Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Chapter 567: Advertising Director

"The beauty who played the guzheng last time is here again, this time the beauty actually lost!"

At 3 o'clock on Saturday afternoon, Liu Yang went to a famous domestic barrage website to watch the video. At first glance, he saw the first video recommended on the homepage.

Liu Yang, male, 28 years old, former advertising and creative director of a domestic listed company. As a full-time advertising creative, exposing many cultural trends is also part of his work.

Although he has resigned now, he has not found his next home yet.

"This title... is really grandstanding."

However, even though he despised it, Liu Yang clicked on it. After all, the videos on the homepage are a little bit explosive, except for those MMD videos that sell meat.

"Wait, playing Guzheng, is that the big beauty from "One Sword Jianghu Ming"?"

Liu Yang immediately remembered the orientation party of China Overseas University. The video at that time also caused a huge response on the bullet screen website. The beauty is also known as the beauty who plays the guzheng.

I clicked on the video and glanced at the introduction routinely. Liu Yang was startled, his eyes widened and said in surprise: "The press conference? Lu Ming? Xiao Yu? Yishanshan?! And the swordsman in black?"

A company's press conference actually invited so many big shots, which aroused his curiosity more and more.

"The beauty who plays the guzheng, I love you! In addition, I love you for the beauty who confesses her cool temperament!"

"I declare that these two are my wives, don't grab anyone!"

"666, there is actually a beautiful woman whose appearance is comparable to that of a guzheng-playing beautiful woman. The two beautiful women are still competing on the same stage. This is going against the sky!"

"After watching the video, I have no problem saying that the two are top beauties, but I strongly suspect that the beauties are too fake!"

"To be weak, I think my house is not bad."

Just as Liu Yang clicked on the video, a large number of densely populated barrage roared past. He had to block the barrage before continuing to admire the appearance of the two beauties, under the two top beauties. , Even he didn't notice, he actually ignored Yishanshan and Lu Ming beside him.

Originally Liu Yang went for the beauties, but he was quickly attracted by the games played by the two beauties.

"What kind of game is this? It looks interesting, so that's it, the press conference is for the release of this game!"

With his keen intuition, Liu Yang quickly realized that the game was good, and coupled with the reputation of people like Lu Ming and Yi Shanshan, this game could definitely explode.

With this in mind, the two in the video played to the fifteenth level. After passing, the speed of the two suddenly accelerated.

Liu Yang was shocked again. He watched the two people dancing with their fingers in the video and exclaimed: "I'm going, what speed is against the sky, two beauties, you are going against the sky!"

"Wait, it's all one-shot Samsung clearance? Is this game too simple, or are the beauties too powerful to figure out the track perfectly?"

After watching the wonderful operations of Xiao Jiayu and Missy, Liu Yang's heart was already shocked and numb. Is this still a human?

I clicked on the barrage to watch it again, and found that the audience almost always had the same feeling with him.

The operation of these two beauties is too bad!

Liu Yang sighed, the video in just a few minutes was too much, Lu Ming, Xiao Yu, two top beauties, one with a maid still in charge, big star Yishanshan, etc. Both are extremely eye-catching.

Coupled with the wonderful performance of these two beauties, if this company uses this as a gimmick for publicity, or simply launches a competition, I believe this game will immediately sell out, and this small company will soon become famous.

Sins and sins, he thought of his own job again.

However, Liu Yang's eyes lit up, "Wait, small company?!"

He quickly checked the current staff composition of Super Technology. It was very good. More than 20 people are all developers!

Liu Yang quickly changed into formal clothes, grabbed his resume and ran downstairs.

"Advertising director of Super Technology, I'm determined!"

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