Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Chapter 566: Target 1 billion downloads

When Wu Enguo called, Li Yun, Lu Ming and others were looking at data in the company.

Li Yun was a little embarrassed when he heard Lu Ming unabashedly praised himself on the phone.

"Who is calling?"

"Wu Enguo, also an expert in artificial intelligence, is a former colleague of mine, and he has no job now"


Li Yun's eyes lit up and looked at him with fiery eyes, "Would you like to invite him to our company?"

"Hahaha, now our company puts two top scientists, do you think it is possible?"

Lu Ming didn't blush even when he boasted.

"I think it's possible!"

If Li Yun had a little self-knowledge for the small company before, but after I invited Yi Shanshan and Lu Ming's hype, his confidence would swell!

"Look at the Apple Plus Valley Dog Store. Our company's games have been downloaded a million in just a few hours. It has now reached the top of the new game list. Isn't that enough?"

Hearing what Li Yun said, the employees around were also excited and excited. With such a huge download volume, I don't know how much it costs for a day's advertising!

Lu Ming smiled and said: "Millions of downloads, it sounds like a lot, but that's the case. Now I estimate that based on 10% retention, the daily advertising cost of the Android platform is only a little over 10,000, and the distance can afford Wu Enguo. This kind of scientist is almost far away!"

"What about 100 million downloads?"

"One billion?"

Lu Ming glanced at Li Yun, "You think it’s a long way to go. Today is the day with the most downloads. I guess it’s only 5 million downloads. If it lasts for two days at most, the downloads will drop. I guess. If you test this game, you can get 50 million downloads in one month. That's great. As a small game, we are absolutely successful!"

50 million downloads. Roughly speaking, the daily advertising can make about 500,000, which is really not bad.

Li Yun does not doubt what the system produces. The system says this game will be popular, so it will definitely be popular!

"What if more than half of the world's people download our games?"

"Half of the world...3.5 billion downloads!" Li Qiang said affirmatively: "There is no game that can do it before. Even if it is a national-level game on the island country, there may not necessarily be 1 billion people who have played it, about 800 million. Around. But even 800 million people are already a well-known game!

Moreover, it is not achieved by one game, but by multiple games in twenty years! "

Li Yun's employees all looked at the chairman in admiration. Apart from anything else, their daydreaming skills are full of points.

No one here believed Li Yun's words. Lu Ming smiled and said: "If half of the world downloads, I will personally invite Wu Enguo to join us. Of course, the premise is that he agrees, hahaha!"

Not to mention half of the people downloading it, it is more than 1 billion, this "Angry Chicken" is also enough to be called the first in history, I am afraid that only the ancient god-level Tetris can compare with it.

Wu Li silently forgot it. If 3.5 billion people download this game, even if half of it is on the Android platform, advertising alone can make 1,250w that day. This is a very scary figure. I'm afraid I really have to think about it. .

Li Yun smiled and said: "I dare not say half of them, but I think there are one or two billion people. As long as we promote it properly, more people will download it to play."

"I will also invite Wu Enguo with 1 billion downloads!"

Lu Ming proudly said: "There are really one billion downloads. This game is enough to become a super big IP, and the company's valuation will rise."

Lu Ming will personally pay attention to advertising matters. As for expenses, he will withdraw the money he has just made and spend while making money.

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