with fine snowflakes, and the cold and solemn atmosphere was permeating.

Since the conversation between the two before, Captain Gu and others dare not speak again, for fear of interrupting their confrontation.

Overpowering others is another kind of battle.

As time passed, the two on the lake still didn't do anything.

They are all waiting, waiting for the other side to show the flaws in their actions first, or in other words, who is more unbearable and takes the initiative to attack.

The scene fell into weird for a while.

Number nine in the cold winter, snow flies.

Two warriors who were struggling with life and death stood on the surface of the lake. A group of onlookers and other'people' stood on the shore of the lake. They rose up into the sky, but no one started to attack.

"Senior, please enlighten me."

In the end, Li Yun opened his mouth to break the silence, and Wei Weiqian gave in.

But just as he said the first sentence, the moment his aura leaked out, the real Sanyang had already started to act.

He stepped on the ice fiercely, and the floating ice under his feet instantly exploded, and a wave of water spread out from the place he stepped on, shaking up countless small ice flowers and water drops.

The ripple is fast, and the real Sanyang is faster!

He raised his sword in front of him and stab at Li Yun, his figure was like a stream of light across the lake, and his true energy brought countless ice floes on the road.

"The sword stabbed the river!"

Just a simple sword, but with an indomitable momentum, like a heroic warrior with ten dead and no return, shrouded in horse leather, it stabs Li Yun directly.

Standing on the lake, Captain Gu and the others were shocked by this mighty sword. It was a sword that pierced the river. At this moment, the real Sanyang seemed to be able to break through the mountains and rivers with a single sword. Heartbroken.

The side was still like this, Li Yun, who was facing this daring spirit frontally, couldn't help but slow down his actions. For the first time, he didn't use the tip of the sword to face the attacking sword, but chose to avoid it by turning sideways.

"Hmph, I said how powerful this little white face is, it turned out to be nothing more than that!"

The real person of Sanyang is happy, Ling Jianlou's swordsmanship is just like that, with the help of the force, they can even kill a higher level enemy with one sword, as long as they can scare the opponent.

And Li Yun on the opposite side, wasn't he just frightened by his sword?

The sword of Sanyang Zhenren can be pierced from Li Yun's side. The true energy overflowed from the sword, cutting Li Yun's skin painfully, and a force burst out from the tip of the sword, breaking through the air. On the ice surface, with a bang, like a bomb exploded, it blasted the water on the ice surface to a height of several meters.

Everyone was dizzy and dizzy. It was indeed a congenital level contest. Every move was earth-shattering, and the momentum was extremely shocking.

Li Yun smiled bitterly, he still underestimated the people of the world, and he didn't think that Ling Jianlou really had some ability.

The sword moves straight forward, without any fancy.

But although the sword move was simple, the momentum was frightening. The first move forced him to be unable to respond. This was the first time Li Yun encountered this situation.

"Boy, die to me!!"

Sanyang Zhenren failed with a sword, but he was not disappointed. On the contrary, he raised his momentum again. With a strong wave, the sword swept across and cut it at Li Yun's waist.

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